IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8 Readme

This readme document contains information about installation and removal of the fix pack and about known problems, restrictions, and solutions in support of IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3.

Readme file for:
IBM Content Navigator
Product or component release:
Version 2.0.3
Update name:
Fix Pack 8
Fix ID:
  • 2.0.3-ICN-FP008-AIX
  • 2.0.3-ICN-FP008-LINUX
  • 2.0.3-ICN-FP008-zLINUX
  • 2.0.3-ICN-FP008-WIN
  • 2.0.3-NMO-FP008-WIN
  • 2.0.3-NSY-FP008-WIN
  • 2.0.3-NSY-FP008-MAC
  • 2.0.3-ICNSP-FP008-WIN
Publication date:
August 12, 2016
Last modified date:
August 17, 2016
Online version of readme file:
Important: The most current version of the readme file can always be found online.

Download location

To download the fix pack:
Go to Fix Central. You must log in to continue.

  • Select the fix pack download for your operating system:
    • For IBM Content Navigator for AIX, the fix pack download is named 2.0.3-ICN-FP008-AIX.
    • For IBM Content Navigator for Linux, the fix pack download is named 2.0.3-ICN-FP008-LINUX.
    • For IBM Content Navigator for Linux for System z, the fix pack download is named 2.0.3-ICN-FP008-zLINUX.
    • For IBM Content Navigator for Windows, the fix pack download is named 2.0.3-ICN-FP008-WIN.
    • For IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, the package is named 2.0.3-NMO-FP008-WIN.
    • For IBM Navigator Sync on Windows, the package is named 2.0.3-NSY-FP008-WIN.
    • For IBM Navigator Sync on Mac OS X, the package is named 2.0.3-NSY-FP008-MAC.
    • For IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft SharePoint, the package is named 2.0.3-ICNSP-FP008-WIN.
  • Save the file to a temporary directory on the workstation where IBM Content Navigator is installed.
  • Extract the contents of the file.

Known problems and restrictions

Known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect administration and usage of fix packs are documented as technotes in the product support knowledge base.

To review all known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect Version 2.0.3 fix packs, use the following link to query the product support knowledge base:

In addition, the fix pack includes the following known problems:
Upgrading IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office version 2.0.2.x to 2.0.3.x
Important: The following differences apply to specific version upgrades:
  • Upgrading from version 2.0.2.[0-6] to any 2.0.3.x release is successful.
  • Upgrading from version to the or higher release is successful.
  • Upgrading from version to or higher, run only the configure IBM Content Navigator Application task, ReBuildear task and the Deploy task.
Note: Due to the nature of the to or higher upgrade:
  • For an upgrade from version to or higher, if IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office was previously installed in a non-default destination folder, the upgrade will uninstall version and then install or higher into the default destination folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Content Navigator for Microsoft Office. All configuration information is preserved.
IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office connected to IBM Content Manager repositories Saved Searches disappear
For all IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office versions prior to or connected through a IBM Content Navigator or higher server to IBM Content Manager repositories, Saved Searches do not appear. This only applies to IBM Content Manager repositories.
Java and Internet Explorer
When you use Java version 7 update 85 or Java version 8 update 60, 65, 66, 71, or 73 with Internet Explorer, you may experience slow performance when you load applets. You can resolve the problem by either using Java version 8 update 72, 74, or higher, or by using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.
Java and Google Chrome
Some features of IBM Content Navigator use Java applets. If you access IBM Content Navigator from Google Chrome, Version 42 or later, Chrome displays a message that the plug-in is blocked if you use an applet-based feature.

Starting with Google Chrome, Version 42, Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) is disabled by default. Web applications that use Java applets do not function properly unless NPAPI is re-enabled. For more information about configuring NPAPI-based Java plug-ins under Google Chrome, Version 42, see:

Starting with Google Chrome, Version 45, NPAPI is not supported, so the applets cannot be run using this browser. It is recommended that you use a different browser.

For more information about java applets and Chrome, see:
IBM Content Navigator cannot be started with WS-Security Authentication
If you install and configure IBM Content Navigator and IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager, and you select WS-Security Authentication for the IBM CMIS authentication method, an error occurs when you start the application server. You can use WS-Security Authentication for IBM CMIS only.

To resolve the problem, you must use separate configuration profiles. First, create a configuration profile that includes IBM Content Navigator but does not include IBM CMIS. Then, create a separate configuration profile that includes IBM CMIS only, and select WS-Security Authentication. Deploy IBM Content Navigator first, and then deploy IBM CMIS so that each application has its own authentication method.

Saved searches with the Between operator on string data types are redisplayed differently
Previously, you could create and save a search where the search criteria included the Between operator on string data types. However, the Between operator is only supported for integer choice lists. The Between operator for string data types is not supported. Now, for IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, if you open a saved search that was created with a Between operator on string data types, instead of returning an error, the search is displayed by converting the search criteria to valid combination of the operators Greater Than or Equal and Less Than or Equal.
Oracle Java Runtime Environment security warnings
For information about issues with Oracle JRE, see
Line data applet viewer issue
You cannot add or delete graphical annotations in the line data applet viewer if IBM Content Navigator is deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server and you use OnDemand Web Enablement Kit, Version 9.0. The minimum required version of OnDemand Web Enablement Kit is Version
The Properties dialog for a step does not display in some configurations (IBM FileNet Content Manager users)
When the Properties dialog window size is larger than the step processor, the dialog window does not display. The window size is configurable in the Process Configuration console. This setting dictates the size of the window.

For information about this issue, see

Document Streaming Server Modules cannot share a cache
If two or more Document Streaming Server Modules share a cache, issues can occur when running the IBM Daeja ViewONE viewers. Ensure that each streamer is configured to use a separate cache. For example, ensure that each streamer has a dedicated folder on a local file system rather than configuring the streamers to use a shared network directory.

For more information about configuring the Document Streaming Server Module cache, see in IBM Knowledge Center.

IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager users must configure an administrator alias
If you use IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager, you must configure WebSphere Application Server to use the credentials of an IBM FileNet Content Manager administrator to retrieve the complete set of information about the visible object stores in the domain. This ensures that the necessary information is available to complete user requests.

If you do not create an administrator alias, incomplete information about the object stores is cached, and users might encounter errors when using IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager.

For more information, see

Updates to your IBM Connections configuration are not reflected in the IBM FileNet Collaboration Services and IBM FileNet Content Manager repository settings
If you modify the settings on the IBM Connections tab in the administration tool, the changes are not reflected in IBM FileNet Collaboration Services or in your IBM FileNet Content Manager repository.

For more information, see

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 has some accessibility issues and limitations
Starting in IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3 Fix Pack 4, the web client supports accessibility with Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. However, there are several limitations that you should be aware of if you use Internet Explorer to access the web client.

For more information, see


IBM Navigator Sync client has some accessibility issues on the Add Desktop and Edit Desktop windows
If you use the JAWS screen reader with IBM Navigator Sync, you might encounter some issues with fields on the Add Desktop window and the Edit Desktop window.

