IBM Support

Fix list for Rational Programming Patterns

Product Documentation


This document contains a complete listing of releases, refreshes, fix packs and interim fixes sorted by version for IBM Rational Programming Patterns


Tab navigation

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Table of Contents: interim fix1 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH59026 Blockbase generation option COMMIT=YES inoperative
PH60735 Not able to change Table/View code in the -DR Line in Datablock design
Link Date Released Status

9.7.3 interim fix1 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH59026 Blockbase generation option COMMIT=YES inoperative
PH60735 Not able to change Table/View code in the -DR Line in Datablock design

Mod Pack 3 (9.7.3)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH52496 END-EXEC lines marked as specific code in unexpected situations
PH52466 Search of super references results are sometimes confusing
PH51998 RPP IDEA RPP-I-398 was marked delivered in 9.7 but can't be found
PH51995 CTRL-G short key is not opening the subfunction wizard
PH51356 Lines detected by a rule are not exported in .CSV
PH51130 Copy/paste of code behaves unexpectedly in specific circumstances
PH51123 Issue inserting GG Line tied to a DR Line of Table in Database Block Type Q2
PH50282 Wrong position in -LAL with redefined filler and OCCURS
PH50098 Modifying function type NONE(BL) to IT causes -900 labels loss
PH50084 New generation fails when COBOL source starts with free text
PH44451 Generation failure when FOSF column in -D of a Report contains 1 or 2 blanks
PH44442 The "MACRO CROSS REFERENCES" search label is not clear in French
PH43497 When redefining a Segment the position calculated by RPP is wrong
PH43320 Can't update function or sub-function title if name contains a period
PH41537 When using the function group relocation "UNHANDLED EVENT LOOP EXCEPTION"
PH41373 Generation error caused by filler REDEFINES

9.7.2 interim fix13 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH59026 Blockbase generation option COMMIT=YES inoperative

Table of Contents:

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI14646 Some huge programs (more than 60000 lines of code) could not be generated in RPP
PI14648 Dot missing in Working-Storage Section
PI14649 After import, Initial character on "continuation line" is missing (O-CE)
PI14650 MIAM - Problem on Call of Help Text on Data Element
PI14588 Screen simulation (O-SIM) not correct when a screen calls another one in some cases
PI14652 Error Label generation fails (java heap space)
PI14654 List of screens not sorted when requesting a generation from the Dialog wizard
PI14655 Micro-Pattern WF with organization 'P' : problems with EXEC SQL BEGIN and END
PI14656 Merge macros for dialog does nt work correctly when an overriden line on LINKAGE exists
PI14657 MIA1 - level $n in a macro with value '05' for a sub-function
PI14658 MIA2 - Micro-pattern Xnn : Label F80nn-FN missing
PI14659 The server scanner of design files rejects the design files extensions

Mod Pack 1 (9.0.1)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PM78815 Operator Move not generated when parameter is between double-quotes
PM91106 Deletion of a link between a text and another entity is impossible
PM99520 Code instead of label displayed in meta entity description

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PM88025 Generation failed for Error Labels and copybooks from Logical Views
PM91357 Creation of a child data element above its parent in some cases

Initial Release (9.0)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PM83818 Incorrect generation of automatic indexes in Macro Structure (InnnnL, InnnnR et InnnnM) when character "$" is used
PM78585 Abend when generating programs with 'P' organization on data structure because some closing tags are missing.
PM78916 Abnormal behavior of wizard for inserting functions in PDP editor
PM79555 The value of a dataelement is wrong if the dataelement is a child, with an inherited usage and the parent usage is Y
PM75932 Procedure rpp.bat --migrationHelp : parameter "--name" needs documentation
PM79294 Design Editors - Segment: Vertical Scroll bar is not generated in -LAL tab when updating the composition of the Segment
PM77070 Loading Workspace: "End Of File" wrongly detected on loading xmi file
PM58227 Differences of generation between of Pacbase and RPP
PM78723 Database block generation is erroneous after modifying a column
PM78814 Segment - Data Element not defined in Repository: COBOL "Picture" not generated
PM76917 Procedure rpp.bat --automaticMigration: message on source validation missing
PM79106 Design Editors - Program/Screen/Server - -CP Tab: The CTRL+Z is not effective for the parameters list
PM79298 Design Editors - Segment: -LAL tab not updated when updating the composition of a "called" Segment 

Table of Contents:

9.1.2 interim fix 7
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI72985 Unhandled event loop exception when trying to save and generate a Program

9.1.2 interim fix 6
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI61302 Overlapping fields not detected by screen simulation
PI70105 Comparison pane not refreshed after transferring line from left to right
PI70562 RPP Client 9.1.2 does not retrieve the server super-references for data aggregate
PI70685 Quality Control wrongly detects overridden lines of Macro structures
PI71089 Focus also put on Design view when opening COBOL editor

9.1.2 interim fix 5
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI65343 F90-FN misplaced after adding a new Segment in output mode in -CD
PI67501 DDL generated of Database Block does not contain some user input from DRnnn GG lines
PI68190 Missing .BMS file in Pending Changes view
PI68773 RPP 9.1.2 does not generate a Program when a Segment which calls Data Element with controls is added in the -CD of the Program
PI69012 RPP 9.1.2 loses some generated specific code after a macro was removed from the -CP of the Program
PI70057 Specific code from a tag is deleted when removing unrelated tag (COBOL facet)

9.1.2 interim fix 4
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI65058 View is automatically swapped to Error and message displayed when switching sub/super references
PI65548 Model Access Facility: The "redefines" group is omitted
PI65639 Vertical scroll bar disappears on -CE of Segment description
PI65779 RPP Client receives an error when attempting to search for the instances that contain the key of Input Aids
PI66257 Abnormal time for building links between designs and generated files
PI67436 Subfunction misplaced when using "Add function" wizard in Macrostructure editor
PI67751 Macrostructure wrongly inserted when using wizard
PI67815 Bad generation of condition in "DW" type of subfunction when coming from a Macrostructure

