Q&A: Dr. Jane Chiang On the New Cognitive App Contest to Fight Diabetes

Diabetes can be a time consuming and expensive disease — and no one understands this better than the people who live with it. In the United States, diabetes and prediabetes cost us a staggering $322 billion each year in direct medical expenses and reduced productivity. And studies have shown that people with diabetes spend 2.3 […]

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OpenPOWER: Rewriting the Rules of Data Center Innovation

What started as a risky experiment two years ago has grown into a full-blown revolution. The OpenPOWER Foundation, the open technical community based on the open and licensable POWER architecture, has grown from the original five charter members in 2014 to more than 250 organizations from around the world today. This growing ecosystem enables members […]

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P-TECH Intern Dives Head First Into Cognitive Computing

Naseer Campbell was 14-years-old when he decided to pursue a degree in computer science and technology. He’s now 18, in his fifth year of Pathways in Technology Early College High School, or P-TECH, and wrapping up his second summer internship at IBM’s Thomas J Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY. P-TECH, an educational model […]

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Delivering Science-Enabling Supercomputers for DOE’s Energy Mission

With the right tools, seemingly impossible problems can rapidly shift to the realm of possibility. This is true whether you’re talking about a simple one-person task or a complex challenge taken on by a group of committed individuals. Complex problems are second nature at the US Department of Energy (DOE). The agency is dedicated to […]

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Who Knew U.S. Drivers Crossed Their Legs While Using Cruise Control?

When engineers here at Honda R&D were discussing where to locate the “engine start” button in their vehicles, they learned that several US drivers accidentally pressed the engine start button with their knees. This was a big surprise for us, because it’s only possible if you put the car into cruise control, take your feet […]

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Letting Customers Decide Who Leads in the Cloud

When people discuss “the cloud,” what they’re really talking about is the vast landscape of cloud solutions. Today, clouds fuel apps that are touched by thousands of organizations and millions of people every day. In a lot of ways, the cloud has become the invisible thread weaving its way through everything digital, in one form […]

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Charting the Future of Artificial Intelligence

For decades, the world has been producing digital information at an unprecedented rate. We have digitized the history of the world’s literature and all of its medical journals, enabling wide access to troves of information. We can now understand the movements of planes, trains, automobiles, not to mention everything else from cattle to mobile phones […]

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Why Hybrid Cloud is Becoming the Place for Enterprise Transformation

The cloud has shifted from being a driver of cost savings to a key enabler of business innovation. As it matures, industries across the globe are realizing that the “cloud” is not simply a thing, but a multi-dimensional technology destination to fuel business innovation. A properly deployed cloud platform can improve business models, intelligence and […]

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Innovation Today for Solving the Challenges of Tomorrow

Change is the only constant in the technology industry, especially in the fields of science and research. The exponential growth of data from sources like enterprises, social media, sensors and devices is propelling change faster than ever before. At the same time, we are witnessing something we never thought we’d have to face – the […]

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Checking the Ledger: Permissioned vs. Permissionless Blockchains

Blockchain technology is all about dramatically increasing trust in business transactions. It will revolutionize the way we do business by making it impossible for participants to cheat. A permanent digitized chain of all transactions — grouped into blocks, the blockchain — means that participants cannot tamper with or deny past transactions. Although the potential of […]

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Quantum Experiences: A Q&A with Caltech’s Christine Corbett Moran

Dr. Christine Corbett Moran travels the world in search of challenging problems to solve. The National Science Foundation’s Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology earned a PhD in Zurich, taught mobile development and entrepreneurship in Manila, and now calls Antarctica home while conducting experiments on the South Pole Telescope. It’s […]

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Pushing the Boundaries of Inclusive Tech on the 26th Anniversary of the ADA

We want to recognize the 26th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and salute its impact in helping create a more inclusive society. This anniversary is an important reminder that we all need to continue to eliminate barriers in the physical and online worlds so people with disabilities and the aging population can […]

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