For more information, see

IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office and IBM Navigator Sync with FIPS compatibility
If you use both IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office and IBM Navigator Sync on the same workstation, you must update both applications to the same version to ensure interoperability.
Application edition management option is displayed in unsupported configurations
Application Edition Management is supported only on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 8.5 when you deploy your web application in a highly available cluster.
However, when you run the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool, the Application Edition Management option is shown in the following unsupported configurations:
  • Deploying to WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 8.0, with either Cluster or Network Deployment selected as your deployment type.
  • Deploying to WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 8.5, with Network Deployment selected as your deployment type.
Important: Do not specify a value other than "default" for the Application Edition Management option in these scenarios.
The IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool is not completely translated in some languages
If you use the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool in the following locales, you might see a mix of English and non-English strings:
  • Arabic
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Kazakh
  • Vietnamese  
Content Manager OnDemand v9.0.0.x - Text should not be highlighted when not a text search
To recreate the problem, use the following steps:
  1. Run a text search, and open one search result item. The text search string from the text search is highlighted.
  2. Run another search that is not a text search, where the same search result item is returned.
  3. Opens the same search result item. The text search string from the text search is still highlighted.
Content Manager OnDemand fix PI48764 resolves this problem.
FileTracker does not delete the temporary directory
The issue can be resolved by updating the JRE to 1.7.0_76 or 1.8.0_40.
Firefox file upload progress indicator
With recent versions of Firefox, the progress indicator does not reach 100% until the server response is received.

For more information, see

Firefox browser setting affects translation display for Browse button
If you selected a translated language and locale, you might still see untranslated text on the Browse button. To resolve the problem, you must download, install, and use the language package for the Firefox browser. To find your language package, see
IBM Daeja Virtual viewer version 4.1.5 does not support the text/plain MIME type
For more information, see
Changing the Box share administrator
To prevent shares added with the prior administrator from being lost, see the description for APAR IO24173 below.
Content Management OnDemand Add Document DecFloat has limited decimal precision
IBM Content Navigator and the Windows clients are limited to support of only 2 digit precision after the decimal when storing DecFloat types.
For more informaion, see
Sync client for Windows 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6 is not backwards compatible
The 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6 Sync client for Windows must be used with the IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6 or higher.
Sync client for Mac 2.0.3 Fix Pack 7 does not support silent installation
The 2.0.3 Fix Pack 7 Sync client for Mac silent installer does not exist.
IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment tool crashes on a Redhat 7.1 environment.

The IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment tool crashes when you navigate to the root directory on a Redhat 7.1 environment. The crash occurs in the scrollbar code which becomes enabled if there are more than 10 folders.

The workaround is to enter the full folder path in the address bar and not use the file dialog to navigate with.

Firefox is unable to add a 2GB file through IBM Content Navigator to a Box repository

Uploading a large file of up to 2GB with Firefox fails to both FileNet Content Manager and Box. Uploading the same files using Internet Explorer or Chrome do not fail.

IBM Content Navigator entry template dependency

If you are using IBM Content Navigator created entry templates and update to IBM Content Navigator or later, you must also upgrade IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office to or later.

Daeja Virtual deployed to Weblogic on Linux cannot redact a document
The redaction fails with an error.
The workaround is to create a directory /opt/docRepositoryRoot/root with 777 permissions. Then in IBM Content Navigator, go to admin settings for Daeja ViewONE and on the virtual tab, add in the additional settings:
Name: docRepositoryRoot
Value /opt/docRepositoryRoot/root

Save the settings and restart Weblogic.

Box share with Oracle RAC
As of the release date, Box share functionality is not supported for Oracle RAC.

For updated information, see

Uploading large files with Firefox v38 to Filenet P8 or Box

Uploading a large file, up to 2GB with Firefox 38.3.0ESR fails on both P8 and Box. Uploading the same file with Chrome and Internet Explorer succeeds.

Install issues occur if the new install task is not run
The application server can not load IBM Content Navigator if the Configure the Task Manager Component task is not run during installation. See Installing or updating IBM Content Navigator, step 6-B.
File Tracker 'local copy' file deletion
With 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6 or higher, the File Tracker option "Delete local copy" is only applicable to files within the File Tracker directory. For security reasons, if the 'local copy' is not located in the File Tracker directory, then the file must be deleted manually.
InstallAnywhere message is displayed in English only
If you use InstallAnywhere to uninstall IBM Content Navigator while IBM Navigator Sync Client is running, the following message is displayed: "You must close the IBM Navigator Sync Client before you can uninstall/update the software." This message is displayed in English, regardless of your language setting.
IBM CMIS Webservice binding limitation
IBM CMIS v1.0 supports Webservice binding with both Basic HTTP and WS-Security authentication.
IBM CMIS v1.1 supports Webservice binding only with Basic HTTP authentication.
Incorrect instructions for configuring the wls:security-role-assignment in WebLogic 12.1.3
The instructions provided in the documentation is incorrect in
In Steps 3 a,b,c, the note states: Important: You must create a new <wls:security-role-assignment> stanza for each user or group that you want to associate with the TaskAdmins role.
This information is incorrect for WebLogic 12.1.3. The instructions should state for Step 3b: Important: You must create a new <wls:principal-name> stanza for each user or group that you want to associate with the TaskAdmins role under the <wls:security-role-assignment> stanza.
IBM FileNet P8 document filed in multiple folders is redacted to the wrong folder
A limitation exists for FileNet P8 documents that are filed into multiple folders. When saving the redacted content to a new document from a document linked in the Favorites, will always save the redacted document to the first folder the document is filed in. The workaround for this limitation is to navigate to the folder the document is redacted document is created in and move the document to the desired folder.
IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager (For Administrators)
Unable to deploy FileNet CMIS v1.0 and FileNet CMIS v1.1 both together /side-by-side in Weblogic 10.3.6. WebLogic 10.3.6 is not able to load JAX-B web interceptor when there is another application in the same EAR using the Apache CFX interceptor. When users try to install both FileNet CMIS v1.0 (using JAXB) and FileNet CMIS v1.1 (using CFX) together and Configuration Manager bundles both WAR files into the same navigator.ear the issue occurs. To workaround the issue please follow these steps:
  1. Using Configuration and Deployment Tool, create a profile and Select ONLY “IBM CMIS v1.1 for FileNet Content Manager”, build and deploy the application on server.
  2. Again using Configuration and Deployment Tool , create a different profile and Select ONLY “IBM CMIS v1.0 for FileNet Content Manager” and just build the application, do not Deploy (do not run “Deploy the Web application” task).
  3. Locate the navigatorEAR.ear file (created in the step above) at <<ICN installation directory>>\ECMClient\configure\deploy folder and unzip to find the fncmis.war.
  4. Perform the manual deployment of fncmis.war through the weblogic console.
Applet Viewer does not prompt for saving annotation
The viewer does not prompt for saving an annotation when closing viewer window using Firefox 45.2. The only workaround available is to use Firefox 38 or another browser.
Firefox 45.2 Change language dialog
The Change language dialog does not appear after switching to a non-U.S. language when using FireFox 45.2.
FNCMIS v1.1 deployment issue in Weblogic when upgrading from IBM Content Navigator
  • Install IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3 (base), upgrade to IBM Content Navigator and execute all the FP7 tasks.
  • Due to the jars issue, the deployment task fails.
  • Navigate to c:\<install_directory>\ECMClient\configure\explodedformat\cmis1.1\weblogic\war\WEB-INF\lib and c:\<install_directory>\ECMClient\configure\explodedformat\cmis1.1\openfncmis\WEB-INF\lib.
    • Delete the following jar files: chemistry-opencmis-commons-api-0.14.0.jar, chemistry-opencmis-commons-impl-0.14.0.jar, chemistry-opencmis-server-bindings-0.14.0.jar, chemistry-opencmis-server-support-0.14.0.jar
  • Upgrade to IBM Content Navigator which will bring in all the latest openCMIS 0.14.0 jars.
  • Open Configuration Manager tool and check all the required tasks for successful deployment of FN CMIS.