9.1.2 interim fix 3
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI48079 -CD: problem of displaying data structure code if it ends with "O" or "A"
PI52965 EXEC SQL BEGIN is wrongly moved when segment WF micro-pattern does not exist
PI54059 Report Design Editor: -L Tab : Add a warning if the label length > size indicated on Definition Tab
PI54135 Update of sub-function impossible in Macro editor
PI54382 Macrostructure Editor - update function or sub-function: values are not initialized
PI54858 Improve performance when displaying data element when selecting a parent data element
PI54875 WF micro pattern: level 01 is missing when regrouping with empty segment
PI54916 Integrity control does not allow to distribute the .cbl files only
PI55570 PDP Quickfix does not work in the PDP COBOL Editor (PDP Quickfix only works from the problem view)
PI57224 MIBJ - "COBOL Collision Found" when external program has been changed
PI57274 Command file not complete in the MIBJ process
PI57495 Mutli session or incremental migration: the import process does not remove generated files (COBOL + MAP) when the generation variant is turned to "N"
PI57624 .cbl not generated for ATI36S_ATT36S during migration by delta
PI58135 GSQ - C3 and C4 - Difference on presence data element and about length of comments
PI59065 The 'Move from right to left' failed for a CD Line of kind report in a context conflict for a program merge
PI59212 The list of available streams on the server search page is not alphabetically sorted
PI59459 A local/server design search with the characters '(' and ')' fails to match with existing design
PI60109 Provide a new batch command to fix the Error Label generation parameter and relaunch error label generations
PI61663 Problem on MAF Segment - Statistics & LAL
PI61858 Response time of PDP COBOL editor for large programs
PI61870 Missing COBOL Source file in migration help process
PI62442 The RPP *.xmi import does not preserve the projects names if they contain a '.' character
PI62703 MIA1 01 ZONES-UTILISATEUR misplaced if working beginning with ÂŁ exists
PI62818 Database Block -DR ...K Editor : Select a data element of a called segment
PI62825 The RPP preconditions for the Deliver fail to evaluate a file without extension
PI63432 Modify the way the date and time micro pattern search for the format to take into account
PI63698 Error in local generation with CS line with Q organization
PI64254 Segment with "TABLE"-type:  new value the field "tableNumber" is not taken into account in the generated code
PI64762 The local workspace indexation freezes in GUI mode (from JYB) (manual or automatic rebuild)
PI64908 Problem with line number in Problems view when warning on right margin
PI64986 The deliver constraints must be more flexible for the generated files

Fix Pack 2 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI46138 MAF: ClassCastException with resource.getProgram()
PI47226 Multi-session migration: Program deleted in an intermediate session is not re-migrated in the following session
PI48556 Screen duplication: technical Macro-structure always contains original screen code
PI49159 After a sparse loading from a CBL file, the screen duplication does not generate the BMS file
PI50347 Micro pattern identifiers perturb the COBOL comparison
PI51789 Migration: Masters and subordinate are systematically not in sync
PI51886 Report - D Lines - Detail Section - Condition field allows to enter more than 35 characters
PI52245 Client and Server generation failed for new segment call in -CS
PI52628 MAF: NPE on Text.getSource() on Text migrated with 9.1.1
PI52965 EXEC SQL BEGIN is wrongly moved when segment WF micro-pattern does not exist

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI40525 Problem with macros
PI42724 Wrong result after using context and hierarchy on Sub/Super references local and server
PI43030 Refresh Generation Manager cache fails if a project is closed
PI43626 MIBJ /merge: case of deleted record when entity exists in higher library which will be merged
PI43777 Cannot open the segment editor for a new entity created in RPP.
PI43877 Migration: Not necessary to create empty folders for duplicate entities.
PI44143 The constant generated in RPP must be in a correct format for date and time
PI44368 In a split migration, special macros are not created in the same project as the screen/server
PI45083 MIMA - space wrongly insert in operand in alone line, in some cases
PI45183 Skeleton editor for COBOL not working with RDz
PI45340 No ERROR_RAISED for Micro Pattern markers
PI45354 Problem on -LAL server when new workspace and accessing segment by server search result
PI45530 MIA2: map .mfs. Erroneous length for column label
PI45704 MIA2: map .mfs. Erroneous column number
PI45791 MIA2: map .mfs. Erroneous column number
PI45794 MIA2: map .mfs. Erroneous column number
PI46140 MIAM: GE1 GE2 errors
PI46396 Non SQL DBD generation: NullpointerException
PC12 - DBB - StringIndexOutOfBoundException in -GG
PI46503 MAF Text - Problem on accessing source section
PI47025 MIMA: Micro-pattern M (MOVE) troncated if OPERANDS too long
PI47241 DBB - View - double on Data Element
PI47416 In a precise display context and location contents, the design explorer filter gives a wrong result
PI47747 DO batch generation KO if index too long
PI47960 Data Element Design Editor : when selecting a parent data element, avoid to propose the current data element itself in the list
PI48265 MIA1: Problem in annotated file (random)
PI48268 Import Volume: problem on import call entities and generics description
PI48278 Missing reference between screen and data structure (indirectly referenced via the segment calls)
PI48296 MIA2: bad location in INTEGRITY-REFERENCE area of the generated COBOL
PI48486 When the thesaurus is corrupted, it is not possible to correct it
PI48679 The Data Element usage parser collect micro-pattern during the parsing of a macro source code
PI48761 Automatic validation (batch) does not remove all markers
PI48863 The micro-pattern parser of the macros source code detect non existing micro-pattern
PI49038 Timestamp of xxxpdp files updated even if the xxx file doesn't contain any modification forcing to deliver or to accept incoming changes for nothing
PI49164 RPP misses comments from Pacbase -CP lines
PI49302 Error labels are deleted during migration by delta
PI49661 Search export for user entity: the code of the meta-entity is missing
PI49737 Duplication wizard never allows to keep the entity code
PI50017 PC12: Tags are not the same between annotated files and macro
PI50365 The "Ignore comments" option remove comments after validation
PI50424 Inserted code is wrongly interpreted
PI50428 Macro replace with procedural code prior to first
PI50539 Difference in label with "F" type presentation
PI50649 Provides API(s) even temporary to extract MP references from MP and extraction of data elements usage for the RPP SDK
PI50776 MIA1: specific -FN label wrongly present in annotated file
PI50779 PacMacroParameter : delete the control on existing data element, data unit or dataaggregate
PI50931 Customer migration hang during migration validation
PI50965 Screen emulator does not work when multiple instances of RPP are open
PI51110 COBOL facet - Problem in COBOL format interpretation

