Artificial Intelligence

Making sense of machine learning

Originally published on The Australian. Artificial intelligence is increasingly powering life’s touchpoints from Spotify playlists to approving home loans. The benefits are clear but only if we understand them. When Nick Kyrgios met Rafael Nadal in a packed centre court at Wimbledon 2019, it was always going to be a tempestuous affair. The fiery Australian went […]

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POWERful Contextual Bandits are helping us to emerge smarter

For most organisations, making real-time decisions can be challenging, primarily because the required data resides in silos; on-premise systems, public clouds, and private clouds. As a result, when the pandemic hit us, most organisations weren’t prepared to dynamically respond to changes in their customers’ preferences and circumstances. For instance, many grocery stores in Australia and […]

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Can a bot named Sam help citizen scientists save our seas?

A custom data platform and AI tools help UNEP plumb the depths of global water pollution By Jennifer C. Clemente With his furrowed brow and direct gaze, Sam pauses thoughtfully before answering a seemingly innocent question: “Why do you care about marine litter?” “Good question. I care because the people who created me, the men and […]

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Designing Intelligent Workflows inside IBM Garage

Author: Kim Bartkowski, Design Principal, iX, Global Business Services, IBM A/NZ In my last post, I introduced a new blueprint framework our teams in the IBM Garage are using to create Cognitive Enterprises using AI. In this article, I will be talking about a new design practice and complimentary artefact to a Cognitive Enterprise Blueprint […]

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Diversity needed to tackle the inherent bias in artificial intelligence

AI is designed to make our lives easier. But there’s a big problem when the people who design the systems program in their own bias. Social distancing has been one of the most significant themes of 2020, and it’s not limited to human contact. In June, three technology giants distanced themselves from the multibillion-dollar business […]

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The design blueprint for an intelligent enterprise

Author: Kim Bartkowski, IBM Design Principal, IBM iX A/NZ, Global Business Services Bringing together enterprise strategy and human-centred design can help scale and mature your company’s AI transformation. At IBM, it’s no surprise that we talk about AI. A LOT. It’s been a part of our everyday reality for some time. Our design teams are […]

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Why AI requires ethical consideration

Author: Ross Farrelly, Segment Leader, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence IBM Global Markets – Cloud Sales Business leaders agree that AI should be used ethically, and many believe in its potential to do good both in business and in broader society. But how do we ensure that our AI is making ethical decisions on our […]

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New ways of working are here to stay thanks to COVID-19

While video calls with our colleagues might be the norm right now, COVID-19 has forever changed the way every industry works. Business, as we know it, will never be the same post-COVID-19. Companies all around the world have been pivoting with unprecedented speed as they adapt to new ways of working in a bid to […]

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Telstra turns AI into digital transformation

Author: Shabana Yunus, Project Manager, Account Based Marketing(ABM), IBM Global Markets Australia’s largest telecommunications company, Telstra, is undergoing a massive digital transformation, and at the heart of their efforts are customers. With a presence in 20 countries, in Australia, the telco provides 18.3 million retail mobile services, 3.7 million retail fixed bundles and standalone data […]

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Breathing new life into iconic moments

Author: Adam Makarucha, AI Practitioner and IBM Q Ambassador, IBM Systems The 70s and 80s were full of iconic moments, religious and royal visits, unique styles (who can forget the flares) and vibrant colour. Looking back, however, some of these historic Australian moments were only ever captured on film in black and white. Not because […]

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How AI helped Australians see our war time history in colour

Behind the News: Adam Makarucha, Chrispin Gray, and Ben Swinney share how IBM’s advanced AI running on IBM Power Systems has brought WWI and WWII photos to life, profiled by News Corp for Anzac Day 2020. In homes all over Australia and New Zealand – in well-worn picture frames and treasured dog-eared family albums – […]

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Leading the way to an ethical AI future

Author: Kaaren Koomen AM, Director, Government & Regulatory Affairs, A/NZ As so well described in the Data 61 Report of Nov 2019, AI is one of those technologies which ‘has the power to change life itself and has the potential to transform economies, unlock new societal and environmental value, and accelerate scientific discovery‘. AI’s future […]

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