Navigate uncertainty, adapt to changing conditions and workflows, and embrace future opportunities with healthcare technology solutions.

Drive patient-centric streamlined treatment journeys with a patient services platform

3 min read - The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing significant changes that are transforming current patient processes. While major treatment advancements across all therapeutic areas have significantly increased the quality of life for patients, they continue to face obstacles when they need to access specialty medications and new treatment regimens. Some of the challenges include  high costs, difficult treatment journeys and a hard-to-navigate approval process. Pharmaceutical manufacturers have developed programs to optimize access to specialty medications and targeted therapeutic treatments and these programs have…

Building a future-ready workforce with data and AI

4 min read - When business leaders think about digital transformation, what comes to mind is improving customer experience, boosting the business’ agility or increasing access to data-driven insights. In the digital age, it is of course essential to innovate in ways that will empower your organization to deliver exceptional experiences to customers. But it’s equally important to reinvent the experiences you deliver to your employees. Reinventing your talent strategies will enable you to attract, develop and retain your most valuable resource: the people…

Blockchain newsletter: Emerging coronavirus variants spur blockchain innovations in healthcare

3 min read - Get a first look at the Gartner report for decentralized identity and verifiable claims. Access promising use cases, risks and considerations, and expert recommendations on creating value for a fully decentralized future. Here’s your complimentary access to Gartner’s Innovation Insights. Delta variant refocuses attention on vaccine passports The surge of COVID-19 cases due to the Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant is driving organizations to expand the use of vaccine passports with interoperability and extensibility in mind. Compatibility with open standards organizations and…

How embedded insurance helps carriers thrive in the digital era

6 min read - Life in the digital age can feel frantic. The constant notifications, the phishing scams and data breaches, the social media fear of missing out, and all the shows you’ve been meaning to stream. The innovations that have come with our connected and networked lives are still well worth it, but it can feel like we always have to be on-guard. What if all this connection, all the microservices and apps that were a part of our lives, meant that we…

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