


Transform your IT spend with AI

Rethink Talent Skill And Development With AI

Personalize upskilling with AI
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Digital rendering of characters representing HR Talent around a plaque
Transform your approach to career development

HR professionals can use AI to make evidence-based decisions and personalized recommendations for upskilling and training employees. 

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We’ve seen AI build a training course on the spot, deliver it to the employee and test their knowledge. What if it could recommend the next most impactful skill to develop with a digital coach or path to a new role based on your career history and aspirations? Ian Bird Client Partner & Skills Transformation Offering Leader IBM
Featured resource Put AI to work in talent transformation Generative AI is changing the way we define work and creating new opportunities in human resources, career development and employee experience. Learn how to prepare for your organization’s transformation. Download the guidebook
Related content: AI in Action podcast Can AI help build a world where your resumes don’t end up in a black hole and companies can find the right candidates easily? Listen to host Albert Lawrence, Jon Lester, VP of HR, technology, data and AI at IBM, and David Levy, advisory technology engineer at IBM, talk about how you can use AI and data ethically to make HR more efficient and human. Listen now

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How do you replace the person who just left your organization instead of the person you hired years ago?

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