Connecting to the Liberty profile by using JMX

This topic describes how to access Java™ Management Extensions (JMX) connectors on the Liberty profile. You can also access the secured JMX connector remotely by using SSL.

About this task

There are two JMX connectors supported on the Liberty profile, each connector is enabled through a different Liberty feature: localConnector-1.0 and restConnector-1.0.
  • The local connector is enabled through the Liberty feature localConnector-1.0. Access through the local connector is protected by the policy implemented by the SDK in use. Currently the SDKs require that the client runs on the same host as the Liberty profile, and under the same user ID.
  • The REST connector is enabled through the Liberty feature restConnector-1.0. Remote access through the REST connector is protected by a single administrator role. In addition, SSL is required to keep the communication confidential. The restConnector-1.0 feature already includes the ssl-1.0 feature.
Note: An application deployed on the Liberty profile has unrestricted access to its MBeanServer directory.

A JMX connection to the collective controller enables JMX access to multiple Liberty profiles through the same connection. See Setting up the server-management environment for the Liberty profile using collectives for more information.

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Timestamp icon Last updated: Wednesday, 22 May 2013
File name: twlp_admin_jmx.html