Descriptions of individual built-in functions, pseudovariables, and subroutines

This section lists the built-in functions, subroutines, and pseudovariables in alphabetic order and provides detailed descriptions for each function, subroutine, and pseudovariable.

In general, each description has the following format:

The abbreviations for built-in functions have separate declarations (explicit or contextual) and name scopes.

The following example is not a multiple declaration:

  dcl (Dim, Dimension) builtin;

The following example is valid even though Bin is an abbreviation of the Binary built-in function.

  dcl Binary file;
  X = Bin (var, 6,3);
Note: Some arguments or return values are of type size_t. If the LP(32) compiler option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(31); if the LP(64) compiler option is in effect, size_t is FIXED BIN(63).