Fix Pack 8550

Configuring a Liberty collective

You can organize Liberty servers into collectives to support clustering, administration, and other operations that act on multiple Liberty servers at a time in order to efficiently and accurately deliver application services to your organization.

Before you begin

The collectiveController-1.0 feature and its capabilities are available only in WebSphere® Application Server Liberty Network Deployment and WebSphere Application Server Liberty for z/OS®. Fix Pack 8550 The feature is not available in WebSphere Application Server Liberty, WebSphere Application Server Liberty - Express®, or WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core. If you have a WebSphere Application Server Liberty Network Deployment installation, you can use its collectiveController-1.0 feature to work with collective members from WebSphere Application Server Liberty, WebSphere Application Server Liberty - Express, or WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core installations.

About this task

A Liberty collective is a set of Liberty servers that are configured as part of the same administrative and operational domain.

Configuration and state data about a Liberty collective is housed in an active operational repository.

Membership in a Liberty collective is optional. Liberty servers join a collective by registering with a collective controller to become members. Members share information about themselves through the operational repository of the controller.

The following rules apply:
  • A Liberty server can be a member of only one collective.
  • Different Liberty servers on the same host can be in different collectives.
  • Liberty servers on the same host that are members of a collective can coexist with Liberty servers that are not members of a collective.


  1. Create and configure your controller.
    1. Create a server to act as the collective controller.
      bin\server create myController
    2. Create the collective configuration.
      This consists primarily of the administrative domain security configuration used for secure communication between controllers and members.
      bin\collective create myController --keystorePassword=controllerKSPassword
    3. Update the server.xml file.
      1. Copy output from the collective command and paste it into the server.xml file.
      2. Add a user registry and an administrative user (for the join operation).
      In $WLP_INSTALL_DIR/usr/servers/myController/server.xml for example:
      <server description="controller server">
          <!-- Enable features -->
          <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint"
                        httpsPort="9443" />
          <!-- Define the host name for use by the collective. 
          If the host name needs to be changed, the server should be
          removed from the collective and re-joined or re-replicated. -->
          <variable name="defaultHostName" value="controllerHostname" />
          <!-- TODO: Set the security configuration for Administrative access -->
          <quickStartSecurity userName="adminUser" userPassword="adminPassword" />
          <!-- clientAuthenticationSupported set to enable bidirectional trust -->
          <ssl id="defaultSSLConfig"
               clientAuthenticationSupported="true" />
          <!-- inbound (HTTPS) keystore -->
          <keyStore id="defaultKeyStore" password="yourPassword"
                    location="${server.config.dir}/resources/security/key.jks" />
          <!-- inbound (HTTPS) truststore -->
          <keyStore id="defaultTrustStore" password="yourPassword"
                    location="${server.config.dir}/resources/security/trust.jks" />
          <!-- server identity keystore -->
          <keyStore id="serverIdentity" password="yourPassword"
                    location="${server.config.dir}/resources/collective/serverIdentity.jks" />
          <!-- collective trust keystore -->
          <keyStore id="collectiveTrust" password="yourPassword"
                    location="${server.config.dir}/resources/collective/collectiveTrust.jks" />
          <!-- collective root signers keystore -->
          <keyStore id="collectiveRootKeys" password="yourPassword"
                    location="${server.config.dir}/resources/collective/rootKeys.jks" />
    4. Start the server.
      bin\server start myController
      Figure 1. Collective of oneCollective of one
  2. Create and configure a member.

    The controller and members can be on separate hosts. In this example, the controller and member are on the same host.

    1. Create a member server.
      bin\server create myMember
    2. Join the member.

      The join operation requires a network connection to the collective controller and an administrative user ID and password for performing MBean operations on the controller.

      bin\collective join myMember --host=controllerHostname --port=9443 --user=adminUser --password=adminPassword --keystorePassword=memberKSPassword
      Note: The --keystorePassword value can be different for each server that is joined to the collective.
      Refer to Overriding Liberty server host information for the information that you must provide so that the collective controller can establish a connection to the server.
    3. Update the server.xml file.
      1. Copy output from the collective command and paste it into the server.xml file.
      2. Modify the ports so that the server can open its HTTP ports.
      In $WLP_INSTALL_DIR/usr/servers/myMember/server.xml for example:
      <server description="member server">
          <!-- Enable features -->
          <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint"
                        httpsPort="9444" />
          <!-- Define the host name for use by the collective.
          If the host name needs to be changed, the server should be
          removed from the collective and re-joined or re-replicated. -->
          <variable name="defaultHostName" value="memberHostname" />
          <!-- Connection to the collective controller -->
          <collectiveMember controllerHost="localhost"
                            controllerPort="9443" />
          <!-- clientAuthenticationSupported set to enable bidirectional trust -->
          <ssl id="defaultSSLConfig"
               clientAuthenticationSupported="true" />
          <!-- inbound (HTTPS) keystore -->
          <keyStore id="defaultKeyStore" password="yourPassword"
                    location="${server.config.dir}/resources/security/key.jks" />
          <!-- inbound (HTTPS) truststore -->
          <keyStore id="defaultTrustStore" password="yourPassword"
                    location="${server.config.dir}/resources/security/trust.jks" />
          <!-- server identity keystore -->
          <keyStore id="serverIdentity" password="yourPassword"
                    location="${server.config.dir}/resources/collective/serverIdentity.jks" />
          <!-- collective truststore -->
          <keyStore id="collectiveTrust" password="yourPassword"
                    location="${server.config.dir}/resources/collective/collectiveTrust.jks" />
    4. Start the member.
      bin\server start myMember
      Figure 2. Simple collectiveSimple collective


You should see the member publish to the controller. The messages.log file should look like this example:
[1/31/13 11:17:47:699 CST] 0000002e nt.repository.member.internal.publisher.ServerPathsPublisher I CWWKX8114I: 
The server's paths have been successfully published to the management repository. 
[1/31/13 11:17:47:711 CST] 0000002f nt.repository.member.internal.publisher.ServerStatePublisher I CWWKX8116I: 
The server STARTED state has been successfully published to the management repository.
[1/31/13 11:17:47:737 CST] 00000028 pository.member.internal.publisher.ServerManagementPublisher I CWWKX8112I: 
The server's host information has been successfully published to the management repository.

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Timestamp icon Last updated: Wednesday, 22 May 2013
File name: tagt_wlp_configure_collective.html