Hiring tutorial > Create the user interface >

In this lesson, you use the process requirements to determine the user interface elements that you need to create and which ones you can reuse.

At the beginning of the tutorial, you reviewed the process requirements. In this lesson, you use the process requirements to plan your user interface pages.

In the process requirements, the hiring manager must prepare a position request. In the first page of the request, the hiring manager enters information that is common to both a new and existing position. This data includes information about the requisition and the position that must be filled including its qualifications.
Hiring manager's page 1 of the requisition with editable requisition data and position data

The hiring manager then goes to the next page of the job requisition. If the job requisition is for a new position, the hiring manager does not need to enter further data. This page contains the same data as the first page, but it is read only so that the hiring manager can review it before submitting the request. If the data is incorrect, the hiring manager goes to the previous page to correct the data and submit the request again.
Hiring manager's page 2a of the requisition with read only requisition data and position data

If the position request is for an existing position, the hiring manager confirms only the position data and enters the data of the person who currently holds the position.
Hiring manager's page 2b of the request with read only position data and editable person data

The general manager (GM) reviews the request if it is for a new position. All of the request information is read only. The GM must approve or reject the request. The GM can also add comments.
GM's page of the request with read only request data and position data

Now that you have the pages planned, you can examine them to determine whether you can reuse parts of the user interface, such as certain business objects. The following list describes what you can reuse:

  • In the requirements, the position type (new or existing) and position title are on every page. This information is the position data part of the request. The Position business object contains the information for this part of the user interface.
  • The remaining requisition information displays only when a job requisition is created or when the hiring manager or GM reviews a new position request. This information is the job requisition data part of the job requisition. The Requisition business object contains the information for this part of the user interface.
  • For existing positions, the hiring manager also enters data about the person. This information is the person data part of the request. The Person business object contains the information for this part of the user interface.


You analyzed the process requirements to identify the parts of the user interface. You also identified the elements that can be reused.

In the next lesson, you create the coach views for the position request data.

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