IBM Support

IBM Maximo Application Suite - Manage Component patch 8.1.2

Fix Readme


On 4 February 2022, IBM released IBM® Maximo® Application Suite Manage Component patch 8.1.2.


APAR and Known Issue Fixes
When an APAR or Known Issue has Manual Change in the first column, click the link or go to the Manual Changes section for directions.

Application Name




Running the scoring pipeline for the Circuit Breaker asset class causes the error BMXAA4187E - "The relationship AHSCORE does not exist for business object ASSET" to be generated.



An immediate report runs for the wrong site if the username parameter is an empty string.

Manual Change

Company Master

In the Company Master application, updates made to company records do not update related company records.


Work Order Tracking

When you generate a work order from a PM that contains a route that has 800 or more stops, then open the order in the Work Order Tracking application, system performance is slow.

Manual Change

System UI

When user tries to attach an empty file to a record, the resulting error message is unclear.


Work Order Tracking

In the Work Order Tracking application, child work orders do not inherit status changes from their parent records.



In the Assets application, selecting the Move/Modify Asset action does not update the Loop Location field.


System UI

In the Automation Scripts application, characters are changed when a script is created.



Records processed manually through the Process Telematics Data action in the Organizations (Tr) application produce an error.


Purchase Orders

In the Purchase Orders application, POs that exceed the purchase limit can be approved.


Job Plans

In the Job Plans application, an error occurs entering a value in the Crew Work Group field.

Manual Change

Condition Monitoring

In the Condition Monitoring application, you can save meter readings that have measurement dates that are in the future.


Linked Documents/Attached Documents

In the Work Order Tracking application, an error occurs when a doclink file is removed from an object.


Work Order Tracking

Subsequent to applying Maximo interim fix 10, custom Automation Scripts fail.



In the Invoices Application, the invoiced quantity is not properly calculated.


Work Order Tracking

In the Work Order Tracking application, child work orders generated from nested job plans do not show associated items.



In the Object Structures application, an error occurs exporting Chart of Account information.

Manual Change

Asset Templates

In the Asset Templates application, an error occurs adding and then removing an item number.


System UI

In the Work Order Tracking application, users cannot attach multiple JPEGs.



In the Assets application, classifications cannot be selected in Advanced Search.


Work Order Tracking

In the Work Order Tracking application, the Storeroom Site field does not display correctly.


Service Requests

In the Service Request application, an error occurs creating a work order.


Purchase Contracts

In the Purchase Contracts application, an error occurs changing a contract status to Suspended if a more recent revision exists that is unapproved and cancelled.


KPI Manager

In the KPI Manager application, the KPI trend line graph does not display.


Labor Reporting

In the Invoices application, the calculation of invoice lines is incorrect if the Consolidate By Work Order checkbox is checked in the Labor Reporting application.



In a Manage with Health Environment, clicking the Work Order List Browser View icon causes the error "Error occurred in server, check server log for detail".

Manual Changes
APAR Change instructions
  1. Open Application Designer.
  2. Filter for the Company Master application (COMPMASTER), and open it.
  3. Click Export Application Definition. Save the file as compmaster.xml.
  4. Open compmaster.xml file in a text editor
  5. Filter for updaterelatedcos to find the following line:
<checkbox id=""main_grid1_2_1_grid1a_4"" dataattribute=""updaterelatedcos"" />
  1. Replace this line with:
<checkbox id=""main_grid1_2_1_grid1a_4"" dataattribute=""updaterelatedcos"" synchronous=""true"" />
  1. Save the modified compmaster.xml file
  2. Open Application Designer
  3. Import the modified compmaster.xml file
  4. Save changes.
  1. Open Database Configuration
  2. Under More Actions, click Messages
  3. Click New Row.
  4. Add these data in the Details section
Message Group: doclink
Message Key: emptyfile
Display Method: MSGBOX
Message ID Prefix: BMXAA
Message ID Suffix: E
Display ID?: Checked
Value: The file {0} is empty. You cannot attach an empty file to a record.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Open Application Designer.
  2. Filter for the Condition Monitoring application (COND), and open it.
  3. Click Export Application Definition. Save the file as cond.xml.
  4. Using a text editor, open cond.xml. Find the textbox field id="main_meas_table_1_grid2b_1".
  5. Add synchronous="true" at the end.
  6. Save cond.xml.
  7. In Application Designer, click Import Application Definition.
  8. Import the modified cond.xml file. Save changes.
  9. Return to the Application Designer list view. Filter for Work Order Tracking (WOTRACK) and open it.
  10. Click Export Application Definition. Save the file as wotrack.xml.
  11. Using a text editor, open wotrack.xml, Find the textbox field id="plans_task_table_1_grid31_6".
  12. Add synchronous="true" at the end.
  13. Find the textbox field id="actualstab_task_table_1_grid31_5".
  14. Add synchronous="true" at the end.
  15. Save wotrack.xml.
  16. In Application Designer, click Import Application Definition.
  17. Import the modified wotrack.xml file. Save changes.
  1. Open Application Designer.
  2. In Application Designer, export the Asset Templates application (PLUSCTMPLT) into plusctmplt.xml.
  3. Open plusctmplt.xml in an xml/text editor.
  4. Search for the table column control identified by id= ""sparepartsform_table_tablebody_3"".
  5. Replace <tablecol id=""sparepartsform_table_tablebody_3"" dataattribute=""item.description"" inputmode=""readonly"" /> with the following:
<tablecol id=""sparepartsform_table_tablebody_3"" dataattribute=""item.description"" >
          <textbox id=""sparepartsform_table_tablebody_3a"" dataattribute=""item.description"" inputmode=""readonly"" lookup=""longdesc"" longdescreadonly=""true"" />
  1. Save the change to plusctmplt.xml.
  2. In Application Designer, import the modified plusctmplt.xml.
This change is not required to allow the clearing of the Item field. The issue with Description not clearing is cosmetic. If a new Item value is provided, the Description for the new Item value will appear.

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSRHPA","label":"IBM Maximo Application Suite"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000hB0QAAU","label":"Maximo Manage"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.1.0","Type":"MASTER"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 August 2022

