Julie is CityCool’s VP of Omni-channel Operations. She needs to understand how fulfillment costs will impact profit margins.

With IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer with Watson, her fulfillment operations team can take a holistic omni-channel view of fulfillment costs in real-time, and Julie gains insight into which areas of the business need improvements.

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Screenshot of the IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer with Watson operations dashboard

Julie's IBM Sterling Order Management system enables Omni-channel Fulfillment, but she needs more clarity into business results to improve operational efficiency. She uses IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer with Watson, which can be integrated with any order management solution, to provide advanced analytics, simulation and real-time optimization.

Screenshot of the IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer with Watson dashboard, showing network capacity, fulfillment backlog and the top five consumed capacity stores

With IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer with Watson, CityCool has made the shift from limited capability to measure the true cost of Omni-channel fulfillment to the ability to execute optimized fulfillment plans at the lowest cost to serve.

Through actionable insights, IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer with Watson intelligently learns as CityCool’s fulfillment network changes. Practitioners don't need to make manual rules or adjustments for seasonality, promotional events, or holiday peak like they would in traditional rule-based systems.

Screenshot of IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer with Watson dashboard showing total number of packages, packages per order, and number upgraded, delayed and regular

Meet with an IBM Operations expert today to discover how IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer with Watson can help you offset the cost-to-serve impacts of omni-channel fulfillment and improve profitability.

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