August 19, 2019 By Chris Rosen 2 min read

A look at IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service on IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud.

What is IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud?

IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) launched in June 2019, starting a new generation of IBM Cloud infrastructure. VPC provides simplified networking, security, scalability, flexibility, and agility for users running workloads in IBM Cloud. Learn more about VPC in this video walkthrough:

What is IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service?

IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service is a managed container service offering—leveraging Kubernetes as the container orchestration solution—that delivers powerful management tools, an intuitive user experience, and built-in security and isolation to enable rapid delivery of applications, all while leveraging Cloud Services and cognitive capabilities from Watson.

IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service provides native Kubernetes capabilities like intelligent scheduling, self-healing, horizontal scaling, service discovery and load balancing, automated rollouts and rollbacks, and secret and configuration management. Learn more about IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service’s capabilities.

Getting started with the Kubernetes Service on VPC

  1. Log into IBM Cloud.
  2. Create your Virtual Private Cloud using these instructions.
  3. Open the Catalog and search for Kubernetes.
  4. Click the Create button to bypass the overview page.
  5. The Kubernetes Service on VPC requires Kubernetes version 1.15 or newer.
  6. Under Select an environment, choose VPC infrastructure. Now you will see your existing Virtual Private Cloud instances. Configure the cluster name, tags, and geography as normal. You will also see the existing subnets created under your VPC instance. NOTE: Ensure you select the geography where the VPC was created.
  7. Select the worker node flavors for your default pool and the number of nodes per zone, then click Create cluster and get ready to use the Kubernetes Service on VPC!

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