What’s Next for Cognitive Computing? Personalized Health on an Apple Watch

Every day, we make important decisions about our health — what we eat, how much to exercise or sleep, or whether to get a flu shot or a cancer screening. Making the right health choices can be easier said than done. That’s why early next year, IBM and Watson Health partner Welltok will provide IBM […]

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Understanding Any Human Motion Anytime, Anywhere on IBM Bluemix

When healthy individuals stumble or fall, they can take great solace knowing they can lift themselves back up again. But for the elderly, disabled, or sick, this simple act may not be so easy. To improve citizen vitality and well-being, businesses in the wearable tech industry are designing devices with motion sensors to address multiple […]

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Fintech’s Role in the Digital Transformation of Banking

The road to digital banking is well underway and there is no turning back. But the digital transformation means more than merely providing technological solutions. It requires a comprehensive review of the entity’s business model and deep restructuring of its digital culture. It requires renewed focus on the customer and incentive models, while addressing head-on […]

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Keeping Aucklanders Informed and Safe through Mobile & Cloud

New Zealand is revered for its natural beauty and lush landscapes. But with a long coastline, and our location straddling a tectonic plate boundary at the edge of the vast and windy Southern Pacific Ocean, we are extremely susceptible to the threat of natural disasters. Tsunami, earthquake, flood and landslide warnings are not uncommon, and […]

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What it Takes to Reinvent Supercomputing–Over and Over Again

I’m not usually a big fan of anniversaries (except my wedding day, of course), but I make an exception when it comes to IBM’s collaboration with the US Government on supercomputing. Today is the 20th anniversary of the Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative–a Department of Energy program that has safeguarded America’s nuclear weapon arsenal and, and […]

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How the Ottawa Police Hardened Online Ops with Secure Cloud Services

The Ottawa Police Service dates back to 1847. Since then it has been protecting the safety and security of our communities in Ottawa, Canada. But in November of last year, it was the Ottawa Police Service that became the target of an attack – specifically, over the web. It all started on a Wednesday when […]

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Recruitment is Marketing: A New Approach to Attracting Talent

Today, individual preferences and needs dominate and drive decision-making in every sphere of life. Consumers expect personalization of service, product, and experience, and the ability to tap into all this via the device of their choice. Marketing has recognized and reinvented itself to meet this expectation. So why should recruitment be any different? Candidates today […]

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A Letter to Our Clients About the OpenPOWER Initiative

To Our Clients: IBM has long viewed open and collaborative innovation as a way to deliver breakthrough enterprise technologies that help our clients compete and succeed. More than a decade ago, we began actively supporting the Linux open source initiative. Today, Linux has become a mission-critical operating system on servers, mainframes and high-performance computers around […]

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Fortune: Ginni Rometty and the Most Disruptive Trend in Tech

Ginni Rometty, Chairman, President and CEO, IBM, speaks to Fortune Editor, Alan Murray about the most disruptive trend in technology – Cognitive Computing. The interview is part of the magazine’s Most Powerful Women series and first appeared online on Oct. 13, 2015.

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How the Peace Corps Embraced Cloud for Talent Management

In the final weeks of the 1960 Presidential campaign, then Senator John F. Kennedy spoke to a group of students at the University of Michigan about commitment to public service. The speech foreshadowed the launch of the Peace Corps on March 1, 1961, an organization whose mission is to promote world peace and friendship. Like […]

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Live Blogging from the Cognitive Colloquium

7:00 PM ET Embodied Cognition Session Chair: Dr. Guru Banavar, Vice President, Cognitive Computing Research, IBM Research Dr. Myron (Ron) Diftler, Robonaut Project Leader, NASA Johnson Space Center Dr. Gaurav Sukhatme, Co-Director, Robotics Research Lab, University of Southern California Paul Hermes, Entrepreneur in Residence, Medtronic Grady Booch, Chief Scientist for Software Engineering, IBM Research Some […]

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Westpac: Empowering Customers Through Digital Transformation

At Westpac we’ve set a goal of becoming one of the world’s great service companies, recognising that our customers compare us not just with the experience offered by local banks but by the global web-based businesses they conduct and experience every day. Customers of businesses across industries around the planet are empowered with greater knowledge, […]

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