
By Joe Hollinworth on 29 July, 2022

IBM – UKI Salesforce Partner of the Year Award 2021/22

IBM are absolutely delighted to have been awarded Salesforce UKI Partner of the Year Award 2021/22! 3 years ago, in the IBM Salesforce Consulting Services practice we set a vision to become ‘The most admired GSI in the UK & Ireland’. Since setting that vision, we have worked relentlessly towards that goal. We have partnered […]

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By David Hewitt on 15 July, 2022

Power of Hybrid, Multicloud Innovation Creates a Seamless Customer Experience Across UK Industries

Think about the rate and pace of innovation we are all experiencing as customers in today’s digital age as UK business continues on its mission to modernise – from securely initiating a timely banking transaction to ensuring the video of a must-see sports final does not get dropped on a 5G network. All of these […]

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By Hannah Rhind on 29 July, 2022

IBM – UKI Salesforce Partner of the Year Award 2021/22

IBM are absolutely delighted to have been awarded Salesforce UKI Partner of the Year Award 2021/22! 3 years ago, in the IBM Salesforce Consulting Services practice we set a vision to become ‘The most admired GSI in the UK & Ireland’. Since setting that vision, we have worked relentlessly towards that goal. We have partnered […]

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By Hannah Rhind on 23 June, 2022

This is Simon. Creating digital architectures.

  Hi Simon, lovely to meet you here at Wimbledon today, can you tell me a bit about your current role at IBM? I have two roles at IBM. Firstly, I’m the Chief Technology Officer for our IBM Consulting work with HSBC. Secondly, I lead the technical work at Wimbledon, preparing for the Championships and […]

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By Hannah Rhind on 10 June, 2022

This is Gian. Creating brighter futures.

Welcome to episode 3 in our interview series, This is my IBM. This week I talk to Gian Mario Deluigi, from our Software sales team in IBM Ireland. Gian explains more about his role in business development, how he continues to learn new things at IBM and his passion for mentoring local students to help […]

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By Hannah Rhind on 12 May, 2022

This is Nik. Creating factories of the future.

Welcome to episode 2 in our interview series, This is my IBM. This week I talk to Nikita Balzyhk from IBM Consulting. Nik shares more on the challenges of implementing change, learning he is less of an introvert than he thought and the entrepreneurial spirit he has inherited from his father. Hi Nik, lovely to […]

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By Hannah Rhind on 26 April, 2022

This is Gaby. Creating digital transformation.

Welcome to episode 1 in a new interview series, This is my IBM. This week I talk to Gaby Goury, an Associate within IBM Consulting. Gaby tells us how she created digital transformation for a government department, making its data work smarter, and how her biggest inspiration is her dad. How did your life as […]

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By Zoë Nicholson on 20 April, 2022

Accelerating the transition to a net-zero future

Global warming is one of the most pressing issues of our time. As it threatens the future of our planet, we need to take strict measures to prevent the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. To tackle the climate crisis and ensure that the global temperature remains within an acceptable range, the concept of […]

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By Sreeram Visvanathan on 23 March, 2022

Today’s IBM in the UK and Ireland

In the last two years, we have experienced monumental change as an organisation and as a result, today’s IBM is a very different company. One that is more strategically focused and more technologically capable. The hard work and commitment of our talented IBMers in the UK and Ireland has been pivotal to this. The UK […]

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By Jenny Taylor MBE on 7 February, 2022

Building The Future

#BuildTheFuture is the perfect theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2022. At IBM, we have been building our future with apprentices since 2010, and what a wonderful journey it has been! I started my Talent Acquisition career as a graduate recruiter and development manager. When we first decided to hire school leaver apprentices into IBM, we […]

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By Charlotte Fisher-Morecroft on 4 February, 2022

Five Tips for Completing Apprenticeship Application Forms

As a manager of the Early Professionals programme at IBM, I work in the team which selects from the applicants to IBM’s apprenticeships and degree apprenticeship schemes. I realise that applying for an apprenticeship can be a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time, so here are my top five tips to completing application […]

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By Chris Nott and Richard Davies on 27 January, 2022

Resilience in edge operations

As we discussed in our first blog post, defence is on the cusp of a paradigm shift with the development of Multi Domain Integration (MDI) with many assets connected, often via sensors, in a ‘network of networks.’  In another post, we explored digital engineering extending to support in-service assets and digital twin. The model implies […]

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By John McNamara on 19 January, 2022

Imperial College create immersive language learning experience using Watson and Virtual Reality

The Call for Code Challenge was created by philanthropist David Clark, founder of the David Clark Cause, in partnership with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Linux Foundation and IBM. This Challenge is open to developers, start-ups, academics, NGOs etc. from around the world. The objective is to imagine […]

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By Carmel Duffy on 19 January, 2022

Intelligent automation to drive the next wave of business transformation

Every business is looking for new ways to grow revenue, increase productivity and streamline operations—priorities that are at the heart of winning in a competitive landscape. Since the start of the pandemic, many organizations have fast-tracked their digital transformation efforts to support those priorities, introducing chatbots, robotic process automation (RPA) and machine learning (ML) into […]

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By Ronan Dalton on 14 January, 2022

Great oaks from acorns grow – why choosing the right technology partner from the get-go is crucial to a startup’s long-term success

No man is an island. It takes a village to raise a child. Many hands make light work. There are numerous sayings incorporated into our daily language that highlight the importance of teaming. Of interest here is the fact that these sayings apply not only to our personal lives but are valid in all sorts […]

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