What do global climate change and global warming look like? Surface temperature statistics paint a compelling picture of the changing climate: 2023, according to the European Union (link resides outside of ibm.com) climate monitor Copernicus, was the warmest year on record—nearly 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial levels.
To gain a holistic understanding of the current climate crisis and future climate implications, however, it’s important to look beyond global average temperature records. The impacts of climate change may be organized into three categories:
While climate change is defined as a shift in long-term weather patterns, its impacts include an increase in the severity of short-term weather events.
Due to climate change, natural ecosystems are undergoing long-term changes and declines in biodiversity. Here are a few examples:
Climate change is increasingly impacting the quality of life on Earth, affecting people’s health and economic well-being.
Though some of the impacts on Earth’s climate are irreversible, a wide range of organizations from the public and private sector are working on climate actions that address the causes of climate change. These include ongoing mitigation strategies and targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, such as emissions of carbon dioxide and methane.
Meeting these targets relies in part on the growth of clean, renewable energy production that reduces the world’s reliance on energy derived from the burning of fossil fuels. Other climate science innovation could also contribute to climate change mitigation measures, ranging from carbon capture technology to methods of neutralizing ocean acidity (link resides outside of ibm.com).
Existing sustainable technologies can also help companies lower their carbon footprint. Artificial intelligence-powered analysis, for example, can help companies identify what parts of their operations produce the most greenhouse gas emissions; carbon accounting can inform their strategies on reducing those emissions.
Of utmost importance, scientists say, is acting quickly.
“If we act now,” IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee said in a 2023 statement (link resides outside of ibm.com), “we can still secure a livable sustainable future for all.”
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