Prerequisites for Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8

The official statements for hardware and software support for IBM Content Navigator are provided as part of the hardware and software requirements for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3.

For complete details about the hardware and software requirements, see

Case Manager Prerequisites

  • If your environment has IBM Case Manager installed then it should be upgraded to a minimum of IBM Case Manager Version Fix Pack.
  • Important: When you install IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3 Fix Pack 4 or later and Content Platform Engine V5.2.1.0 or later version, it is recommended that you do so before you install IBM Case Manager Version 5.2.1 Fix Pack 3.

Installing or updating IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8

When you install a fix pack, you can run the installation wizard or run a silent installation.

The steps that you must complete depend on your environment:
  • If you do not have IBM Content Navigator installed and configured, you must install and configure IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 before you install IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8.

    For more information on installing IBM Content Navigator, see and select the appropriate up and running topic for your environment.

  • If you have IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.2 or a Version 2.0.2 fix pack installed, you can use the instructions for Upgrading to IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 to upgrade to IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8.

    For more information, see

    Important: When you upgrade ensure that you take the following actions:
    • When you run the installation program, specify the version as For more information, see the steps for installing the fix pack below.
    • When you run the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool, ensure that you select Modify an existing deployment profile and then select the deployment profile that you want to update for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8.
  • If you have IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 installed and configured, you can install the fix pack as an upgrade to the existing installation. You can install the fix pack silently or interactively.

The fix pack installation program updates the files in the directory where IBM Content Navigator is installed. After the installation program completes successfully, restart the web application server and redeploy the IBM Content Navigator web application to apply the changes from the fix pack.

To install IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8

  1. Back up your current installation of IBM Content Navigator.
  2. Ensure that the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool is closed.
  3. Log in to the IBM Content Navigator server with the IBM Content Navigator installer account.
  4. Install the fix pack by running the installation wizard or by running a silent installation:
    To avoid an untrusted search path vulnerability where users could gain increased privileges known in CVE-2016-2542, perform the following additional steps:
    1. Clear all contents (files, sub-directories and etc.,) of your default download directory/location, if any.
    2. Create a new secure directory in temporary location (such that elevated privileges required to access this directory).
    3. Copy/extract the setup.exe executable (generated by InstallShield / InstallAnywhere) to the secure directory created in Step-4.b.
    4. Launch the executable from the secure directory and wait until it completes.
    Important: Do not enter line breaks in the command that you enter to start the installation program.
    Operating system Command
    AIX At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the fix pack and enter one of the following commands:
    • To install the fix pack interactively, enter: ./IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR-
    • To install the fix pack silently, enter ./IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR- -f fully_qualified_path_of_the_response_file/ecmclient_silent_install.txt.
    Linux At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the fix pack and enter one of the following commands:
    • To install the fix pack interactively, enter: ./IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR-
    • To install the fix pack silently, enter ./IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR- -f fully_qualified_path_of_the_response_file/ecmclient_silent_install.txt.
    Linux for System z At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the fix pack and enter one of the following commands:
    • To install the fix pack interactively, enter: ./IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR-
    • To install the fix pack silently, enter ./IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR- -f fully_qualified_path_of_the_response_file/ecmclient_silent_install.txt.
    Windows At a command prompt, change to the directory where you downloaded the fix pack and enter one of the following commands:
    • To install the fix pack interactively, enter: IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR-
    • To install the fix pack silently, enter IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR- -f fully_qualified_path_of_the_response_file/ecmclient_silent_install.txt.
  5. If you plan to use IBM FileNet Content Manager workflows in IBM Content Navigator, the version of the Process Engine client connector files on the IBM Content Navigator server must match the version of the client connector files on your Process Engine server.
    Important: If you are running IBM FileNet Content Manager, Version 5.2 or later, you can skip this task. You can update the Content Platform Engine client connector files when you run the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool.
    The IBM Content Navigator installation program installs a version of the Process Engine client connector files on the IBM Content Navigator server.
    • If the version of the files that is installed with IBM Content Navigator matches the version of the files on your Process Engine server, you do not need to update the client connector files. You can configure and deploy the web application.
    • If the version of the files that is installed with IBM Content Navigator does not match the version of the files on your Process Engine server, you must:

    For instructions, see the topic, "Updating the Process Engine client connector files (FileNet Content Manager)" in the information center:

  6. Open the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool and select Modify an existing deployment profile. Then, select the deployment profile that you want to update for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8.
    When upgrading from version to or higher, run only the configure IBM Content Navigator Application, ReBuildear and the Deploy tasks.

    When upgrading from version 2.0.3.(0-5) to or higher requires running the Configurejdbcecm task. When upgrading via the command line, the task details are reset. So, you must manually fill in the values provided in the previous version profile before running this task.

    Attention: When you are modifying your profile, do not click Run All Tasks.
    1. If you are running a different version of Content Platform Engine or Content Engine than the version that is bundled with IBM Content Navigator, run the Update the Content Engine Client Connector Files task.
      For more information, see "Updating the Content Engine client connector files (FileNet Content Manager)" in IBM Knowledge Center:
    2. Run the Configure Your Database and Data Source task.
      For more information, see Configure Your Database and Data Source in the Knowledge Center:
      Note: When upgrading from a version prior to 2.0.3 Fixpack 6. You must run the Datasource task. Deselect the checkbox option for "Run the script on your database". When upgrading from version 2.0.3 Fixpack 6, you do not need to run this task.
    3. You will need to run the Configure the Task Manager Component task in order for the Task Manager to work after upgrade.
      For more information, see Configuring and deploying the task manager component in the Knowledge Center:
    4. Run the Configure the IBM Content Navigator web application task.
      For more information, see "Configuring the IBM Content Navigator web application" in IBM Knowledge Center:
    5. Run the Build the IBM Content Navigator web application task.
      For more information, see "Rebuilding the web application" in IBM Knowledge Center:
    6. Run the Deploy the Web Application task.
      For more information, see "Redeploying the web application" in IBM Knowledge Center:
  7. Stop the IBM Content Navigator web application server.
  8. Clear the application server cache:
    • For IBM WebSphere Application Server: Delete the following folders:
      • Delete the navigator folder from the temp temporary directory.

        For example, on Microsoft Windows, delete the navigator folder from the following directory: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\temp\ServerName Node01\server1.

      • Delete the subfolders in the wstemp directory. This folder is different from the temp folder. Do not delete the wstemp folder itself.

        For example, on Windows, delete the subfolders in following directory: IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\wstemp.

    • For Oracle WebLogic Server: Delete the navigator folder from the tmp temporary directory.

      For example, on Windows, delete the navigator folder from the following directory: \Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\servers\AdminServer\tmp\_WL_user.

