Malmö refugee project

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Olle Andersson, Nordic Leader and Vice President, Global Business Services

Olle Andersson, Nordic Leader and Vice President, Global Business Services

I am sure all of you have observed lately, that we have a very demanding situation with refugees from war zones from all over the world, especially Syria, seeking shelter and asylum in the Nordic countries. Several authorities and organisations are under tremendous pressure at the moment.

Previous weekend an idéa was spawned within our consulting organisation, Global Business Services – realising that we could allocate available resources to support relief organisations. Malmö has been chosen as our starting point as the geographic location makes it a natural entry point for people seeking asylum in Sweden. Some days more than 1000 people pass through the temporary transit area that has been built at Posthusplatsen in Malmö. The pressure on local authorities and relief organisations is currently beyond what can be managed, our help is needed and very appreciated.

We have established a cooperation with the Swedish Red Cross. Everything has been executed with great speed, and we have through the Red Cross trained and prepared people from both Malmö and Stockholm and as I write this, we now have IBM staff on location in Malmö helping people in their dire situation.

A lot of companies are supporting the situation with donations and offering clothes and other things of need. We have this time chosen to give time, the single most requested item from the relief organisations at the moment.

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