Fix Pack 8550

Liberty collective troubleshooting

This article contains a list of common issues that you might encounter.

Nearly all of these issues are related to one of the following:
CLI / Jython / MBean connection using the REST connector
Error: Connection refused: connect

The host and port might be incorrect. Make sure that the host and port are correct for the target server.

The server might not be running. Make sure that the server is running.

Error: CWWKX0217E: No MBean is currently registered with the 
given ObjectName 'WebSphere:feature=collectiveController,

The MBean might not be available yet. Check the server logs to see if the MBean has reported ready.

There might have been a problem starting the collective repository. Check to see if the collective repository has started.

If the target is a collective controller, verify that the replica set is active. If a majority of the collective controller replicas are not started, this message will be seen. Start the remaining replicas.

The servers configuration might be incomplete. Make sure that the server is properly configured.

Message: Error constructing 
implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class:$DefaultSSLContext)
(possibly others...)

The truststore and truststore password might be incorrect. Make sure that the truststore path, truststore password, and contents of the truststore are correct.

Error: CWWKX0215E: There was a problem with the user name or password provided.
The server responded with code 401 and message 'Unauthorized'

The username and password might be incorrect. Make sure that the username and password are correct for the target server.

The user might not be granted the Administrator role. Make sure that the user is granted the Administrative role, or choose a different user.

The security configuration for the target server might be incomplete. Make sure that the security configuration is defined and the security service reports as ready (CWWKS0008I).

start / stop commands
CTGRI0000E Could not establish a connection to the target 
machine with the authorization credentials that were provided.
Authentication fails using user name / password:
  • Make sure that the user name and password are correct in the target server's server.xml <hostAuthConfig> element.
  • Update the host authentication configuration using the collective updateHost command.
Authentication fails using ssh keys:
  • Check permissions on:
    • ~/.ssh should be 0700
    • ~/.ssh/authorized_keys should be 0600
  • ~/.ssh and all children must be correct if using SELinux.

    Use restorecon -R to fix the permissions.

Starting or stopping the servers remotely (using ClusterManager.startCluster or ServerCommands.startServer for example) encounters the following error:
{ExceptionMessage=ConnectException caught while performing stopCluster 
operation on member,/P1A/WebSphere_LP/usr,memberA1: CTGRI0001E The application could not establish 
a connection to ., 
CTGRI0001E The application could not establish a connection to .}

Confirm that the rpc mechanism (such as SSH) is started and that the configured settings are correct (confirm the host and port).

Starting or stopping the servers remotely (using ClusterManager.startCluster or ServerCommands.startServer for example) encounters the following error:
{stderr=java: javaCmd 14: serverCmd 32: ./server 873: FSUM7351 not found, stdout=, returnCode=127}

The members need to have a server.env file that specifies JAVA_HOME.

localhost,C:/wlp,member1 stop operation resulted in an Exception: 
ConnectException caught while performing stopCluster operation on member 
localhost,C:/wlp,member1: CWWKX7204E: 
Cannot connect to host localhost with the credentials provided.

Make sure that the cluster member authentication information is set correctly and that all Remote Execution and Access (RXA) requirements are met. Many RXA operations require access to resources that are not generally accessible by standard user accounts. See Requirements for using Remote Execution and Access (RXA) for more information.

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Timestamp icon Last updated: Wednesday, 22 May 2013
File name: cwlp_collective_trouble.html