  9. Start the IBM Content Navigator web application server.
  10. Verify that the correct version of the software is deployed to the web application server. For more information, see the topic, "Verifying your deployment" in the information center: For example, if you installed IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8, the version number is icn203.800.411.
  11. If you did not perform this step after upgrading to Fix Pack 1 and you have FileNet Content Manager repositories with teamspaces configured, then do the following steps:
    Tip: Alternatively, you can complete this step systematically by using a plug-in or by running a command instead. See "Configuring the teamspace security update via the plug-in" or "Configuring teamspace security update via the command line."
    • As an IBM Content Navigator administrator:
      • Log into the IBM Content Navigator administration tool.
      • Go to the IBM FileNet Content Manager repository that has teamspaces.
      • Edit the repository with teamspaces enabled.
      • Connect to the repository as operating system (OS) Admin (A message will indicate that the teamspaces will be updated).
      • Confirm that the settings are correct, and click Save and Close.
        • This action will trigger the Utility Tool to run and update the Security Model on the teamspaces. This action might require a few minutes to complete depending on the number of teamspaces.
      • Repeat these steps for each IBM FileNet Content Manager repository that has teamspaces.

Updating the sync module on your repositories

IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 4 includes changes to the sync module. If you enabled sync on a repository and you upgrade to IBM Content Navigator Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 4 or later, you must update the sync module on the repository.

Before you update the sync module on your repositories, ensure that your IBM Content Navigator database was successfully upgraded. For more information, see “Database index is not created when you start IBM Content Navigator after upgrading” at

When you upgrade IBM Content Navigator, you must reconnect to all of the IBM FileNet Content Manager repositories on which you enabled sync. When you connect to the repository and save the repository configuration, the sync module on the repository is updated.

To update the sync module on your IBM FileNet Content Manager repositories:

  1. To update the sync module on your IBM FileNet Content Manager repositories, complete the following steps for each IBM FileNet Content Manager repository on which you enabled sync:
    1. Open the administration tool in the web client.
    2. Click Repositories and select the repository that you want to update.
    3. On the General tab, click Connect.
    4. Enter the credentials of an IBM FileNet Content Manager administrator and click Log In.
  2. Save your changes to the repository configuration.

Installing the fix pack for IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office

You can install IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office from the fix pack. Alternatively, if you are already running IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, you can upgrade the desktop client.

Follow the appropriate instructions for your environment:

The fix pack includes new IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office configuration options. If you want to use the new configuration options, see at Configuring and deploying IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office.

Installing the fix pack for the IBM Navigator Sync client

You can install IBM Navigator Sync from the fix pack. Alternatively, if you are already running IBM Navigator Sync on Windows, you can upgrade the desktop client.

Follow the appropriate instructions for your environment.
  • If you are installing IBM Navigator Sync for Windows, follow the instructions for deploying the sync client in
  • If you are installing IBM Navigator Sync for Mac OS X, follow the instructions for deploying the sync client in
  • If you are upgrading IBM Navigator Sync for Windows, you must decide how to upgrade the IBM Navigator Sync client on your client machines. For example, you can:
    • Push a silent upgrade of the IBM Navigator Sync for Windows client to your client machines.
    • Create a batch executable file that includes the silent upgrade command and instruct your users to download the executable file from a URL.
    • Instruct your users to download the IBM Navigator Sync client upgrade program and provide them with the information that they need to connect to IBM Content Navigator.

If you are running IBM Navigator Sync on a FIPS-compliant workstation you might receive an error when you try to upgrade the IBM Navigator Sync client to Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 4 or higher. For more information on resolving this problem, see Upgrading IBM Navigator Sync on a FIPS-compliant workstation.

Upgrading the IBM Navigator Sync client for Windows silently

To silently upgrade the IBM Navigator Sync client for Windows, create a command that includes the appropriate information about your IBM Content Navigator environment. After you construct the command, you must run the command on the client machines. Note: The IBM Navigator Sync client for Mac OS X can not be installed silently.

Download the IBM Navigator Sync component from Passport Advantage.
If you create a silent upgrade of the IBM Navigator Sync client, you must decide how you will deploy the silent upgrade to the client machines in your environment. For example, you can:
  • Push a silent upgrade of the IBM Navigator Sync client to your client machines.
  • Create a batch executable file that includes the silent upgrade command and instruct your users to download the executable file from a URL.
Important: When you upgrade the IBM Navigator Sync client, all registry values and installation directory files are retained. If you want to change the registry values and installation directory files, you must manually edit them and push the updated versions of the files to the client machines in your environment.

To silently upgrade the IBM Navigator Sync client for Windows:

Change to the directory where you downloaded the IBM Navigator Sync client product and enter the following command:
ICNSyncClient.exe /s /v"/qn /L*v \"C:\SyncInstallLog.txt\" 
Any messages and errors from the installation program are written to the C:\SyncInstallLog.txt log file. If you want to generate the log file in a different location, modify the following argument in the command:
/L*v \"fully_qualified_path_of_the_log_file\" 

Upgrading the IBM Navigator Sync client interactively

You can instruct your users to download the IBM Navigator Sync client upgrade program and provide them with the information that they need to connect to IBM Content Navigator. Note: The IBM Navigator Sync client for Mac OS X can not be installed silently.

Download the IBM Navigator Sync component from Passport Advantage.
Important: When you upgrade the IBM Navigator Sync client, all registry values and installation directory files are retained. If you want to change the registry values and installation directory files, you must manually edit them and push the updated versions of the files to the client machines in your environment.

To upgrade the IBM Navigator Sync client interactively on client machines:

  1. Instruct your users about where they can download the IBM Navigator Sync client upgrade program.
  2. When the installation is complete, instruct users to enter the URL of their desktop and specify the sync folder.

Managing preferences for IBM Navigator Sync clients

From the IBM Content Navigator administration tool, you can configure preferences for all of the IBM Navigator Sync clients in your environment.

When you configure the preferences for the IBM Navigator Sync clients in your environment, users cannot change these settings in the IBM Navigator Sync client.

To manage the preferences for your IBM Navigator Sync clients:

  1. Log into the IBM Content Navigator administration tool.
  2. Select Sync Services.
  3. In the Sync client settings section, select the preferences that you want to manage:
    Option Description
    Subfolder levels to sync Specify the maximum number of subfolders that are automatically synced when a user syncs a folder.

    Ensure that your environment is scaled to support the amount of sync traffic that is created by this setting.

    Sync schedule Specify how frequently the sync clients connect to the server to send and recieve updates. The maximum interval is 24 hours or 1440 minutes.

    Ensure that your environment is scaled to support the amount of sync traffic that is created by the sync schedule.

    Users can override the sync schedule by clicking Sync Now in the client.

  4. Save your changes.

Configuring the teamspace security update via the plug-in

The teamspace update plug-in enables you to update all of the teamspaces in a repository to ensure that the security of the teamspace is applied appropriately. This action performs the same function as described previously under the "Installing or updating IBM Content Navigator" step 11. If you successfully performed step 11 above, you do not need to perform this function.

This plug-in resolves the issue that is described in the following technote:

If your environment contains teamspaces that were created prior to upgrading to IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3, you must configure this plug-in and run it on each IBM FileNet Content Manager repository in your environment.

Important: It can take a long time for the plug-in to update the teamspaces in your environment. It is recommended that you do not run the plug-in during peak business hours.

