
By Rebecca Porteous on 24 June, 2021

Returning to Serve Customers: What learnings can Retailers take from Wimbledon?

Returning to Serve Customers: What learnings can Retailers take from Wimbledon? Much like a tennis match opponent, today’s customers are a moving target with needs and habits changing frequently. Since the pandemic, customer expectations of the desired digital experience have significantly changed from what they once were – a complex challenge for retailers to continually […]

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By Sreeram Visvanathan on 24 May, 2021

Accelerating into a new era for IBM UK and Ireland

Accelerating into a new era for IBM UK and Ireland Investing in our people, our partners and our locations   We have never lived in such an extraordinary age with monumental changes taking place over the last year. The extent of uncertainty and change everyone has dealt with in all aspects of their lives throughout […]

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By Karine Faucher on 24 June, 2021

Returning to Serve Customers: What learnings can Retailers take from Wimbledon?

Returning to Serve Customers: What learnings can Retailers take from Wimbledon? Much like a tennis match opponent, today’s customers are a moving target with needs and habits changing frequently. Since the pandemic, customer expectations of the desired digital experience have significantly changed from what they once were – a complex challenge for retailers to continually […]

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By Indy Dhami on 13 April, 2021

Data Fabrics –  Weaving Culture Change into Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has been a business buzzword for decades and there are many definitions from the major strategy consultancies, technology giants, universities and thought leaders. A data fabric however, is a new concept, but the market expected to grow to $4.5 billion by 2026, which is partly driven by an explosion of the cloud. IBM […]

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By Lakshmi Nair on 25 March, 2021

Digital Transformation: Don’t make it open heart surgery!

Digital Transformation: Don’t make it open heart surgery! Technology has for many years been a key driver of revenue growth in a time of crisis, but according to an IBM IBV Study, 60% of organisations are using the COVID-19 pandemic to dramatically accelerate their company’s digital transformation.  Organisations need to be agile, robust and secure, […]

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By Tom Woodham on 24 March, 2021

Converting a crisis into an opportunity – three ways that a Smarter Supply Chain offers resilience

Converting a crisis into an opportunity – three ways that a Smarter Supply Chain offers resilience   The past 12 months has tested the worlds’ supply chains, exposing critical vulnerabilities and the painful truth that many companies have limited visibility of their supply chains, while only a small number actually have visibility into production. Operational […]

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By Dan Bailey on 23 March, 2021

The Era of Modern Compute

The Era of Modern Compute Are we all missing a trick? Many IT projects that began more than five years ago have now racked up huge technical debt, with large costs to remediate them. The change projects of yesteryear are now up for renewal and the technical debt costs keep growing. Meanwhile, individual business units […]

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By Ed Robinson on 16 March, 2021

Seize the coming growth opportunities with IBM Global Financing

Seize the coming growth opportunities with IBM Global Financing Brighter skies ahead The pandemic has left the world a very different place, but economic recovery is on the horizon. To seize the coming opportunities for growth, all organisations need greater flexibility and agility. Finance professionals can take the lead by investing in many ways including […]

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By Vince Smith on 8 March, 2021

Encouraging more women in quantum: four insights from four women

Encouraging more women in quantum: four insights from four women “There’s a shift in perspective right now towards women in physics and Quantum may be the discipline that’s exemplifying that shift. We are accepted for our capabilities and are not viewed as rarities.“ – Christa Zoufal, Quantum Machine Learning, IBM Research Europe Four women making […]

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By Stephen Breslin on 3 March, 2021

Inspiring Scottish Students into STEM: Building essential skills for our future

During the industrial revolution, Scotland was regarded as one of the world’s main shipbuilding nations. At one point a fifth of all ships in the world were made on the River Clyde, and with this came jobs for young people, meaning that after you left school, you went straight into an apprenticeship.  Fast forward to […]

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By Margaret Doyle on 1 March, 2021

Turning the future into a sure win

A brief overview of how artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies are reshaping the world of sport. From transforming marketing strategies to delivering thrilling and engaging digital fan experiences, find out how sports organisations can adjust to a digital-first future. Explore what’s possible now and how the AI ladder can help you develop the enterprise capabilities […]

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By Jenny Taylor MBE on 8 February, 2021

How IBM has adapted early professional recruitment and onboarding strategies in light of the pandemic

Organisations spent £6.6 billion in 2020 on the skills shortage, up from £4.4 billion in 2019 [1] (Open University Business Barometer 2020). These skill shortages are predominantly addressed through recruitment activities, with ever more businesses opting for a sustainable, long-term approach to address the skills gap. Nearly half (48%) of employers acknowledged that apprenticeships and […]

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By Andi Britt and James Cook on 2 February, 2021

How to build a self-reinventing workforce

Nine principles that underpin skills transformation at IBM When we asked 5,000 business leaders what core skills they look for in the workforce, technical, digital and data skills featured prominently in their responses. As businesses wake up to the reality that data, automation and artificial intelligence will not just feature in but shape their futures, […]

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By Francesco Brenna on 24 November, 2020

Redefining the contact centre of tomorrow

It’s still early to draw conclusions for the year 2020, however, it’s likely that businesses will remember it as a time when the workplace changed forever. When, for many companies, the sudden shift to remote working and working from home coincided with a surge in customer calls. To face the challenge, customer contact centres need […]

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By Louise Skordby on 23 November, 2020

Return to the workplace with confidence

2020 has been the year of unforeseen challenges for businesses and society alike. In the face of crisis, people are becoming increasingly concerned with health and safety measures. To demonstrate to employees that they are protected, organizations need to ensure that health and safety policies are being fully implemented and that there are quick responses […]

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