
6 ways to develop a smarter business

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It’s time to rethink how organizations work. In an ever-changing market with new buzzing technologies on the rise, businesses need to adapt and evolve to stay relevant in the market. Take action in six key areas to emerge a smarter, more resilient, and more agile business for years to come.

1) Utilize Watson Works to work smarter and safer

Watson Works is a set of products, available today, to help guard the health, safety, and productivity of your people in a changing workplace. Capabilities include workplace re-entry planning, facilities management, workplace safety, contact tracing, care management, and customer and employee care.

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2) Engage customers anywhere with Watson

Deploy features like chat and virtual agents to increase productivity and provide timely responses to your customers and employees. Watson Assistant is a conversational AI platform that knows when to search for an answer from a knowledge base, when to ask for clarity, and when to direct users to a human.

3) Enhance IT resiliency and business continuity

Maintain business operations, protect critical data and assets, and effectively respond to threats with IBM Backup as a Service (BaaS). This service provides end-to-end management of data protection to address your unique backup, retention and retrieval needs. IBM backs up more than 3.5 exabytes of data for clients annually.

4) Accelerate agility and efficiency with cloud

With IBM Cloud’s hybrid capabilities, you can operate your business securely anywhere and adapt to changes without compromise. You can easily build once and deploy anywhere, modernize applications, make your data ready for AI across your entire company and simplify regulatory compliance.

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5) Address new cybersecurity risks

IBM Cloud Pak for Security can help you uncover hidden threats and make more informed risk-based decisions. You can access IBM and third-party tools to search for threats across any cloud or on-premises location and orchestrate responses to those threats – all while leaving your data where it is.

6) Reduce operational cost and ensure supply chain resiliency

IBM Sterling helps you act with speed and confidence to mitigate supply chain disruptions and reduce operational costs through actionable AI-based insights and execution. Together, we can automate decision-making where it makes sense and empower your people with real-time insights. That is smarter business operations!

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If you would like to discuss your opportunities in order to make smarter business, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Research & Innovation Executive, IBM Research - IBM Watson

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