To configure the teamspace update plug-in:

  1. Log in to IBM Content Navigator as an administrator and open the administration tool.
  2. Click Plug-ins and then click New Plug-in.
  3. Select JAR file path and enter the fully qualified URL or the file path to the teamspaceUpdatePlugin.jar file:
    • Enter the URL in the following sample format: http://host_name:port_number/ECMClient_installdir/plugins/teamspaceUpdatePlugin.jar
    • Enter the path to the file that is installed on the server, for example:
      • On AIX, Linux, or Linux for System z, the default file location is /opt/IBM/ECMClient/plugins/teamspaceUpdatePlugin.jar.
      • On Windows, the default file location is C:\Program Files\IBM\ECMClient\plugins\teamspaceUpdatePlugin.jar
  4. Click Load.
  5. Enter the user name and password of the object store administrator for the repository that you need to update.
  6. Select the repository that you need to update and click Upgrade Teamspaces.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each repository that contains teamspaces that were created prior to upgrading to IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3.

Configuring the teamspace security update via the command line interface

There is a command-line interface that invokes the plugin code that updates all of the teamspaces in a repository to ensure that the security of the teamspace is applied appropriately. The update class is called and is located in the teamspaceUpdatePlugin.jar. The command line is intended for use when performing silent intallations. This action performs the same function as described previously under the "Installing or updating IBM Content Navigator" step 11. If you successfully performed step 11 above, you do not need to perform this function.

This command line tool resolves the issue that is described in the following technote:

If your environment contains teamspaces that were created prior to upgrading to IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3, you must configure this plug-in and run it on each IBM FileNet Content Manager repository in your environment.

Important: It can take a long time for the plug-in to update the teamspaces in your environment. It is recommended that you do not run the plug-in during peak business hours.
  1. Ensure that the command line environment is set up with all the required Content Engine dependencies before you run the update utility. The following link describes how to set up the command line interface.
  2. Verify that the following JAR files and classes exist on your system:
    • c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\configure\explodedformat\navigator\WEB-INF\lib\commons-compress-1.8.jar
    • c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\configure\explodedformat\navigator\WEB-INF\classes
    • c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\configure\lib\servlet-api.jar
    • c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\configure\lib\log4j-1.2.13.jar
    • c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\configure\lib\Jace.jar
    • c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\plugins\teamspaceUpdatePlugin.jar
  3. Parameters for the command line are as follows:
    • java -cp <classpath> <URI> <UserID> <Password> <JAAS Stanza Name>
    • Parameters:
      • Classpath to the required Jars files
      • Teamspace upgrade class name:
      • Content Engine Server URI
      • UserID
      • Password
      • JAAS Stanza Name
    Example command line for Windows:
    java -cp c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\configure\explodedformat\navigator\WEB-INF\lib\commons-compress-1.8.jar;c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\configure\explodedformat\navigator\WEB-INF\classes;c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\configure\lib\servlet-api.jar;c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\configure\lib\log4j-1.2.13.jar;c:\progra~2\IBM\ECMClient\configure\lib\Jace.jar;teamspaceUpdatePlugin.jar http://myServer:9080/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM myID myPassword AllUsers myFileNetP8WSI

Removing the fix pack

When you uninstall the fix pack, you also uninstall IBM Content Navigator. The same occurs on the client when IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office is uninstalled.

The IBM Content Navigator and IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office fix pack uninstall removes the program and any applied fix packs. You cannot remove only the fix pack.

Beginning with 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8, the Configuration Manager profiles are saved under a "profiles_backup" folder.

New features and solutions

IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8 includes the following new or updated features.

Features and solutions introduced in Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8

The following APARs for Daeja 4.1.5 are included in this fixpack: Additional information is included in the Daeja 4.1.5 IF004 readme.

What’s new for users?

Integrating IBM Content Navigator with Microsoft Office
You can now rename documents while using Enterprise Content Management features from Microsoft Office applications.
Get Next feature for workflows
The Get Next feature for workflows improves the performance of processing items in an in-basket by processing unlocked items regardless of their position in the queue and lowering the amount of time to process the items. Your administrator must add the ICNGetNext property to the Process Configuration Console before you can use this feature.
For complete information, see "IBM Content Navigator documentation: Configuring the Get Next feature for workflows (IBM FileNet P8)" at
Support for simultaneous modification of multiple items
Users can now simultaneously modify multiple documents and folders that have different entry templates. Beginning in this release, the Properties window supports entry templates in the following ways:
  • When a user selects multiple documents or folders that have different entry templates and then the user right-clicks the Properties menu item, the entry template names for the selected items are displayed in a new column of the Choose Class window.
  • Documents and folders with entry templates that do not allow properties to be modified are listed in the Choose Class window and can be edited as if they did not have entry templates.
  • The following entry template settings are honored in the Properties window; all other entry template settings are ignored.
    • Property order
    • Hidden / Shown
    • Required / Not Required
    • Required / Not Required
  • An External Data Service (EDS) has precedence over entry template settings, for example, if the EDS makes a property read-only but that property is editable in the entry template, the property is read-only in the Properties window.
IBM CMIS for Enterprise Content Management
You can now search for items in multiple classes in a supported IBM CMIS repository. Searching for content in multiple classes is useful if you do your work in more than one class in a repository, and you want to search for content in those classes.
For complete information, see "IBM CMIS for Enterprise Content Management documentation: Searching for content in multiple classes" at
Sync Server Summary page page access
The Sync Server Summary page which was publicly available is now protected and accessible only by authenticated users.

What’s new for administrators?

IBM QuickFile plug-in is obsolete
IBM QuickFile is no longer supported and the IBM QuickFile plug-in is no longer shipped with IBM Content Navigator.
Email mapping plug-in updated
The plug-in service that is called from IBM Content Navigator was changed for the Email mapping plug-in. If you installed the plug-in from IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6 or Fix Pack 7, you must re-install the updated plug-in, and then re-apply any customizations you made to the .json file or Java code that was provided by those fix packs.
For updated information on this plug-in, see "IBM Content Navigator documentation: Configuring the Email mapping plug-in" at
Get Next feature for workflows
The Get Next feature for workflows improves the performance of processing items in an in-basket by processing unlocked items regardless of their position in the queue and lowering the amount of time to process the items.
For complete information, see "IBM Content Navigator documentation: Configuring the Get Next feature for workflows (IBM FileNet P8)" at
IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager
When you are configuring IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager, the port number is now part of the Content Platform Engine server URL field . There is no longer a separate port number field.
The port number you include is the IIOP or T3 port number of your Content Engine or Content Platform Engine deployment. You can get this information from your Content Engine or Content Platform Engine administrator or from the web application server where Content Engine or Content Platform Engine is deployed.
  • On WebSphere® Application Server, the default port number is 2809.
  • On Oracle WebLogic Server, the default port number is 7001.
Enabling Box Share
Important: The information in this section supercedes the information in the same-named section of the IBM Content Navigator Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6 Readme.
You can enable Box Share for a FileNet Content Manager repository or an IBM Content Manager repository. To enable Box Share, complete the following steps:
  1. Enable task manager in the administration tool Settings.
  2. For the Box repository for sharing, set the Share administrator.
  3. FileNet Content Manager repositories only: Set the task manager connection ID and enable Box Share.

    When you save this configuration setting, an add-on is installed on the repository.

    Box Share is supported on FileNet Content Manager V5.2.0 or later.

