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Teaching large language models to “forget” unwanted content

4 min read - While large language models are becoming exceptionally good at learning from vast amounts of data, a new technique that does the opposite has tech companies abuzz: machine unlearning. This relatively new approach teaches LLMs to forget or “unlearn” sensitive, untrusted or copyrighted data. It is faster than retraining models from scratch and retroactively removes specific unwanted data or behavior. No surprise then that tech giants like IBM, Google and Microsoft are hustling to get machine unlearning ready for prime time.…

How IBM is shaping AI governance in education with Smarter Balanced

6 min read - The California-based Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is a member-led public organization that provides assessment systems to educators working in K-12 and higher education. The organization, which was founded in 2010, partners with state education agencies to develop innovative, standards-aligned test assessment systems. Smarter Balanced supports educators with tools, lessons and resources including formative, interim and summative assessments, which help educators to identify learning opportunities and strengthen student learning. Smarter Balanced is committed to evolution and innovation in an ever-changing educational…

Tools for trustworthy AI

5 min read - A new tool has been developed to catch students cheating with ChatGPT. It’s 99.9% effective. But OpenAI hasn’t released it because it’s mired in ethics concerns. It’s just one example of one of the major challenges facing AI. How can we monitor the technology to make sure it’s used ethically? For the past few years, the biggest names in AI have pushed for their tech to be used responsibly. And using AI ethically isn’t just the right thing for businesses…

When AI chatbots break bad

3 min read - A new challenge has emerged in the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence. "AI whisperers" are probing the boundaries of AI ethics by convincing well-behaved chatbots to break their own rules. Known as prompt injections or "jailbreaks," these exploits expose vulnerabilities in AI systems and raise concerns about their security. Microsoft recently made waves with its "Skeleton Key" technique, a multi-step process designed to circumvent an AI's ethical guardrails. But this approach isn't as novel as it might seem. "Skeleton…

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