The Process Connect capability for IBM BPM is part of the IBM Business Operations Connect concept which includes IBM BPM and ODM.

It provides support and guidance to create decision based Swagger API’s and both provide and consume Managed APIs. It also provides entitlement to use IBM API Connect V5 Essentials as a supporting program to enhance the API capability in IBM BPM.

Finally it is part of the IBM Connect initiative to provide API support to unlock, transform and use the solutions you already have to make your cloud strategy a reality.

Process & Decision Connect

When should Process Connect be used ?

The following are examples of where Process Connect can be used

  • Provide a Central list of Managed Processes across the business to be easily introspected for asset and governance purposes.
  • Cloud based Systems of Engagement require integration with existing BPM based processes as APIs like Account Opening, Travel Booking
  • Cloud based Cognitive Applications require integration with existing BPM based processes as APIs like Account Opening, Travel Booking, Insurance Claims
  • Processes can consume internal or external services to implement process tasks as APIs like information access or retrieval APIs and cognitive APIs.

How can Process Connect be used to do this ?

BPM and Process Connect as an API Provider

For process catalogs and to unlock and exposing process based API’s to Cloud based Systems of Engagement, Cognitive Solutions, Composite APIs, processes running on IBM BPM need to be selected and published as API’s into a Managed API Catalog .
This allows them to be easily introspected.

Where the processes will be used in Systems of Engagement or Cognitive solutions or Composite APIs provide capabilities for Application Developers to view the inputs and outputs in detail, test the API’s and when an API is chosen, provide a way to subscribe to the API to obtain the correct security, authorization, rate of access so it can be enforced and monitored appropriately.

BPM and Process Connect as an API Consumer

Where BPM based processes need to consume API’s to take action or gain additional insight often with cloud based solutions, BPM Developers require the ability and tools to introspect APIs in an Managed API Catalog to select and use the most appropriate ones.

BPM Developers also require a method to subscribe to the API to obtain the correct security, authorization, rate of access so it can be enforced and monitored appropriately.

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    2 responses to “Process Connect”

    1. Pushpendra Saxena says:

      I am Process Technical Architect and would like to connect to this group.

      • Andy Ritchie says:

        Pushpendra, thank you for your interest. You can connect by just reading the content or requesting to publish articles of value. Its not a forum based community

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