Home Cloud Compliance ENS (Spain) IBM Cloud® compliance: ENS (Spain)
Illustration showing two people standing on platforms, with one person looking at a map display and the other regarding a security shield
What is ENS?

By provision of a Spanish law 11/2007, Spanish citizens have a legal right to access government services electronically. Governed by Royal Decree 3/2010, the Esquema Nacional de Seguridad (ENS) (National Security Framework) aims to establish a security policy for the use of electronic media. Inclusive of cloud computing services, ENS defines basic principles and minimum requirements for the protection of information.

The ENS' security provisions apply to government agencies and public organizations as well as to all cloud service providers that deliver offerings to those agencies and organizations.

-        View the IBM Cloud infrastructure ENS High certificate in Spanish
-        View the IBM Cloud infrastructure ENS High certificate in English

-        View the IBM Cloud Platform ENS High certificate in Spanish
-        View the IBM Cloud Platform ENS High certificate in English

IBM position

Adherence to ENS High enables a high level of cybersecurity measures—safeguarding against potential threats and vulnerabilities. By aligning with these comprehensive security guidelines, IBM Cloud demonstrates a commitment to protecting sensitive data, mitigating risks, and contributing to the larger national security agenda. This adherence is a strategic investment in establishing a robust and reliable cloud ecosystem that meets the rigorous standards set forth by the Spanish government for safeguarding critical information assets.

IBM Cloud services have received ENS High certification. IBM Service Descriptions (SDs) indicate if a given offering maintains ENS compliance status. Services below are assessed every two years by an independent assessor.

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