Quantum Computing: The New Frontier

As scientists and engineers explore alternatives to conventional computers, one field in particular stands above the rest for its extraordinary potential, as well as, complexity: quantum computing. Quantum computers promise exponential increases in speed over today’s classical computers, and they have the potential to impact problems on a global scale. The most basic piece of […]

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Laying the Foundation of Africa’s High-Tech Future

Africa is currently experiencing an economic upswing raising incomes and the standard of living for millions across the continent. However, as with previous African boom periods, this growth is predominantly based on the sale of natural resources and commodities making it vulnerable to fluctuations in global demand. As I write this, the currencies of many […]

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Manipal, First Hospital in India to Adopt IBM Watson

As a doctor in India I have a unique perspective of the pressures building within the healthcare system of this country. For starters, a dwindling of physicians is being met with a rise in patient populations. Today, there is one oncologist for every 1,600 cancer patients – and with rising rates of cancer around the […]

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Applying Cognitive, Big Data Analytics to Thwart Fraud

A few weeks ago, in Washington, D.C., I had the privilege of moderating a MeriTalk panel, “I Spy Fraud – Before it Happens,” where we delved into the ongoing battle against fraud. But just prior to the discussion,  US Government Accountability Office Assistant Director Linda Miller, said something interesting. She said, the traditional approach to […]

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Ushering In a Renaissance In Governments

Welcome to the age of cognitive computing, where intelligent machines simulate human brain capabilities to help solve society’s most vexing problems. Early adopters in government and other industries are already realizing significant value from the innovative technology. Cognitive systems are helping governments navigate complex operations and foster better engagement with constituents. The technology’s potential to […]

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Introducing a Universal Translator for Big Data and Machine Learning

Anybody who travels to a foreign country or reads a book or newspaper written in a language they don’t speak understands the value of a good translation. Yet, in the realm of Big Data, application developers face huge challenges when combining information from different sources and when deploying data-heavy applications to different types of computers. […]

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Breakthrough Polymer Could Lead to Endlessly Recyclable Plastics

IBM Research Scientist Jamie Garcia, who MIT recently named a 2015 “Innovator Under 35” for her work in polymers, recently told an EmTech audience how her “chance discovery sparked a quest for plastics that are both strong and recyclable.” The chemistry PhD hopes that the properties of these new polymers lead to longer-lasting, more-durable, even […]

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The Bell Prize: Unlocking the Secrets of the Earth’s Crust

We’re on the cusp of a new era for science and computer science. People are able to measure natural phenomena more precisely thanks to all the new sensors and the Internet of Things. We can handle immense amounts of data thanks to new data management technologies. And we’re producing ever more sophisticated algorithms and computer […]

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How Digital-Era Sports Franchises Pump Up the Fan Experience

There are no time outs in the business of sports. As fans, we want 24/7 access to news about our favorite teams and athletes, no matter how or where we’re viewing the content. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a game day or not. In season, or out of season. At the game, or watching on HD […]

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How Cloud Computing Can Boost Morocco’s Tech Economy

The Kingdom of Morocco is best known by outsiders as the setting for the classic movie, Casablanca, and for exotic tourist destinations, such as Marrakech. Quietly, though, it’s gaining strength as one of the innovation engines for North Africa. Last year, Morocco hosted the annual Global Entrepreneur Summit—a first for Africa. It’s building the world’s […]

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Live Blogging from the Cognitive Colloquium

05:00 PM Guruduth Banavar, Vice President of Cognitive Computing, IBM Research Wrapping up, there are three things I want to highlight…. First, concerning neuroscience: The analogy we draw from neuroscience and the human brain, the inspiration we get from the brain, has driven a lot of thinking. This is an area the I want to […]

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Enhanced Collaboration in the Cognitive Era

Today, 70 years after the first electronic computers were invented, most interactions between people and machines are conducted the old fashioned way: humans tap on tiny smartphone screens or type on computer keyboards. Human-to-computer interactions are not typically intuitive, pro-active or exciting. All of that’s must change as we move into the era of cognitive […]

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