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Navigating the broader digital asset and cryptocurrency markets

4 min read - The cryptocurrency and broader digital assets evolution has continued to grow in earnest, showing promising signs of maturity through 2021 as industry-wide regulatory bills have reached the Senate floor in Washington D.C. while prices have appreciated to new all-time highs. Although price appreciation tends to lure attention, price has become an increasingly less significant metric for measuring the strength and health of the broader digital asset space compared to transaction volumes, throughput capacity, unique user addresses, and funds locked in…

The journey to net zero requires industry transformation

4 min read - “What’s measured or rewarded gets done.” This is a fitting approach for organizations on the path to net zero, a commitment to reduce net emissions to zero in order to stabilize global temperatures. As stakeholders, consumers and investors increasingly demand that companies take action, industries must respond and show progress on meaningful efforts to transform their approach to climate change. Consumers demand change to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions A recent UN report shows that more than 130 countries have committed to…

Automating workplace vaccination verification — a path out of the pandemic

3 min read - Workplace vaccination mandates are coming for employers. In the United States, The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently released a rule on requiring all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any workers who remain unvaccinated to produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis before coming to work. This rule impacts ~80 million workers — every company in the S&P 500 and most companies…

Building a digital trust ecosystem for mining in British Columbia

4 min read - Responsible practices to preserve our planet require innovation, agility, and collaboration. Consumers, investors, producers, and governments around the world are choosing to do business with those that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. In the mining sector, British Columbia is committed to increased transparency and trust related to where products come from and how they are produced. This includes provenance related attributes for supply chain, tracing, and environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting. “While there is tremendous progress already underway in…

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