CENTERLEFT returns a string that is the result of inserting string x in the center (or one position to the left of center) of a string with length y and padded on the left and on the right with the character z as needed.

Specifying a value for z is optional.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
   '-CENTRELEFT-'       '-,z-'     

Abbreviation: CENTER

Expression that is converted to character.
Expression that is converted to FIXED BINARY(31,0).
Optional expression. If specified, z must be CHARACTER(1) NONVARYING type.


  dcl Source char value('Feel the Power');
  dcl Target20 char(20);
  dcl Target21 char(21);
  Target20 = center (Source, length(Target20), '*');
             /* '***Feel the Power***' - exactly centered */

  Target21 = center (Source, length(Target21), '*');
             /* '***Feel the Power****' - leaning left! */

If z is omitted, a blank is used as the padding character.