  4. IBM Content Manager repositories only: Set the task manager connection ID, enable Box Share, and select the item types that you want users to be able to share.

    When you save this configuration setting, the classes that you selected are modified on the repository.

  5. On the desktop, enable Box Share, select the Box repository for sharing, and configure whether to allow users to edit the email address to send from when sharing a document.
Disabling the caching of desktop settings
Beginning in this release, you can disable the caching of desktop settings by using the "Cache desktop settings at the server for each user" option in the IBM Content Navigator Configuration and Deployment Tool.

By default, the caching of desktop settings is enabled.

You might want to disable the caching of desktop settings if, for example, your users typically take a single view action and then close their browsers. In this case, they get no benefit from the caching of desktop settings.
New Others role
In previous releases, any user or group that was assigned a custom set of privileges that did not exactly match the privilege set of a User, Creator, or Editor was displayed as an Administrator. The correct security was enforced by IBM Content Navigator, but the user or group did not always have administrator privileges, so identifying the user or group as an administrator was misleading.
Beginning in this release:
  • Only users and groups with administrator privileges are displayed as Administrators.
  • Any user or group that has a custom set of privileges that does not match the privilege set of a User, Creator, or Editor is displayed in the new Other role.
  • You can move a user or group in the Other role to one of the predefined roles by first, removing the user or group from the Others role and then assigning the user or group to a predefined role.
Note: This information is specific to the following sections in the Administration View.
  • The Teamspace management section on the Repositories / Configuration Parameters tab
  • The Entry template management section on the Repositories / Configuration Parameters tab
  • The Search Roles section on the Repositories / Search tab
Default favorites system object context menu is now a configurable property
The Default favorites system object context menu is displayed when a user right-clicks an entry template, search, workflow, or eForm in the Favorites list. By default, this context menu includes actions that enable the user to open and work with the selected favorite.

Beginning in this release, the Default favorites system object context menu is configurable from the Menus tab of the Administration View.

Improved user interface for configuring IBM FileNet P8 inherited permissions
The user interface for configuring IBM FileNet P8 inherited permissions was improved in this release. The Folder view and Document view are now combined into a single view. Additionally, tri-state check boxes are used to show a range of access levels:
  • No access (cleared)
  • Full access (selected)
  • Partial access (shaded)
Sync Server Summary page page access
The Sync Server Summary page, '/sync/api/configurations/ping', which was publicly available is now protected and accessible only by authenticated users.
The Sync Server Summary page, '/sync/api/configurations/secureping', which was accessible by authenticated users is now accessible only by administrators.

What’s new for developers?

New parameter for ecm.model.Repository.addTeamspace
A new parameter (parentFolderName) was added to the addTeamspace method of the ecm.model.Repository class.
addTeamspace (teamspace, callback, onError, parentFolderName)
Adds a new teamspace to the repository.
teamspace         A ecm.model.Teamspace object.
callback          A callback function called after the teamspace has been added.
                  Passes a ecm.model.Teamspace object as a parameter.
onError           A callback function called when an error occurs.
parentFolderName  An optional parameter indicating the name of the parent folder for the new teamspace (P8 only). 
                  When not specified, new P8 teamspaces are partitioned into YYYY-MM folders. 

What’s new for installers?

KnowledgeCenter security vulnerability fix
The KCCI 1.5.1 fix pack contains the Apache Commons Collections 3.2.2 security vulnerability fix.
InstallAnywhere security vulnerability fix
IBM Content Navigator and IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft SharePoint contain the InstallAnywhere 2015 SP1 security vulnerability fix (Public Hotfix IOJ-1745445). The IBM Content Navigator installer bundles IBM SDK 1.8 SR3 as the installer VM for all the platforms.
Uninstalling IBM Content Navigator
Beginning with 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8, the Configuration Manager profiles are saved under a "profiles_backup" folder.

Features and solutions introduced in Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 7

The following APARs for Daeja 4.1.5 are included in this fixpack: Additional information is included in the Daeja 4.1.5 IF002 readme.

What’s new for users?

Using Disconnect for IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office
If your repository connection dropped, or if you want to log out of the current desktop so that you can log in to another desktop, you can use the Disconnect action in the Login group in the ribbon bar. The Disconnect action disconnects all Microsoft Office applications, so that you can reconnect or change your connection without closing any of your open applications.
Ping page access
The Ping page which was publicly available is now protected and accessible only by administrators.

What’s new for administrators?

Ping page access
The IBM Content Navigator Ping page, /Ping, can only be accessed by administrators.
The new Ping page is loaded in the context of the administration desktop so administrators will be prompted to log in to the administration desktop before they can access the Ping page.
FileNet Collaboration Services ping page access
The FNCS ping page, /dm, can only be accessed by administrators.
New naming conventions supported for administrator user IDs
Previously, in the administration tool settings, to specify IBM Content Navigator administrators, you specified a short name for the user ID. However, if the same user ID was used for a user in a different realm whom you did not intend to grant administrator access, that user could log in as an administrator. Now, in IBM Content Navigator Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 7 or later, to prevent this situation, you can specify the realm name and user ID.
You can use a short name, for example:
  • User1
Or, you can specify a user name with a realm to differentiate the users, for example:
  • company/User1
  • company/
  • DefaultWIMFileBased/User1
When the administrator user ID is verified, the comparison is case insensitive. To view the realm name for your user ID, you can hover over your login name in the IBM Content Navigator desktop banner.
Selecting plug-ins to load with a desktop
Previously, when a user opened an IBM Content Navigator desktop, all plug-ins were loaded, whether or not the plug-in was necessary for the layout or features included in that desktop. Now, an administrator can specify whether to enable all plug-ins for the desktop, or select only the plug-ins that are needed. By excluding the plug-ins that are not needed, the resources associated with the plug-in are not loaded, and in some cases this might improve performance and scalability. You can select the plug-ins by using the configuration options for enabling or disabling plug-ins for this desktop on the General settings page for a desktop.
IBM CMIS v1.1 General Availability
You can install and use CMIS for FileNet Content Manager Version 1.1 and CMIS for Content Manager Version 1.1 that supports the OASIS CMIS v1.1 specification leveraging Apache Open CMIS v0.14.0.
  • Users can access IBM CMIS v1.1 landing /ping page to get the version information and binding URLs.
  • Administrators can access IBM CMIS v1.1 landing /ping page to get the status, version, and authenticate to display the list of repositories.
  • Administrators can check the repository access with additional and more preferred 'Browser' Binding (in addition to Atom and WS-Security).
Configuration Tool repository updated
CMIS for FileNet Content Manager Version 1.1 and CMIS for Content Manager Version 1.1 are added to the repository type selections. Administrators are still able to select CMIS for FileNet Content Manager Version 1.0 and CMIS for Content Manager Version 1.0 as repository types.
IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer features
  • Administrators can configure the default for saving redacted content by specifying whether to save redacted content as a new document or allow users to determine how readacted content is saved by default.

    For more information about configuring the default for saving redacted content, see

  • Annotations for IBM Content Manager documents can be stored natively using a new application application/ MIME type and format. Adding the new MIME type to an IBM Content Manager repository enables support for all of the annotation features in the Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer.

    For more information about using the new MIME type, see

What’s new for developers?

