Business automation
Automate and manage internal audits and conduct broader risk and compliance management activities with the IBM OpenPages Internal Audit Management module.
Provide internal auditors with a cross-departmental view into organizational GRC. The IBM OpenPages Internal Audit Management module helps organizations efficiently plan, execute, report on and review their audit universe. Compare the best practice control environment to the one that has been documented and perform gap analyses to identify vulnerabilities and improvement opportunities.
Try an interactive product tour of OpenPages to see how easy it is to identify risks, review the latest regulatory requirements and manage workflows.
An embedded GRC workflow feature administers workflow instances to automate processes, initiate activities, assign tasks, notify stakeholders, plan and meet deadlines, and drive consistency.
A one-click audit report pulls all of the appropriate data from the central repository. Gantt Charts and other visuals provide the user with quick ways to see data to aid in planning.
The Close Audit helper facilitates automation of the audit close process by providing an audit summary as well as readiness details for close status and all of the audit-related components.
IBM OpenPages offers you the capability to deploy domain-targeted product modules to meet specific governance, risk, and compliance challenges. Choose the product modules you need within a single integrated environment.
Read the OpenPages solution brief