TradeLens: How IBM and Maersk Are Sharing Blockchain to Build a Global Trade Platform

When IBM and global shipping leader Maersk announced in January 2018 an initiative to create a new global trade platform built on blockchain, the goals were at once simple yet ambitious: to reduce the cost of global shipping, improve visibility across supply chains and eliminate inefficiencies stemming from paper-based processes. In short, to bring global […]

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5 Things Travel & Transportation Companies Should Consider for 2019

In the travel and transportation industry today, digital transformation is at the core of every decision being made by airlines, railways, hotel chains, rental car agencies, and travelers. Data-driven business models have permeated the entire supply chain, and the travel journey for businesses and consumers alike is being transformed as the pace of change accelerates. […]

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IBM Helps Developing Nations Harness Safe Water

Developed nations largely take clean water for granted. Open the tap, and there it is. Many developing countries, unfortunately, don’t have that luxury. Kenya, for example, has a population of approximately 46 million people, with an astounding 41 percent relying on unimproved water sources such as ponds, shallow wells and rivers. Additionally, only nine out […]

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Lexus Europe Creates World’s Most Intuitive Car Ad with IBM Watson

According to one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, Alfred Hitchcock, “To make a great film you need three things – the script, the script, and the script.” What happens when you give an Oscar-winning director a script written entirely by artificial intelligence? The answer is the new ‘Driven by Intuition’ advertisement by Lexus. […]

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IBM Responds to California Fires

At the time of this writing, the death toll from California’s deadliest wildfires stands at 66 – with more than 600 people still unaccounted for. Meanwhile, the fires have destroyed more than 10,000 homes, forced more than 81,000 people to evacuate, and are less than 40 percent contained. It’s in times like these that IBM and […]

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The Network Effect: IBM Blockchain Now Runs in Multiple Environments

Blockchain technology can mean many things to many people, but one key tenet of the technology is that it is dependent on the network effect. The larger, more open, diverse and distributed a network, the stronger its trust mechanisms and the greater its value to members across a network. However, this can create challenges in […]

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Why I Serve

My name is Frank Johnson. I am a veteran, and an IBMer who works for veterans. If all I had was one sentence to communicate what I feel and do every day, that sentence is it. I spent eight years active duty in the United States Air Force, and two more in the Virginia National […]

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Fueling the HPC Transformation with AI

As the annual Supercomputing conference celebrates its 30th birthday in Dallas this week, I’m reminded how far supercomputing has come, and how exciting the HPC industry is right now. With the Big Data boom, the immense amount of information represents tremendous opportunity for researchers who have new fuel for their projects. But it also provides […]

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How Ancestry Discovers Hidden Forecasting Insights with IBM Cloud, Analytics

Ancestry has been helping people discover insights about their family histories and origins since 1983. The company, which operates the world’s largest consumer DNA network, applies both engineering and technical innovations around records research and consumer genomic data to help millions of people unearth family information – information that’s often buried deep in hard-to-find, hard-to-access […]

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How the UAE is Empowering its Citizens through Blockchain

Blockchain is proving to be a disruptive technology. Over the last few years, countries, governments and organizations started experimenting with blockchain, and are now adopting this transformational technology. The United Arab Emirates has been tapping into the potential of blockchain to revolutionize its government processes and citizen services. Dubai’s journey with blockchain dates back to […]

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