Mod Pack 2 (9.1.2)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI30556 MIA2: Replacement of field attribute (BRT in PC1 => NORM in SDP)
PI30774 MIA2: Column shift on lines of called screen
PI32301 Comment lines wrongly taken into account
PI32563 Generation manager refresh action fails when it is used with a previous workspace (build with a previous RPP version)
PI32859 Number of visible items not taken into account opening instances selection dialog
PI33033 Snippet Micro-pattern W Line F cannot be cancelled
PI33073 MIA2: The transco of quotes is incorrect from D line for data element
PI33162 Information on how to insert nested subfunctions
PI33556 Problem of " and = characters in the micropatterns
PI33558 Data Element editor: Make some controls when usage or/and format changes
PI33831 The help on the copybook and Error Messages generation is not clear enough
PI34997 -GE Lines tab - add sort and display on text selection
PI35107 Batch Quality Control on Windows with standard RPP COBOL Rule
PI35154 Report L Lines - Label selection - Cancel button inefficient
PI35157 -D Lines - review length column for description
PI35169 Import text and creation wizard: textType must be initialized to "T" and sectionType to "U"
PI35171 SDK: The * and - characters in a micropattern attribute value are deleted
PI35186 Carriage return must no be used in label instance
PI35481 Wrong label in -GG for -Dx - Block Base
PI35561 Precondition of quality control and syntax error
PI35639 Decrease the severity of some controls on the user entity
PI35775 Some comparison actions on created design files raise a 'premature end of file' message
PI36163 Input Aid Description: allow xref column selection even if InputAid has uses
PI36359 Report -D Lines: Issue with cancel button for label and structure selection
PI36367 Report -D Lines: Issue on move up and down arrow on edition line
PI36457 Screen CE Lines: Issue when updating Attributes
PI36475 Additional blank character in the micropattern attribute value
PI36684 GEO: Dialog error label corrections
PI36943 Duplication of a subfunction containing a call of micropattern
PI37380 Design Editors - Resizing columns when focus is lost in the tab
PI37645 Dialog error label: call of non-existing text in -GE of screen
PI38355 Error Label for Dialog with C2 option failed ('ERMSG')
PI38603 Error Label for Dialog with C2 option failed (-GE screen - 'U'-type line without anything)
PI38629 GEO: comments on -D of data element
PI38838 GEO: comments on error label to take into account
PI38875 Error Message Design Editor: issue when filling in specific label error file
PI38940 Volume generation failed with filter on a field that is not java.lang.String type
PI39247 User Entity editor - Usability issue
PI39250 NullPointerException in User Entity Description Detail
PI39258 Migration with definition languages not possible
PI40125 Design Editor - Database Block - A DR...K Line must not be created if the associated K Line does not have any Segment
PI40336 Screens have been rejected during the progressive migration process
PI40428 Input Aid Design Editor - Fixed Label has to be editable even if Input Aid is used
PI40615 Multisession: migrationHelp command fails when the external name changes
PI40629 Micro pattern: Regressions found in RPP fix pack
PI41193 Quality Control: RPP COBOL rules and templates should be made public
PI41765 MAF Segment - LAL Description - problem when redefines
PI41807 The duplication of a migrated entity (Server or Screen) does not duplicate the high priority Macro
PI43030 Refresh Generation Manager cache fails if a project is closed

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI30556 MIA2: Replacement of field attribute (BRT in pc1 => NORM in sdp)
PI30774 MIA2: Column shift on lines of called screen
PI32301 Comment lines wrongly taken into account
PI32563 Generation manager refresh action fails when it is used with a previous workspace (build with a previous RPP version)
PI32859 Number of visible items not taken into account opening instances selection dialog
PI33033 Snippet Micro-pattern W Line F cannot be cancelled
PI33073 MIA2:  The transco of quotes is incorrect from D line for data element
PI33556 Problem of " and = characters in the micropatterns
PI33831 The help on the copybook and Error Messages generation is not clear enough
PI34997 GELines tab - add sort and display on text selection
PI35107 Batch Quality Control on Windows with standard RPP COBOL Rule
PI35154 Report L Lines - Label selection - Cancel button inefficient
PI35157 DLines - review length column for description
PI35169 Import text and creation wizard: textType must be initialized to "T" and sectionType to "U"
PI35171 SDK: The * and - characters in a micropattern attribute value are deleted
PI35186 Carriage return must no be used in label instance
PI35481 Wrong label in -GG for -Dx - Block Base
PI35561 Precondition of quality control and syntax error
PI35639 Decrease the severity of some controls on the user entity
PI36163 Input Aid Description : allow xref column selection even if InputAid has uses
PI36359 Report -D Lines: Issue with cancel button for label and structure selection.
PI36367 Report -D Lines: Issue on move up and down arrow on edition line
PI36457 Screen CE Lines: Issue when updating Attributes
PI36475 Additional blank character in the micropattern attribute value
PI36684 Dialog error label:
From -CE of screen, management of a second line according to the presentation attributes
Do not take into account the delimiter on -D of Data Element
Blank lines wrongly inserted
-GE of screen - modify the management of lines numbering
PI36943 Duplication of a subfunction containing a call of micropattern