SamplePlugin must be loaded before you load SampleMobilePlugin
IBM Content Navigator provides two sample plug-ins, SamplePlugin and SampleMobilePlugin. If you try to register and configure the SampleMobilePlugin plug-in first, an error occurs. You must register and configure the SamplePlugin plug-in before you can register and configure the SampleMobilePlugin plug-in.
Sample User Column Settings plug-in
For IBM FileNet Content Manager repositories, by configuring the User Column Settings plug-in, users can select which properties to display in the Browse view, in what order, and whether to display the properties in the Details view, the Magazine view, or both. You can use the sample jar file UserColumnSettingsPlugin.jar, or extend the sample plug-in.
For more information about configuring the User Column Settings plug-in, see
External Data Services (EDS) for IBM Content Manager OnDemand repository searches are now supported
Previously, External Data Services for repository searches, add document, and edit properties was supported for IBM FileNet P8 repositories and IBM Content Manager repositories. Now, External Data Services for repository searches, add document, and edit properties is also supported for IBM Content Manager OnDemand repositories.
IBM CMIS v1.1 General Availability
Developers can now leverage the Open CMIS Server Plugins Framework that allows a CMIS server to be treated as an open service platform they can extend and change as needed.
For more information refer to the developers guide

Features and solutions introduced in Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6

The following APARs for Daeja 4.1.5 are included in this fixpack:

What’s new for users?
Java and Applets
Due to changes made in the Oracle JRE, the minimum IBM Content Navigator requirement for Java 8 update74, 1.8.0_74, is 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6. 
Using Box Share to share your documents
If your administrator enabled Box Share, you can select a document to share, and IBM Content Navigator creates a link to the specific version of the document. You can send the link to other people if you specify one or more email addresses. Anyone with the link can access the document.

You can share a document if you have permission to edit or view the document. If you have edit access, you can share a document and can update the share options regardless of who shared the document. If you have view access, you can share a document and can update the share options for documents that you shared, but cannot update the share options for documents that someone else shared.

Using Box Copy to copy your documents to Box
If your administrator has enabled Box Copy, you can copy items to a Box repository, or copy items from a Box repository. You can select a document, multiple documents, or a folder to copy, and then select the repository and folder to copy the items to. When copying a single document from a Box repository, you have the option to delete the document from the Box repository after the copy completes. When copying a single document from a Box repository, you have the option to select a document in a FileNet Content Manager repository and check in the document from Box as a new version of that document.

When you copy a document from Box to a FileNet Content Manager repository or an IBM Content Manager repository, if the destination folder has an associated entry template, the entry template is applied to the document.

Cross-repository search now includes Box repositories
When you create a cross-repository search, you can now select a Box repository as one of the repositories to be searched. To search a Box repository, text search criteria is required. For property search criteria, you can search by creation date or modified date. For more information about using cross-repository searches with a Box repository, see Searching across IBM Content Navigator repositories that include Box repositories.
Sync client is now available for Mac OS X
If you use the IBM Content Navigator web client on a Mac OS, you can now also use the Sync client on Mac OS X. For more information about how to install the sync client, see Installing IBM Content Navigator Sync for Mac OS X.
IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office now applies lookahead to all property droplists
Previously, lookahead was applied only when a property droplist contained 50 items or more. Now, lookahead is always applied.
Adding a document to IBM Content Manager OnDemand repositories
You can select a single document from your file system to add to an OnDemand folder or drag a document to there to add the document to the repository. The minimum OnDemand Web Enablement Kit is ODWEK
What’s new for administrators?
Enabling Box Share
You can enable Box Share for a FileNet Content Manager repository, or an IBM Content Manager repository. To enable Box Share, complete the following steps:
  1. Enable task manager in the administrative tool Settings.
  2. For the Box repository for sharing, and set the Share administrator.
  3. For a FileNet Content Manager repository, set the Task manager connection ID, enable Box Share. When you save this configuration setting, an add-on is installed on the repository. Box Share is supported on FileNet Content Manager Version 5.2.0 or later.
  4. For an IBM Content Manager repository, set the Task manager connection ID, enable Box Share, and select the item types that you want users to be able to share. When you save this configuration setting, the classes that you selected are modified on the repository.
  5. For the desktop, enable Box Share, select the Box repository for sharing, and configure whether to allow users to edit the email address to send from when sharing a document.

Important: If the authenticating repository for the desktop is an IBM Content Manager repository, ensure that the IBM Content Manager users are also LDAP users.

For more information about Box Share, see Integrating IBM Content Navigator with Box.

Enabling Box Copy
You can enable Box Copy for a FileNet Content Manager repository, or an IBM Content Manager repository. To enable Box Copy, complete the following steps:
  1. For the desktop, ensure that you connected a Box repository.
  2. For a FileNet Content Manager repository, enable Box Copy.
  3. For a Content Manager repository, enable Box Copy.

For more information about Box Copy, see Integrating IBM Content Navigator with Box.

Configuring Box as the authenticating repository
You can now use a Box repository as the authenticating repository for a desktop.
Configuring the Email mapping plug-in
The Email mapping plug-in provides a service that returns an email address that is associated with an IBM Content Navigator user. If you enable a desktop and repository for Box Share, a mapping of user IDs and email addresses is required so that the user’s email address can be displayed and used to send the link to the document. For more information about how to set up the mapping, see Configuring the Email mapping plug-in.
Enabling teamspace deletion
Previously, to enable teamspace deletion, you specified a task manager user ID and password for teamspace deletion. This configuration setting has been changed. Now, you must specify a task manager connection administrator for the desktop. The task manager connection administrator user ID and password is used for teamspace deletion and Box Share.
Restricting searches to search for document item types only
For IBM Content Manager repositories, new configuration options for Searches can be used to restrict searches to search for document item types only, so folders are not included in search results. By default, the Allow search on option is set to include both documents and folders, but you can change it to Documents, and the Default search type option is also changed to Documents. The settings are applied to both web client searches and IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office searches.
Changing the delimiter for IBM FileNet Content Manager multi-value string properties
For IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, you can use a new configuration option to specify the delimiter to use to separate values for multi-value string properties. By default, the delimiter character is a comma (,). However, this restricted users from entering a value that contained a comma. To resolve this problem, you can set the Delimiter for multi-value string properties option to another delimiter character, such as a semi-colon (;).
New non-transactional datasource was added for taskmanager configuration
Note: The application server can not load IBM Content Navigator if the Configure the Task Manager Component task is not ran during installation or upgrade to 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6. See Installing or updating IBM Content Navigator, step 6-B.
What’s new for developers?
Sample plug-in example of custom labels for IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office
The sample plug-in now includes an example that you can customize to change the labels on your ribbon bar buttons and menu actions for IBM Content Navigator Microsoft Office.
New property for the clientContext object to send the parent folder ID to an external data service
When the current action is addItem, and a parent folder is selected for the item, the clientContext object now includes the parentFolderId parameter and the value of the selected parent folder ID.

The parentFolderId parameter is not included in the clientContext object when a parent folder is not selected, or when the current action is not addItem.

IBM Content Manager version attribute name change from version to icn_sys_version
If your custom plug-in references the version attribute, you must change the references to use the new attribute name: icn_sys_version. The name change allows you to create a custom attribute that is named version that does not conflict with the reserved attribute that is named icn_sys_version.

To prevent conflicts between custom attribute names and system attributes names, avoid using the following Content Manager system attribute aliases: itemID, idValue, icn_sys_version, modifiedTimestamp, modifiedBy, createdTimestamp, createdBy, aclName, semanticType, mimeType, contentSize.

