Building a digital trust ecosystem for mining in British Columbia
4 min read - Responsible practices to preserve our planet require innovation, agility, and collaboration. Consumers, investors, producers, and governments around the world are choosing to do business with those that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. In the mining sector, British Columbia is committed…
Blockchain newsletter: Real-world success stories from IBM Blockchain
3 min read - Visionary companies are innovating how they work with IBM Blockchain, convening business networks that extend collaboration and optimization beyond organizational walls. We are laser focused on the areas delivering significant business value for our customers and their industry partners today:…
Blockchain newsletter: Emerging coronavirus variants spur blockchain innovations in healthcare
3 min read - Get a first look at the Gartner report for decentralized identity and verifiable claims. Access promising use cases, risks and considerations, and expert recommendations on creating value for a fully decentralized future. Here’s your complimentary access to Gartner’s Innovation Insights.…
3 key areas of enterprise blockchain adoption in 2021
3 min read - Many businesses are seeing the COVID-19 pandemic as a watershed for technology and innovation investment. Technology budgets have been reprioritised with a laser focus on near-term return on investment as a necessity for most. At the same time remote working,…
Happy birthday to the leading open source blockchain platform
4 min read - Five years ago, the topic of conversation at nearly every tech holiday party was blockchain, blockchain, blockchain. VCs, CTOs, and CIOs had visions of cryptocurrencies and industry disruption dancing in their heads. But some saw potential for the technology to…
Helping empower refugees with blockchain and process automation
4 min read - Today, technology plays a key role in all aspects of life. It connects like-minded communities to come together to help them solve common problems. But when certain problems are at such a large scale where they affect the whole world,…
Bringing region-to-cup traced coffee to U.S. stores with 1850® Coffee
3 min read - Perhaps now more than ever, people want to support the small businesses, organizations and brands they really love and respect, even when these goods are produced a world away. One product that makes this particularly challenging is coffee. Though, Americans…
From lettuce to luxury goods, blockchain helps industries thrive
3 min read - What do you think of when you hear blockchain? The term cryptocurrency leaps to mind for many people, but that definition fails to represent the breadth and depth of blockchain today. Over the past several years, practical blockchain use cases…
Powering trust on the grid with blockchain
3 min read - Around the globe, the energy transition — or the transformation of the energy sector away from fossil fuels and towards zero-carbon energy — is rapidly gathering pace. The current power grid, however, is struggling to keep up. As detailed in…