Mod Pack 1 (9.1.1)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI22727 The screen -CE comparison is not clear - Entity Screen
PI22726 The screen -CP comparison is not clear
PI21436 The screen -GC comparison is not clear
PI20393 Multiple Procedure Division Lines
PI21295 Pb in -D Lines when moving down a line
PI21386 MIBJ : add assign card for detect new session
PI23355 Design Editor : pb on LABEL Field - overview - General Informations 
PI22723 The .designpath update is not detected in 'Pending changes' if the local workspace is loaded with the sparse loading
PI23515 Pb on MIBJ Windows Plateform if selection on frozen session
PI23598 Synchronize RPP too long
PI24473 Screen CE Lines - pb on intensity attributes
PI25900 Pb on API MAF - Access to report composition CE Lines failed in exception
PI26176 When adding a new Label in LLines of a Report, gives the possibility to choose the label after which one the new label had to be added
PI26081 Deleting Macros NullPointerException
PI26074 WF micro-pattern : BLC and PLT parameters are missing in the help documentation
PI26703 A "pl" information is wrongly added at the end of a comment line containing the sequence *!
PI26987 Problem on API MAF Text when TextLine.getUnknownDataElement is null
PI27038 MAF Text : AssignementCall. Exception if the radical entity is not resolved
PI27483 Process Configuration Source Errors
PI28372 MIMA - Generation can be wrong (random - intialization pb)
PI28390 Length of an empty label must be set to zero ("0")
PI28866 Generation differences in BMS Maps
PI29132 MIAM: fields are inverted in the file RQ

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI21295 Pb in -D Lines when moving down a line
PI21386 MIBJ : add assign card for detect new session
PI21436 The screen -GC comparison is not clear
PI22723 The .designpath update is not detected in 'Pending changes' if the local workspace is loaded with the sparse loading
PI22726 The screen -CP comparison is not clear
PI22727 The screen -CE comparison is not clear - Entity Screen
PI23515 Pb on MIBJ Windows Plateform if selection on frozen session
PI23598 Synchronize RPP too long
PI24473 Screen CE Lines - pb on intensity attributes
PI25900 API MAF - Access to report composition CE Lines failed in exception
PI26081 Deleting Macros result in a NullPointerException
PI20393 Multiple Procedure Division Lines

Initial Release (9.1)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI16515 A NullPointerException occurred when trying to add an entity ('pactext' editor, 'sections' page)
PI16509 Generation failed when containing an empty WI micropattern (no call of dataelement)
PI16520 Copy-Paste in PacReport editor (-D Lines) results in java.lang.ClassCastException

Table of Contents:

9.5.1 interim fix 11 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI90216 Change of copybook option from C1/C3 to DSQC1 impossible

9.5.1 interim fix 10 - Client
Link Date Released Status

9.5.1 interim fix 9 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI83200 Rule "Prevent Unresolved Design References" wrongly blocks the deliver
PI86794 RPP Client 9.5.1 does not generate Program when comments are added using PDP editor from columns 1 to 6
PI86846 RPP Client 9.1.2 does not correctly delete a subfunction within comments from columns 1 to 6
PI88273 Generation fails on duplicated program
PI88357 Function label misplaced when using insertion wizard

9.5.1 interim fix 8 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI83478 Segment misplaced in WORKING STORAGE SECTION
PI84153 "Invalid segment for a Table" error detected on table-type segments
PI84375 Blank-type line is wrongly proposed in the -GG type list
PI84895 Line numbers shown in Problem tab do not match the one of the Macro editor
PI85041 Generation fails when undefined Data Element is associated with sub-schema in Segment

9.5.1 interim fix 7 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI76818 Wrong Data Element used in -LAL screen for length calculation in REDEFINES clause
PI82272 Data Elements of Segment 00 are not displayed for selecting access key in -CS screen
PI82793 Impossible to insert specific subfunction in COBOL code with the wizard
PI82892 Wrong position is assigned in -LAL of Segment when a group is involved in REDEFINES clause.
PI83134 Rule "No specific lines for specified Macro" causes Software Analyzer to loop
PI83182 Field "FILLER" and not defined Data Elements are not allowed in Logical View description

9.5.1 interim fix 6 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI80649 RPP validation rule prevents delivery of Segment created by copy/paste
PI81031 RPP 9.5.1 server generation fails because the -FN beginning label is missing
PI82625 Locale generation from quick fix does not detect errors

9.5.1 interim fix 5 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI80010 Comparison of two states of a Data Element fails with JAVA.LANG.NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION

9.5.1 interim fix 4 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI73450 Wrong content of file displayed when opening editor from search result stream scoped
PI75510 Scope of precondition rule not taken into account
PI77799 "DEL" key is inoperative in COBOL PDP editor
PI77404 COBOL source code disorganized after deletion of function
PI77966 Access to Data Element takes too much time
PI78417 Source of migrated program considered as binary
PI78684 Error label generation fails when division of text contains empty line
PI78396 RPP Client 9.5.1 Server generation fails because the new generated code is not taken into account
PI78549 Quality rule does not detect errors in "IDENTIFICATION" or "ENVIRONMENT" DIVISION
PI78667 RPP 9.5.1 takes a long time to open a Segment from the RTC server side
PI79174 RPP 9.5.1 Client takes a while for adding a Data Element in the -CE of a Table

9.5.1 interim fix 3 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI76228 Too much time for opening COBOL PDP editor.
PI76818 Wrong Data Element used in -LAL screen for length calculation in REDEFINES clause.

9.5.1 interim fix 2 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI75372 RPP Client 9.1.2 cannot generate Program after the Program has been formatted using the Format functionality

9.5.1 interim fix 1 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI73843 Specific line inserted in Macro is duplicated when changing level of subfunction

