August 1, 2019 By Sai Vennam 3 min read

A closer look at how IBM and Red Hat are going to work together

IBM and Red Hat are bringing their capabilities together to form a hybrid multicloud platform that will provide enterprises with much more flexibility and choice on their journey to a hybrid open cloud.

In this lightboardin video, I’ll map out how IBM and Red Hat are bringing their capabilities together.

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Video Transcript

IBM + Red Hat

Hi everyone, my name is Sai Vennam with the IBM Cloud team. Today, the topic on everyone’s mind: IBM and Red Hat.

Now, our philosophy is straightforward: Red Hat works, so let’s keep it that way. This includes preserving their independence, their culture, as well as their commitment to open source.

The next chapter of cloud computing

Now we’re in a very unique position here—we’re seeing rapid growth of applications being developed on the cloud, but that’s linked with increasing complexity.

The next chapter of cloud computing is going to demand flexibility and choice.

Choosing the right cloud environment

That choice starts from the ground up when choosing the environments to run or modernize your applications. So, you can choose public or private clouds or even on-premise environments.

The platform layer

Building on that we have the platform layer which is supported by Red Hat’s open source technologies.

So, we have Red Hat Enterprise Linux, as well as OpenShift. Now this is powered by open source technology—Kubernetes.

So, coming back to choice, if we wanted to use native Kubernetes over OpenShift, that’s also an option.

The capabilities layer

Building on that we have the capabilities layer. This is what developers need to develop engaging new applications. This would include things like databases, maybe their favorite DevOps toolchains, or even their middleware platforms.

So, for example, we know that for running J2E applications, developers may choose JBoss or WebSphere Liberty. Regardless of whether or not you choose Red Hat or IBM technologies, we’ll continue to support both fully as we move forward.

The services layer

Finally, all of this is channeling our users to create new or engaging applications by taking advantage of higher-value services. This is where IBM truly shines.

So, these include AI and machine learning capabilities.

A hybrid, multicloud platform

To summarize, from the ground up, we have a hybrid, multicloud platform where you can innovate anywhere.

We have open source technologies that Red Hat provides like OpenShift and Red Hat Enterprise Liniux, all together with their suite of technologies. 

That combined with IBM’s commitment and expertise with enterprise as well as our own suite of technologies is opening new doors to hybrid cloud that we’ve never seen before.

Working together for you, the user

At the end of the day, it all comes down to an idea; an idea that you build out into an application; an application built on industry best practices that follow security guidelines and compliances.

Because we want the same thing that you do, and that is happy users.

Thanks for joining me for this quick overview of Red Hat and IBM synergy.

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