DB2 Monitoring
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IBM DB2 Monitoring and Performance Management

IBM DB2 Monitoring is an important part of Instana’s automated microservices application monitoring.

IBM DB2 is a family of hybrid data management products offering a suite of capabilities designed to help you manage structured and unstructured data on-prem as well as in private and public cloud environments. DB2 is built on an intelligent common SQL engine designed for scalability and flexibility.

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Instana IBM DB2 Monitoring Configuration

IBM DB2 monitoring is part of Instana’s automated Application Performance Monitoring solution.

When the Instana agent is deployed into an infrastructure containing IBM DB2, it automatically detects the technology but Instana cannot provide automatic DB2 monitoring for licensing reasons. Once you’ve downloaded and placed the driver jar file, the only further setup required is providing credentials to access the IBM DB2 Monitoring information.

IBM DB2 Performance and Configuration Monitoring

After Instana deploys its IBM DB2 monitoring, it will immediately map out IBM DB2’s infrastructure. The Instana agent sends all data back to our Dynamic Graph model, which stores and contextualizes all collected monitoring data. Typical configuration data collected are:

  • Process ID
  • Port
  • Version
  • Start time / Up time

Some example metrics collected are:

  • Connections
  • Rows read
  • Rows returned
  • Commits
  • User Calls Commit Rollbacks
  • Rollbacks
  • etc.

Instana collects information about IBM DB2, individual databases, and containers. See the complete list of metrics available and learn more about monitoring IBM DB2 in our documentation.

Installing Instana’s IBM DB2 Monitoring

Learn more about how to get started monitoring IBM DB2 with Instana. You can either login to your account or start a trial.

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