Digital Reinvention

Watson Marketing Pitch: Transform digital marketing with IBM Watson

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Digital Marketing Ambition: From Data Deluge to Actionable Insights

Every Digital Channel of an enterprise today produces volumes of data about customers. However the challenge for marketers is to use this data to create a customer loyalty marketing that gives customers a sense of personalization — a feeling that they really matter to the company — without giving them the creepy sensation that company is watching their every move. However only few leaders are able to make data-driven decisions to design a meaningful, impactful and relevant brand experience at any customer touch point. This is because most enterprises do not have the right marketing technology that is smart enough to handle the enterprise’s marketing ambitions.

AI Strategies for boosting conversions

To be effective at scale, every Digital marketer has to identify right strategies to leverage customer data and AI before selecting their tools for implementation.

Personalization does not have to be an overly-intrusive, uniquely-personalized experience for every single customer. Instead it is more about mining the voluminous customer interaction data to perform a “high-value segmentation” using AI and machine-learning algorithms to segment customers according to the data collected, and knowing how to use that data to optimize conversion rates.

Marketers can achieve customer loyalty through engagement marketing which is focused towards encouraging users to have repeated brand engagement. Customer engagement can be gauged by tracking customer communications, a CRM system powered by algorithms that can also provide the information one needs to identify areas that are underperforming;

Marketers have to now start moving beyond A/B testing. More and More Marketers have now started to use Journey mapping that creates the right message and drive repeated customer engagement with the Brand. The Customer Journey Model can be used to perform quantitative conversation research which is an effective method to discover insights to fine tune the customer journey map continuously.

AI-powered tools can deliver content that is tailored to one’s specific customers’ needs whenever they interact with the brand by leveraging Customer Journey Model.

Watson Marketing: AI-Powered Brand Story Telling for better conversion

Watson Marketing provides Effective Customer Experience Analytics solution that connects all the data collected via Omni channel touch points and campaigns and build the individual customer journeys of all customers.  IBM Watson Marketing can help marketers to not only create these personalized journeys but also identify the trends to get actionable insights to find and fix their customer experience struggles.

Until now, marketers had only two choices: pick a personalized campaign, or a scalable one, but not both. Machine learning is changing that. With Watson, AI-powered brand storytelling can now sharply adapt to a consumer’s preferences and behavior to deliver personalized stories at scale, helping a company engage with customers more efficiently than ever before.

Improving Productivity – automate gains insights and focus on creative Marketing

Watson gives marketers clarity into end-to-end journeys and their effectiveness while also giving them the ability to visualize the actual customer experience on digital channels. This macro to micro view gives you both the what and the why behind a brand’s customer experience performance. Watson provides marketers the insight one needs to optimize journeys, boost conversion, and maximize profitability. In Watson Marketing, the data-analytics and digital marketing tools are integrated together. Hence Marketers using it can gain access to customer insights directly instead of having to wait for data analysts to provide those insights for them. AI-powered Watson Marketing helps organizations improve marketer productivity significantly by enabling them to focus more on creative marketing than on analytics.

Read More about IBM Watson Assistant as a cloud conversational computing platforms for better customer engagement over here:

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