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Delta variant refocuses attention on vaccine passports

The surge of COVID-19 cases due to the Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant is driving organizations to expand the use of vaccine passports with interoperability and extensibility in mind.

Compatibility with open standards organizations and frameworks can enable cross-border recognition for vaccine passports. The same technology can provide user control over access to other health records, from lab test results to genomic data. A travel technology company has integrated digitized credentials like airline tickets with IBM Digital Health Pass to simplify travel.

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Outside of healthcare, using the core blockchain-based self-sovereign verified credentialing technology behind our vaccine passport, governments can offer broader services like digital driver’s licenses or other digital identities and organizations can offer digital employee identification.

Identity and credentials outside of healthcare

The need to have identification information and credentials in digital form is pressing, because modern information systems are geared to digital formats. However, we’re in a time when identities are often stolen and credentials can be counterfeited. To move forward securely and confidently, you need the kind of full-featured support offered by IBM Blockchain.

Blockchain and healthcare efficiency

Industry leaders Aetna, Anthem, Cleveland Clinic and IBM are joining forces to launch Avaneer Health, a new venture that uses blockchain technology to improve efficiencies in the American healthcare system. The project is an outgrowth of the 2019 Healthcare Utility Network collaboration between Aetna, PNC Bank, IBM, Anthem and HCSC.

Watch, read and listen

White paper: Digital health credentials for COVID-19 and beyond
Read this recent Frost & Sullivan report to learn how digital credentials are helping organizations and economies re-open safely and why they’re here to stay.

Event: Blockchain Expo North America 2021
Attend this virtual conference September 29–30 to explore blockchain innovations. Catch Shyam Nagarajan, Executive Partner, IBM Blockchain Services on the Day 1 Keynote and Ryan Rugg, Americas Blockchain Partner, IBM, on the Day 2 panel on central bank digital currencies.

Webinar: Validating personal identity information with digital credentials
Join our webinar: Proving you are you – Digital credentials powered by blockchain, which will be held Wednesday, October 13 at 12:00 PM (EDT), also available for later playback.

Blog: Opening New York State for business with blockchain
Read the story of the Excelsior Pass Plus, IBM Blockchain and digital credentialing coming together to help New York re-open its economy.

Our solutions and how to get started

No matter where you are in your adoption journey or what industry you’re in, we’re here to help you use blockchain technology to reach your business goals.

Still not sure where to start? Schedule time to talk with one of our experts specific to your industry, and they can help guide you in the right direction.

We’ll be back next month with more news you can use from IBM Blockchain. In the meantime, if someone forwarded you this email and you’d like to subscribe, sign up here.

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