Mod Pack 1 (9.5.1)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI48955 RPP 9.1.2 does not show the cross references for Data Elements called in some part of the -CE of screen
PI49187 RPP does not show the cross references for the Data Elements called in the -CE of a Report
PI49305 Description of keyword not migrated in Thesaurus
PI51965 COA is not generated in column 73
PI55570 PDP Quickfix does not work in the PDP COBOL Editor
PI56434 Micropatterns not taken into account by Microfocus-RDAL transformation
PI57224 MIBJ - "COBOL Collision Found" when external program has been changed
PI57274 In RPP the generated command file is not complete for the journal import process (MIBJ)
PI57300 Copy/paste of subfunction does not take context into account
PI57386 Working line with continuation truncated when ending by spaces (MIMA procedure)
PI57624 .cbl file already existing in multisession migration
PI59042 Performance problem when accepting change set
PI59065 Issue when trying to merge CD lines of a Program
PI59212 The stream list displayed in Search window is not stored
PI59848 Wrong position of line in WSS causes compilation errors
PI60109 Generation of error messages fails after import
PI61302 Overlapping fields not detected by screen simulation
PI62448 RPP upgrade in 9.5 version causes loss of sub/super references
PI64254 Field tableNumber in table-type segment not taken into account at generation
PI64760 Abnormal presence of tag "artificialCreate" in right margin
PI64762 Abnormal time for building links between designs and generated files
PI64986 RPP does not allow to deliver all generated files of a Screen with the same change set
PI65058 View is automatically swapped to Error and message displayed when switching sub/super references
PI65548 Model Access Facility: The "redefines" group is omitted
PI65639 Vertical scrollbar disappears on -CE of Segment description
PI65726 Overlapping Macros cause Warning, should be Informational
PI65779 RPP Client receives an error when attempting to search for the instances that contain the key of Input Aids
PI66412 RPP cannot deliver entities because of "unresolved reference" with selected RPP precondition
PI66923 Exception "FWK005 parse may not be called while parsing" during --REBUILDGENERATEDLINKS
PI67436 Subfunction misplaced when using "Add function" wizard in Macrostructure editor
PI67501 DDL generated of Database Block does not contain some user input from DRnnn GG lines
PI67815 Bad generation of condition in "DW" type of subfunction when coming from a Macrostructure
PI68190 Missing .BMS file in Pending Changes view
PI68773 RPP 9.1.2 does not generate a Program when a Segment which calls Data Element with controls is added in the -CD of the Program
PI68776 RPP 9.5.0 Client does not display the correct relation label in the Level, Address and length tab of a Segment
PI68777 RPP Client 9.1.2 systematically places the scrollbar at the beginning of the User Entity detailed description
PI69012 RPP 9.1.2 loses some generated specific code after a macro was removed from the -CP of the Program
PI69268 RPP 9.5.0 migration process does not allow to use the generation option 'C'
PI70057 Specific code from a tag is deleted when removing unrelated tag (COBOL facet)
PI70105 Comparison pane not refreshed after transferring line from left to right
PI70436 Line wrongly inserted in subfunction in "Case of" content
PI70562 RPP Client 9.1.2 does not retrieve the server super-references for data aggregate
PI70685 Quality Control wrongly detects overridden lines of Macro structures
PI71089 Focus also put on Design view when opening COBOL editor
PI71805 Generation of standard Help screen fails with Java exception
PI71818 Type of Data Element not updatable in Detail view of -CE tab
PI72487 RPP Client does not generate new Data Element added in a Segment which belongs to a subschema

9.5 interim fix 11
Link Date Released Status

9.5 interim fix 10
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI73450 Wrong content of file displayed when opening editor from search result stream scoped
PI78417 Source of migrated program considered as binary
PI79174 RPP 9.5.1 Client takes a while for adding a Data Element in the -CE of a Table

9.5 interim fix 9
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI75510 Scope of precondition rule not taken into account
PI76520 Label duplicated in COBOL source code after generation
PI76818 Wrong Data Element used in -LAL Screen for length calculation in REDEFINES clause
PI77404 COBOL source code disorganized after deletion of function
PI77966 Access to Data Element takes too much time
PI78684 Error label generation fails when division of text contains empty line
PI78667 RPP 9.5.1 takes a long time to open a Segment from the RTC server side

9.5 interim fix 8
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI76228 Too much time for opening COBOL PDP editor.
PI76424 "Echec de sauvegarde" (Failed to save) error message.

9.5 interim fix 7
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI73843 Specific line inserted in Macro is duplicated when changing level of subfunction

9.5 interim fix 6
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI68777 RPP Client 9.1.2 systematically places the scrollbar at the beginning of the User Entity detailed description
PI70105 Comparison pane not refreshed after transferring line from left to right
PI70562 RPP Client 9.1.2 does not retrieve the server super-references for data aggregate
PI70685 Quality Control wrongly detects overridden lines of Macro structures
PI71089 Focus also put on Design view when opening COBOL editor
PI71805 Generation of standard help screen fails with Java exception
PI71818 Type of Data Element not updatable in detail view of -CE tab
PI72487 RPP Client does not generate new Data Element added in a Segment which belongs to a subschema
PI72843 RPP 9.5.0 receives a severe error in the automatic migration step of the multisession migration process

9.5 interim fix 5
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI61302 Overlapping fields not detected by screen simulation
PI69012 RPP 9.1.2 loses some generated specific code after a macro was removed from the -CP of the Program
PI70057 Specific code from a tag is deleted when removing unrelated tag (COBOL facet)
PI70436 Line wrongly inserted in subfunction in "Case of" content

9.5 interim fix 4
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI65726 Overlapping Macros cause Warning, should be Informational
PI67501 DDL generated of Database Block does not contain some user input from DRnnn GG lines
PI68773 RPP 9.1.2 does not generate a Program when a Segment which calls Data Element with controls is added in the -CD of the Program
PI68776 RPP 9.5.0 Client does not display the correct relation label in the Level, Address and length tab of a Segment
PI69268 RPP 9.5.0 migration process does not allow to use the generation option 'C'

9.5 interim fix 3
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI65058 View is automatically swapped to Error and message displayed when switching sub/super references
PI65548 Model Access Facility: The "redefines" group is omitted
PI65779 RPP Client receives an error when attempting to search for the instances that contain the key of Input Aids
PI66257 Abnormal time for building links between designs and generated files
PI66923 Exception "FWK005 parse may not be called while parsing" during --REBUILDGENERATEDLINKS
PI67436 Subfunction misplaced when using "Add function" wizard in Macrostructure editor.
PI67501 DDL generated of Database Block does not contain some user input from DRnn GG Lines.
PI67815 Bad generation of condition in "DW" type of subfunction when coming from a Macrostructure

