WHITESPACEREPLACE replaces each character of the whitespace in the UTF-16 XML source buffer from \t, \f, \v, \n, and \r by a UTF-16 blank. This function returns a size_t 1 value that indicates the number of bytes that are written into the target buffer when WHITESPACEREPLACE replaces the whitespace.

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Specifies the address of the target buffer.
Specifies the length in bytes of the target buffer. It must have a computational type and is converted to type size_t.
Specifies the address of the source buffer.
Specifies the length in bytes of the source buffer. It must have a computational type and is converted to type size_t.

If the address of the target buffer is zero, the number of bytes to be written is returned. If the target buffer is not large enough, a value of -1 is returned. If the target buffer is large enough, the number of bytes that is written to the buffer is returned.

The source buffer must hold UTF-16 data.