Configuring secure JMX connection to the Liberty profile

You can access the secured Java™ Management Extensions (JMX) connectors on the Liberty profile by using SSL. The secured JMX connection is enabled by the Liberty profile feature restConnector-1.0.

About this task

The REST connector is enabled through the Liberty feature restConnector-1.0. Remote access through the REST connector is protected by a single administrator role. In addition, SSL is required to keep the communication confidential. The restConnector-1.0 feature already includes the ssl-1.0 feature.

Note: An application deployed on the Liberty profile has unrestricted access to its MBeanServer directory.

The following section describes how to configure and access the REST connector on the Liberty profile.


  1. Enable the REST connector using the following code in the server.xml file.
  2. Configure SSL certificates in the server.xml file.
  3. Configure a user or group to the administrator role in the server.xml file.
  4. Access the REST connector from a JMX client application or by using the jConsole tool provided in the Java SDK. Use -J flags to pass the system properties as Java options and set the class path to include the connector class files. The connector class files are packed in the clients/restConnector.jar file.
    • Use the following properties for SSL certificates:<location of your client trust store><password for the trust store><type of trust store>
      The following example shows the jConsole tool being used with SSL configurations:
      jconsole -J-Djava.class.path=%JAVA_HOME%/lib/jconsole.jar;
      After the jConsole starts, select Remote Process, and enter the JMX service URL: service:jmx:rest://<host>:<port>/IBMJMXConnectorREST. The port number is the HTTPS port. You must also provide the user name and password.

    You can specify some JMX REST connection options as system properties. See Liberty profile: JMX REST connector settings.

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Timestamp icon Last updated: Wednesday, 22 May 2013
File name: twlp_admin_restconnector.html