9.5 interim fix 2
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI59042 The Accept action must be optimized for artifacts that are only updated
PI59382 In certain circumstances the SQL generated on Host Variable management in not correct
PI64760 When an END-EXEC is generated in a macro without title, the right margin contains an "artificialCreate" mark
PI64908 Problem with line number in the Problems view when a warning is set on the right margin
PI65639 Problem on scrollbar when leaving full screen mode in Segment design editor
PI66412 The deliver constraints about 'unresolved references' wrongly take free references into account

Fix Pack 1 (
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI39958 Wrong reconciliation after sub-function creation in Macrostructure when specific code exists
PI55411 Migration: some messages are ambiguous when the input files are empty (Dispatch macro, Split)
PI57495 Mutli session or incremental migration: the import process does not remove generated files (COBOL + MAP) when the generation variant is turned to "N"
PI59459 A local/server design search with the characters '(' and ')' fails to match with existing design
PI61663 Problem on MAF Segment - Statistics & LAL
PI61858 Response time of PDP COBOL editor for large programs
PI61870 Missing COBOL Source file in migration help process
PI62442 The RPP *.xmi import does not preserve the projects names if they contain a '.' character
PI62818 Database Block -DR ...K Editor : Select a data element of a called segment
PI62825 The RPP preconditions for the Deliver fail to evaluate a file without extension

Initial Release (9.5)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI35755 The save of the COBOL file raises a 'design file corrupted' message
PI43523 When an EXEC statement in a macro does not contain any line of code, the END-EXEC statement is generated on the same line as the EXEC statement
PI43614 CopyBook and Error Message entities selection - No possibility to select entities on a derivated parent entity
PI44489 MIAM procedure: non detection of program to type as Macro
PI48079 -CD: problem of displaying data structure code if it ends with "O" or "A"
PI51287 Problem when generating a server for the first time
PI53205 BVPACBW.exe System Error - missing DLL MSVCR71.dll
PI53363 MIBJ procedure: selection of entities
PI53416 MIAM procedure: problems with PAC7UP file
PI53817 RPP Licensing: Check the license only when RPP is used
PI53943 Remove the control on Input Aid name (DATA VALORI and PACxxx)
PI54059 Report Design Editor: -L Tab : Add a warning if the label length > size indicated on Definition Tab
PI54135 Update of sub-function impossible in Macro editor
PI54836 GED: Error in number sequence
PI54839 Problem on SQL order (SELECT ALL for example) when the data aggregate does not have any component
PI54858 Improve performance when displaying data element when selecting a parent data element
PI54873 MIA2 procedure: erroneous EXEC SQL Statement
PI54916 Integrity control does not allow to distribute the .cbl files only
PI55128 The delete action should clean the shared instance cache

Table of Contents:

9.6.2 interim fix 15 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH38222 User prefix wrongly generated in a DDL for AS SELECT and FROM
PH38185 NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT is not generated on an ALTER Table

9.6.2 interim fix 14 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH33965 Wrong position in -LAL

9.6.2 interim fix 13 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH30952 DB Block type modification leads to unexpected -GG lines

9.6.2 interim fix 12 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
This interim fix does not contain any corrected APAR. It corrects defects that were discovered internally.

9.6.2 interim fix 11 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH26825 Error during startup after upgrade

9.6.2 interim fix 10 - Client
Link Date Released Status
This interim fix does not contain any corrected APAR. It corrects defects that were discovered internally.

9.6.2 interim fix 9 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH21503 Wrong date separator in Report
PH23321 Design editor preference does not apply on the -D Lines of Report entity

9.6.2 interim fix 8 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
This interim fix does not contain any corrected APAR. It corrects defects that were discovered internally.

9.6.2 interim fix 7 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH17660 Generation of a Server entity fails with Java exception
PH17976 Undo on COBOL program turns "PACBASE-CONSTANT" area to specific code
PH18075 Content of VALUE clause exceeds column 72 in COBOL source code
PH18081 Clause "DEPENDING ON" not generated on a group zone in copybook

9.6.2 interim fix 6 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
This interim fix does not contain any corrected APAR. It corrects defects that were discovered internally.

9.6.2 interim fix 5 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH12928 Index Out Of Bound exception when generating a program
PH13683 Create RTC repository connection fails
PH13575 End label of function wrongly deleted
PH13676 Numerous exceptions thrown when opening a program from history

9.6.2 interim fix 4 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH08834 Length and position wrong in -LAL window
PH09944 Variable field of Input Aid can not exceed 29 characters
PH09993 Text of tooltip associated to Screen simulation button is confusing
PH10435 NULL POINTER EXCEPTION when generating Database Block

9.6.2 interim fix 3 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH07180 Desynchronization flag remains wrongly set on editor tab
PH07281 Insertion of (sub) function not possible with wizard in PDP COBOL editor
PH07978 Removal of warning "INEFFECTIVE CO MICRO PATTERN" not possible
PH08579 Move of subfunction causes deletion of an other one at target location
PH08631 Rule checking presence on MSP applies on Dialog
PH08966 Promotion fails when too many design entities are out of sync with generated entity
PH09394 Promotion fails when project missing
PH09252 Deletion of Segment fails with error message SERVER CROSS REFERENCES DETECTED

9.6.2 interim fix 2 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH06435 Import of TA2 file fails with NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION

9.6.2 interim fix 1 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH04725 Incomplete generation of micro pattern "*!WI" when columns 1-6 not empty

