IBM Lift CLI is out of beta and available for download
Six weeks ago, we announced the beta release of the IBM Lift CLI. This is IBM’s premier ground-to-cloud data migration offering used to quickly, securely, and reliably migrate large data sets from your on-premises database or data source to our cloud data platform.
Today, we’re proud and excited to announce the general availability of the IBM Lift CLI. Over a short amount of time, our users migrated tens of terabytes to our enterprise cloud data warehouse service, Db2 Warehouse on Cloud. In the meantime, our engineering team has been working hard putting in the final touches and even cranked out a couple of new features. These include:
Load with external tables: Migrating data from PureData System for Analytics (Netezza)? Your data is now loaded using external tables. This means that data load occurs infinitely faster than before, and with next to zero load errors. It’s a winning combination.
Subsetting data on extract via SELECT/WHERE: Only want to extract and migrate a subset of your data? Use the –column-selection and –where-clause options to isolate the rows and columns you’d like to move.
HIPAA-readiness: IBM Lift CLI can now handle the migration of HIPAA-sensitive data sets to a HIPAA-ready instance of Db2 Warehouse on Cloud.
Preview support for the brand new IBM Integrated Analytics System: The new Lift CLI contains provisional support for hybrid use cases with our new analytics appliance. More on this later.
As before, I encourage everyone to give the new IBM Lift CLI a try. We have done a ton of work to make your migration to the IBM Cloud as painless as possible. We think you will love it.