‘Ask Mercedes’ – The End of the Car Manual As We Know It

“How do I turn on my rear defroster?” and “What type of fuel does this car need?” are the kinds of questions that can send new car owners diving into glovebox for the car manual. Or, they simply start pressing random buttons, hoping for the best. Those days, however, may be over. Daimler AG and IBM have jointly developed the virtual assistant, “Ask […]

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The Importance of Creating a Culture of Data

Using and exploiting artificial intelligence (AI), is a goal for many enterprises around the world. Of course, before you can begin working with the cognitive technology, a number steps have to be taken. For starters, AI requires machine learning and machine learning, requires analytics. And to work with analytics effectively, you need a simple, elegant […]

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Forging Secure, Real-Time Open Banking for Faster Services

The banking industry is going through a technological revolution as clients use products and processes over digital channels on a mass scale. With fewer visits to bank branches and fewer transactions made over the counter, financial operations have gone digital. This shift has led to the rise of FinTechs, who are increasingly expanding into financial […]

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Hiring the Vet in the 21st Century

Throughout our 106 year history, IBM has made a concerted effort to hire military veterans around the globe. In addition to bringing a high level of maturity, discipline, experience and leadership to the job, veterans are also collaborative and communicative. And they’re also used to working together to accomplish a greater objective. These are ideal […]

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Expand Free Trade by Enhancing Digital Trust

Free trade has been an enduring goal of the international community for more than a century. Despite broad technological progress, modern transaction systems remain heavily burdened by antiquated practices. This creates “friction” that slows global commerce and hinders service delivery of all kinds. Banks, for example, still issue letters of credit to importers, a practice […]

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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

The last five years has seen a surge in large companies collaborating with startups to improve success rates. It was once thought that startups and corporations speak different languages, run at different speeds, and serve different purposes in our economy. Gone is the thinking that the large tech company and the start-up are complete opposites; […]

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Breaking Down This Year’s Black Friday

The clock is ticking. It’s the countdown to Black Friday, an American tradition that kicks off the holiday shopping season. While the promotions begin earlier each year, Black Friday still remains the day to cash in on the biggest deals. For example, last year more than 101 million people ventured to stores on Black Friday, […]

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Creating An In-Store Retail Revival

Though several major retailers, from Toys “R” Us to Aeropostale, have filed for bankruptcy protection this year and others have closed thousands of stores, all seemingly at the hands of online commerce, reports of the death of retail are greatly exaggerated. In fact, research shows that the industry is booming and that stores still matter. […]

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The Chip Innovation of ’97 that Spurred Even Greater Scale & Speed

Twenty years ago, after riding high on a microprocessor architecture that launched and sustained the PC revolution, the industry faced considerable new hurdles – specifically with the microchip’s speed and scale. Any company that manufactured a device with a chip inside of it needed something new to help them keep up with the incredible demand for […]

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The Future is Quantum

Some of the most important technical advances of the 20th century were enabled by decades of fundamental scientific exploration, whose initial purpose was simply to extend human understanding. When Einstein discovered relativity, he had no idea that one day it would be an important part of modern navigation systems. Such is the story of quantum […]

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The Business of Belonging

Belonging has always been an essential ingredient in the business of brand building. This fundamental human need has been increasingly on our minds as evidence of the fragile state of belonging in the world mounts. A decline in trust in institutions, economic divides, political partisanship and increased levels of isolation of loneliness due in part, […]

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How IBM and Salesforce Are Challenging Traditional Business Models

Since unveiling our partnership with Salesforce in March, we’ve worked together to champion the impact of AI across all facets of business, helping companies across all industries make smarter decisions, faster than ever before. Today, at Salesforce’s annual Dreamforce conference, IBM’s Chairman, President and CEO Ginni Rometty will join Salesforce Chairman and CEO, Marc Benioff, […]

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