Mod Pack 2 (9.6.2)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH00100 Invalid format of Data Element used as column in DDL not detected at generation
PH00108 Column mode edition does not work
PH01569 Typing function title in wizard very slow on Screen entity
PI90556 In Compare to previous version the 2 ways compare abends with NULL POINTER EXCEPTION
PI90614 Zoom function stays stuck on context of first search
PI91104 Presence of characters in columns 1-6 prevents generation of COBOL program
PI91553 HREF link prevents delivery if precondition on model consistency is activated on deliver
PI91742 Receive errors in the MIBJ import when Screens are from different types (standard or server)
PI91876 LANDEF parameter on Screen not filled by MIBJ procedure when inherited from Dialog
PI92085 Error CRRPP4078E … - Rubrique CORUB inconnue dans le Bloc Base de Données DBDBLK
PI92132 Error CRRPP4148I : Version de Pacbase utilisee par MIBR ou MIBA MIG RPP 9.6 est ancienne ...
PI92473 Paragraph wrongly placed after migration
PI92616 Errors "Le projet XXXXXX n'existe pas. Requis par le projet YYYYY" shown in Error view
PI92677 Java error JAVA.LANG.STRING INDEXOUTOFBOUNDSEXCEPTION. At generation of server program
PI93327 Show History from the result view of Server Artifact Search dails with Java exception
PI93328 Severe error during RPP ZCOMPMAP command execution
PI93329 Validation manager list seems not complete and rebuild stays stuck at 35%
PI93393 Generation of Server type entity fails with error message
PI93849 Generation fails with error message asking to fix errors before launching generation
PI94354 Data Structure shows an error after a Segment is deleted
PI94498 "DOT" word in column 73-80 on *!GT line prevents actions of move on subfunction
PI94500 Data Aggregate editor does not open correctly (empty tab)
PI94770 Deletion of micro pattern call does not delete generated lines
PI95419 Data base Block generation fails with Java exception
PI95817 Usage of public API fails
PI96553 The Quality Control does not show errors for copybooks
PI97125 "WORKING-STORAGE SECTION" line duplicated
PI97539 Size of alignmnt filler not correct when input format is used in Segment description
PI98482 Quotes wrongly converted from double to simple
PI98958 Incorrect reference warning wrongly set in XXXXXXSP Macro Structure
PI99431 SQL micro pattern malformed

9.6.1 interim fix 14 - Client
Link Date Released Status
This interim fix does not contain any corrected APAR. It corrects defects that were discovered internally.

9.6.1 interim fix 13 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH13683 Create RTC repository connection fails
PH13575 End label of function wrongly deleted
PH13676 Numerous exceptions thrown when opening a program from history

9.6.1 interim fix 12 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH10541 Message "Editor could not be initilizalized" when opening program with PDP editor
PH11263 The checkmarkers process fails in some case after loading a workspace
PH12928 Index Out of Bound exception when generating a program

9.6.1 interim fix 11 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH08834 Length and position wrong in -LAL window
PH08966 Promotion fails when too many design entities are out of sync with generated entity
PH09394 Promotion fails when project missing
PH09252 Deletion of Segment fails with error message server cross references detected
PH09944 Variable field of Input Aid can not exceed 29 characters
PH10435 NULL POINTER EXCEPTION when generating Database Block

9.6.1 interim fix 10 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH06887 Message "Free code without beginning and end label"
PH07281 Insertion of (sub) function not possible with wizard in PDP COBOL editor
PH07978 Removal of warning "Ineffective CO micro pattern" not possible

9.6.1 interim fix 9 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH03185 Cursor position incorrect in Screen simulation
PH04725 Incomplete generation of micro pattern "*!WI" when columns 1-6 not empty
PH06435 Import of TA2 file fails with nullpointerexception

9.6.1 interim fix 8 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PH00447 Deletion of entities not allowed in Design Explorer view

9.6.1 interim fix 7 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI98958 Incorrect reference warning wrongly set in XXXXXXSP Macro Structure.
PI99431 SQL micropattern malformed.
PH00108 Column mode edition does not work.
PH01569 Typing function title in wizard very slow on Screen entity.

9.6.1 interim fix 6 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI97125 "WORKING-STORAGE SECTION" line duplicated
PI97539 Size of alignment filler not correct when Input Format is used in Segment description

9.6.1 interim fix 5 - Client
Link Date Released Status

9.6.1 interim fix 4 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI95651 Unwanted modification of -L window of a Report
PI96553 The quality control does not show errors for copybooks

9.6.1 interim fix 3 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI94500 Data Aggregate editor does not open correctly (empty tab)
PI94770 Deletion of Micropattern call does not delete generated lines
PI95419 Database Block generation fails with Java Exception
PI95817 Usage of public API fails

9.6.1 interim fix 2 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI93849 Generation fails with error message asking to fix errors before launching generation
PI94354 Data Structure shows an error after a Segment is deleted
PI94498 "DOT" word in column 73-80 on *!GT line prevents action of MOVE on subfunction

9.6.1 interim fix 1 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI90202 Time for promotion between streams not acceptable
PI90614 Zoom function stays stuck on context of first search
PI91430 Content of entity not correctly displayed in RPP Web client
PI92616 Errors "Le projet XXXXXX n'existe pas. Requis par le projet YYYYY" shown in error view
PI93327 Show history from Result View of Server Artifact Search details with Java exception

Mod Pack 1 (9.6.1)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI82793 Impossible to insert specific subfunction in COBOL code with the wizard
PI83134 Rule "No specific lines for specified Macro" causes Software Analyzer to loop
PI83182 Field "FILLER" and not defined Data Elements are not allowed in Logical View description
PI83200 Rule "Prevent Unresolved Design References" wrongly blocks the deliver
PI83478 Segment misplaced in WORKING STORAGE SECTION
Rename of Segment wrongly detected by MIAM procedure
PI84153 "Invalid segment for a Table" error detected on table-type segments
PI84375 Blank-type line is wrongly proposed in the -GG type list
PI84894 Wrong length of Data Element displayed on Definition tab
PI84895 Line numbers shown in Problem tab do not match the one of the Macro editor
PI85041 Generation fails when undefined Data Element is associated with sub-schema in Segment
PI85613 Generation of server fails when a code line is present in function type 05*C VULO
PI86171 Error GE3 not anymore detected after upgrade of MIAM procedure
PI86794 RPP Client 9.5.1 does not generate Program when comments are added using PDP editor from columns 1 to 6
PI86846 RPP Client 9.1.2 does not correctly delete a subfunction within comments from columns 1 to 6
PI88357 Function label misplaced when using insertion wizard
PI89368 Line delimiter attribute on DDL generated file set to none (binary) causes build to fail
PI90145 Multi-session migration keeps call of "XXXXXXSP" Macrostructure in -CP window of Screen
PI90216 Change of copybook option from C1/C3 to DSQC1 impossible
PI90223 Wrong warning position in RPP code editor

