Discover how developers are applying IBM technologies to surpass expectations of their enterprises and clients today

Suganya Rane

Suganya Rane

Tech Manager Automation & Cloud Solutions

Suganya uses IBM MQ to automate communication pipelines, helping save time and costs for suppliers.

Jean Georges Perrin

Jean Georges Perrin

Senior Data Architect

Jean Georges helps data scientists by leveraging IBM databases with Apache Spark, making information scalable.

Pedro Cruz

Pedro Cruz


Pedro uses IBM Watson® Studio visual recognition as an eye in the sky for first responders.

Christopher Ferris

Christopher Ferris

IBM Fellow

Chris uses the IBM Cloud™ to develop Hyperledger Fabric, the foundation of the IBM Blockchain Platform.

Dan Erikson

Dan Erikson

Lightship Works
Chief Operations Officer

Dan uses The Weather Company APIs to better help improve responses to complex emergencies.

Guilherme Bordon

Guilherme Bordon

Elaw Tecnologia S.A.
Chief Executive Officer

Guilherme uses IBM Watson to analyze labor cases to help give lawyers more time to pursue justice.

Kenji Kato

Kenji Kato


Kenji uses the IBM Cloud to generate escape routes and videos to help people affected by wildfires.

John Walicki

John Walicki

Watson IoT Developer Advocate

John uses IBM Blockchain to help track the delivery of medical supplies to hurricane victims.

Matthias Biniok

Matthias Biniok

IBM Germany
Lead Watson Architect

Matthias uses IBM Watson Assistant to create the first ever autonomous free-flying AI in space.

Markus Eisele

Markus Eisele

Lightbend Inc.
Director, Developer Advocacy

Markus uses the Reactive Platform offered by IBM to manage streams of data created every millisecond.

Discover how business leaders are applying IBM technologies to transform their enterprises today

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Stephanie Abeler

Stephanie Abeler

Senior Director, Service Factory Ground Operations

Let’s use predictive analytics and AI to help handle disruption in the airline industry.

Ohoud Shehail

Ohoud Shehail

Ajman Digital Government
Director General

Let’s enrich interactions between citizens and their governments.

Stéphane Lannuzel

Stéphane Lannuzel

Operations Chief Digital Officer

Let’s use the IoT to give the beauty industry a makeover and help create more personalized experiences.

Opal Perry

Opal Perry

Chief Information Officer

Let’s use the IBM Cloud to help drive faster rentals.

Fabio Sorgesa

Fabio Sorgesa

Head of Corporate Partnerships

Let’s use data to make renewable energy more predictable.

Tracey Welson-Rossman

Tracey Welson-Rossman


Let’s inspire young women to understand how technology empowers them to drive innovation.

Dave Herman

Dave Herman

Chief Data Scientist

Let’s use IBM Watson® to help make procurement more strategic and intelligent.

Mark Lack

Mark Lack

Mueller Inc.
Manager, Strategy, Analytics and Business Intelligence

Let’s construct solutions grounded in customers’ stories.

Dr. Marwan Al Mulla

Dr. Marwan Al Mulla

Dubai Health Authority
Chief Executive Officer of Health Regulation Sector

Let’s use AI to efficiently inspect medical facilities to help provide patient safety.

Johan Bosch

Johan Bosch

Executive Director

Let’s use the IBM Z® to help encrypt data, protect clients’ information and create trust.

Karin Wagner

Karin Wagner

UnitedHealth Group
Senior Director, Talent Acquisition and Intelligence

Let’s use AI to help recruiters spend more time connecting with candidates.

Sophie Cahuzac

Sophie Cahuzac

AXA Services
Head of Private IaaS Product & Portal

Let’s use IBM Cloud solutions to help make insurance infrastructure scalable and productive.

Danny Tomsett

Danny Tomsett

Chief Executive Officer

Let’s use IBM Watson® with FaceMe to bring emotional connections to digital experiences.

Brad Chun

Brad Chun

Shuttle Fund
Chairman and Chief Investment Officer

Let’s safely secure digital assets that power the world.

Claus Jensen

Claus Jensen

CVS Health/Aetna
Chief Technology Officer

Let’s disrupt health care and help build a different trust model.

Chang Rock Song

Chang-Rock Song

SK Hynix
Chief Information Officer

Let’s use the IBM Cloud™ to help better manage IT costs and enhance productivity in enterprises.