You can infuse cognitive capabilities to provide new actionable insights with rule based decisions to improve decision accuracy. Automation is a fundamental part of Cognitive solutions.
Here are some new articles that describe some of the use cases where we can see benefit and guidance on this topic.

Infuse cognitive applications using Watson Developer Services with ODM decision services

Cognitive Business Pattern – Intelligently automate self service
Capabilities – ODM Rule Service, Watson Personality Insights
This is a 2-part series highlights how rule-based decisions can be used with Personality Insights to create a simple, automated, job-matching function an as additional aid to HR staff

Infuse Watson IoT Foundation solutions with ODM decision services

Cognitive Business Pattern – Route Work automatically
Capabilities – ODM rule service, Watson IoT Foundation, Node RED, Watson Developer Services like Alchemy API (Sentiment)

Learn more:

    One response to “A developerWorks article guide to using ODM with Watson Cognitive services”

    1. […] Examples of decisions running on IBM ODM and used in CBO solutions are summarized in this article […]

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