Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence to help in the fight against diabetes

Jessica Ball’s life changed in March. The 33-year-old, from Hervey Bay in Queensland, has been living with diabetes for 12 years. Balancing her blood glucose levels as a busy mother with three young children is a continuous struggle. Some days, she takes about four insulin injections; other days, she may need up to eight to […]

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Power outages decline with AI and high-res weather forecasting

Advances in computing power are enabling utility companies to better manage problematic vegetation and more effectively predict and respond to disruptions caused by weather. Detailed weather forecasting and artificial intelligence are being used to curtail power outages caused by severe weather amid concerns that extreme weather events are becoming more frequent due to climate change. […]

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How AI is breathing new life into te reo Māori with chatbot

Author: Jason Lovell, Reobot creator “Kia ora!” – Whether you’re Māori or not using this greeting says so much about New Zealand and how proud we are of our unique culture. Although, it hasn’t always been this way. It’s only in recent years that we’ve really started to take steps to make sure it remains […]

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The emergence of the tech-savvy martecheter

Author: Amanda Johnston-Pell, Vice President, Marketing Services Center Asia Pacific, China and Japan IBM CHQ, Marketing  Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian recently said: “Programming is modern-day literacy.” This quote really resonated with me. Last year my son took part in a Coder Academy Day – a dedicated IBM-sponsored program which gave him his first taste of […]

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The AI sommelier making you the wine expert

Standing in front of a wall of wine bottles trying to find something that you’ll like can feel futile. One online wine retailer is using artificial intelligence to help find what you’re looking for.  Author: Alex Braae, Staff Writer of The Spinoff. Originally published on The Spinoff. It can take a lifetime to truly become […]

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Harnessing tech to save Australia’s beaches

Author: Dr Adam Makarucha, Data Scientist, IBM Systems Australia is blessed with some of the world’s most beautiful coastline. Our island nation is home to more than 10,000 beaches, ranging from a few dozen metres to hundreds of kilometres long. But increasingly, these iconic locales are slowly disappearing before our eyes. As a Data Scientist […]

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Behind this AI is the woman shaping its future: Meet Lee Hatton, UBank

Like our children—we build artificial intelligence (AI) in our own image. All is inherited: our bias, inclinations, habits, good and bad intentions are transposed into 1s and 0s, and then absorbed by these synthetic-thought thinking machines. AI is better for it. It’s true: companies leading the way in artificial intelligence have come to realise the […]

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IBM is honouring women who are putting AI to work in business

UBank CEO, Lee Hatton joins our inaugural Women Leaders in AI list Author: Moragh Blyth, Head of Marketing Cloud & Cognitive, Systems and IBM Brand A/NZ As an Aussie woman working in technology in A/NZ, I can’t tell you how proud I was to learn that a fellow Australian and a New Zealander made the […]

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Women Leaders in AI

Woodside Energy’s Chief Digital Officer, Shelley Kalms joins our inaugural Women Leaders in AI list Author: Moragh Blyth, Head of Marketing Cloud & Cognitive, Systems and IBM Brand A/NZ As an Aussie woman working in technology in A/NZ, I can’t tell you how proud I was to learn that a fellow Australian and a Kiwi […]

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Using AI to address the cybersecurity skill shortage

Author – John Martin, IBM New Zealand security practice leader Humans are the weak link when it comes to cybersecurity – over 90% of security incidents are attributable to human error. This is when people do things like click on a bad link, open an attachment which is laden with malware or fail to change […]

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With AI-powered translation, industries look to speak every customer’s language

Author: Jordan Teicher, Content Producer, IBM Industries and and Joseph Rakowski   When Aussie, Danny May’s passport was stolen during a business trip to China, he had to think quickly to try to recover it. So he downloaded a translation app on his phone, searched for some Chinese phrases that might help explain his situation, […]

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Guided by a sense of purpose

Author: David La Rose, General Manager, IBM Partner Ecosystem, IBM Systems I felt particularly proud to be an IBMer when I sat down to watch the ABC’s Catalyst Program talking about the advances we are making in robotics and the impact it’s having on the lives of so many Aussies. On the show, Dr Nikki […]

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