9.6 interim fix 12 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI97143 Scope of dependency analysis between Programs and Data Structures too large
PI98482 Quotes wrongly converted from double to simple

9.6 interim fix 11 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI98958 Incorrect reference warning wrongly set in XXXXXXSP Macrostructure
PI99431 SQL Micropattern malformed
PH00108 Column mode edition does not work
PH01569 Typing Function title in wizard very slow on Screen entity

9.6 interim fix 10 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI97539 Size of alignment filler not correct when Input Format is used in Segment description

9.6 interim fix 9 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI96553 The quality control does not show errors for copybooks

9.6 interim fix 8 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI95419 Database Block generation fails with Java Exception
PI95651 Unwanted modification of -L window of a Report

9.6 interim fix 7 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI94354 Data Structure shows an error after a Segment is deleted
PI94498 "DOT" word in column 73-80 on *!GT line prevents action of MOVE on subfunction
PI94500 Data Aggregate editor does not open correctly (empty tab)
PI94770 Deletion of Micropattern call does not delete generated lines
PI95817 Usage of public API fails

9.6 interim fix 6 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI92132 Error CRRPP4148I : Version de Pacbase utilisée par MIBR ou MIBA MIG RPP 9.6 est ancienne ...
PI92616 Errors "Le projet XXXXXX n'existe pas. Requis par le projet YYYYY" shown in error view
PI93327 Show history from Result View of Server Artifact Search details with Java exception
PI93328 Severe error during RPP zcompMap command execution
PI93329 Validation manager list seems not complete and rebuild stays stuck at 35%
PI93393 Generation of Server type entity fails with error message
PI93849 Generation fails with error message asking to fix errors before launching generation

9.6 interim fix 5 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI90556 In compare to previous version the 2 ways compare abends with Null Pointer Exception
PI91104 Presence of characters in columns 1-6 prevents generation of COBOL program
PI91553 Href link prevents delivery in precondition on model consistency is activated on deliver
PI91742 Receive errors in the MIBJ import when screens are from different types (standard or server)
PI92085 Error CRRPP4078E ... - Rubrique CORUB inconnue dans le Bloc Base de Données DBDBLK
PI92473 Paragraph wrongly placed after migration

9.6 interim fix 4 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI90216 Change of copybook option from C1/C3 to DSQC1 impossible

9.6 interim fix 3 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI88273 Generation fails on duplicated program
PI88357 Function Label misplaced when using insertion wizard

9.6 interim fix 2 - Client
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI83200 Rule "Prevent Unresolved Design References" wrongly blocks the deliver
PI83478 Segment misplaced in WORKING STORAGE SECTION
PI84153 "Invalid segment for a Table" error detected on table-type segments
PI84375 Blank-type line is wrongly proposed in the -GG type list
PI84894 Wrong length of Data Element displayed on Definition tab
PI84895 Line numbers shown in Problem tab do not match the one of the Macro editor
PI86794 RPP Client 9.5.1 does not generate Program when comments are added using PDP editor from columns 1 to 6
PI86846 RPP Client 9.1.2 does not correctly delete a subfunction within comments from columns 1 to 6

9.6 interim fix 1 - Client & Server
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI76818 Wrong Data Element used in -LAL screen for length calculation in REDEFINES clause
PI82272 Data Elements of Segment 00 are not displayed for selecting access key in -CS screen
PI82793 Impossible to insert specific subfunction in COBOL code with the wizard
PI82892 Wrong position is assigned in -LAL of Segment when a group is involved in REDEFINES clause.
PI83134 Rule "No specific lines for specified Macro" causes Software Analyzer to loop
PI83182 Field "FILLER" and not defined Data Elements are not allowed in Logical View description

Initial Release (9.6)
Link Date Released Status
APAR Description
PI72843 RPP 9.5.0 receives a severe error in the automatic migration step of the multisession migration process
PI73450 Wrong content of file displayed when opening editor from search result stream scoped
PI73451 Content of COBOL Program ID field displayed after copy/paste on a Macrostructure
PI73837 Generation fails on duplicated program
PI73843 Specific line inserted in Macro is duplicated when changing level of subfunction
PI75372 RPP Client 9.1.2 cannot generate Program after the Program has been formatted using the Format functionality
PI75510 Scope of precondition rule not taken into account
PI76228 Too much time for opening COBOL PDP editor
PI76424 "Echec de sauvegarde" (Failed to save) error message
PI76520 Label duplicated in COBOL source code after generation
PI77404 COBOL source code disorganized after deletion of function
PI77799 "DEL" key is inoperative in COBOL PDP editor
PI77807 Vertical labels not generated on correct line in BMS
PI77966 Access to Data Element takes too much time
PI78396 RPP Client 9.5.1 Server generation fails because the new generated code is not taken into account
PI78417 Source of migrated program considered as binary
PI78549 Quality rule does not detect errors in "IDENTIFICATION" or "ENVIRONMENT" DIVISION
PI78667 RPP 9.5.1 takes a long time to open a Segment from the RTC server side
PI78684 Error label generation fails when division of text contains empty line
PI79174 RPP 9.5.1 Client takes a while for adding a Data Element in the -CE of a Table
PI80010 Comparison of two states of a Data Element fails with JAVA.LANG.NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION
PI80649 RPP validation rule prevents delivery of Segment created by copy/paste
PI81031 RPP 9.5.1 server generation fails because the -FN beginning label is missing
PI82625 Locale generation from quick fix does not detect errors

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB70","label":"Z TPS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSKPEG","label":"Rational Programming Patterns"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000009mFAAQ","label":"RPP"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"8.0.1;9.0.0;9.0.1;9.1.0;9.1.1;9.1.2;9.5.0;9.5.1;9.6.0;9.6.1;9.6.2;9.7.0;9.7.1;9.7.2;9.7.3"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
20 June 2024