Accessing the HttpServletResponse that is passed to the target service
The wrapResponse method was added to the PluginResponseFilter class. This method provides the developer with access to all aspects of the response sent back from the service that is filtered. It wraps the HttpServletResponse that is passed to the target service. The base action code that processes request filters calls getServletResponseWrapper which gets the HttpServletResponse that was wrapped by wrapResponse and returned in the parameter of return type PluginServletResponseWrapper that extends HttpServletRequestWrapper.
Changes to the Java API reference
The Sync Favorite feature was removed, so the following methods are deprecated as of version
  • method
  • method 
  • method
  • method 
  • method
  • method 
IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office now spports .NET 4.5.2
When installing IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6, the current version of .NET is uninstall and .NET 4.5.2 is installed.
Features and solutions introduced in Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 5

The following APARs for Daeja 4.1.4 are included in this fixpack:

What’s new for users?
Managing the list of My Synced Files
If your administrator enabled sync services for IBM Content Navigator, you can sync a document, folder, or teamspace. Previously, to enable an item for sync, you had to right-click the item, click Add to Favorites, and specify that you want to sync the item. Now, you can right-click the item, and click Enable Sync. The item is then added to the list of My Synced Files. If you no longer want to sync an item that is in the list of My Synced Files, right-click the item, and click Disable Sync.
Searching for documents, folders, or teamspaces (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office)
When you define search criteria, you see a simpler, improved user interface for the following search options:
  • Search in (repository, folder, or teamspace) and include subfolders
  • Search for (document class or folder class) and include subclasses
  • Search filters can be hidden or displayed with a twistie
Using redaction mode in the Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer
You can redact content when viewing a document in the Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer by using redaction mode. Optionally, you can save the document with redactions as a new version of the document, if the document is in a FileNet repository or in a Content Manager repository and the document type supports versions.
New repositories supported by the AFP Viewer plug-in
Previously, the AFP Viewer plug-in supported Content Manager OnDemand repositories only. Now the AFP Viewer plug-in also supports FileNet Content Manager, IBM Content Manager, CMIS, and Box repositories. If your administrator has configured the AFP Viewer plug-in, you can view AFP documents in any repository.
What’s new for administrators?
Web Application Firewall for security enhancements
IBM Content Navigator is now deployed with the ESAPI Web Application Firewall. The ESAPI Web Application Firewall is configured as a servlet filter in front of all IBM Content Navigator web services. An XML policy file contains the rules for the firewall to enforce. To protect the web application from known security vulnerabilities, you can modify the policy file to add rules and block services. For more information about modifying the policy file, see: Web Application Firewall for security enhancements.
Configuring image stamp annotations in the Daeja ViewONE Professional Edition viewer and the Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer
You can configure the Daeja ViewONE viewers to enable image stamp annotations by using the macro substitution feature of Daeja ViewONE Version 4.1.5 or higher. In the IBM Content Navigator administration tool settings for Daeja ViewONE, specify the Image stamp resource context, and one or more annotation stamp parameters. For a basic example of these parameter settings, see Configuring the IBM Daeja ViewONE Professional Edition viewer and IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer (IBM FileNet Content Manager)
New repositories supported by the AFP Viewer plug-in
Previously, the AFP Viewer plug-in supported Content Manager OnDemand repositories only. Now the AFP Viewer plug-in also supports FileNet Content Manager, IBM Content Manager, CMIS, and Box repositories. If you configure the AFP Viewer plug-in, create a viewer map, and enable the desktop to use the viewer map, users can view AFP documents in any repository.
Configuring the desktop to hide the entry template not found warnings
By default, if a user tries to view the properties or check in a document but the user doesn’t have permission to view the entry template for the document, one of the following warnings is displayed:
  • The entry template that was used to add this document to the repository cannot be found. The document properties will be displayed without using the entry template.
  • The entry template that was used to add this document to the repository cannot be found. The document will be checked into the repository without using the entry template.

If you don’t want these warning to be displayed, you can select the desktop option, Hide the warning that is displayed when the associated entry template is not found. This option is in the Additional Settings section on the General tab.

Configuring IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office to automatically check out documents after they are added to the repository
From the IBM Content Navigator administration tool, you can specify whether documents that are added from a specific desktop are automatically checked out after they are added. When documents are automatically checked out, it reduces the number of steps that users need to take to work with documents after they are added to the repository. To ensure that users check the files back into the repository, you can also select the Prompt users to check in documents when they close Office applications option.

The new configuration option, Automatically check out documents after they are added to the repository, is in the Office Configuration section of the desktop configuration.

Customizing menus for Microsoft Office
You can customize the IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office ribbon bar in Microsoft Office applications in the following ways:
  • You can change the display order of the commands in the ribbon bar.
  • You can change the display order of the actions for a ribbon bar command.
  • You can remove a group of commands from the ribbon bar.
  • You can remove an action from a ribbon bar command.
You can customize the IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office context menus in Microsoft Office applications in the following ways:
  • You can change the display order of the actions in a context menu.
  • You can remove an action from a context menu.

For more information about how to customize menus, see Customizing menus for Microsoft Office.

Configuring connecting to IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office by using a proxy server
You can use a proxy server to connect to IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office by setting the configuration parameter, ProxyUrl=http://hostname:port.

Restriction: You can only specify a proxy server that does not require authentication.

You set this parameter in the configuration.ini file. For general information about configuring IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, see Customizing the IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office interface

Box integration
You can now work with content in Box including searching, viewing, and modifying documents. For more information, see Integrating with Box.

Connecting to a Box repository on a WebLogic Server
If you want to add a Box repository to the IBM Content Navigator which is running on the WebLogic Server environment using SSL you must add the following JVM parameter to the WebLogic Server startup configuration settings:


This setting ensures that the WebLogic Server makes outbound SSL requests by using the http handler that is pre-configured by IBM Content Navigator instead of using the default WebLogic Server http handler. If you do not set this parameter, you cannot connect to the Box repository.

For more information about the errors that can occur if WebLogic with SSL is not configured correctly, see Troubleshooting: Cannot connect to a Box Repository on a WebLogic Server.

New configuration search option when searching an IBM Content Manager repository
You can configure IBM Content Navigator to include only documents, saved searches, and entry templates when completing an IBM Content Manager all classes document search.
What’s new for developers?
Automatically opening items that are returned from search links
A new search URL parameter autoOpenItem can be used with the parameter autoRunSearch. When the user opens a search link that includes the parameters autoRunSearch=true and autoOpenItem=true , the search runs automatically, and if the search returns a single item, then that item is automatically opened. You can also enable the item to automatically open by configuring a search template to run automatically when opened and include the parameter autoOpenItem=true in the search link. The item is automatically opened only from the search link, not in subsequent searches.
Features and solutions introduced in Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 4
What’s new for users?
Using Between and Not Between search operators on integer properties with a choice list
If your documents have an integer property with a choice list, you can search for documents where the value of the integer property is between a specified low number and high number.

For example, if you have documents with an integer property that is named Grade and a choice list of values from 0 to 100, you can search for documents where the Grade is between 90 and 100. You can also search for documents where the Grade is not between 0 and 60.

This feature is now supported for IBM FileNet Content Manager and CMIS repositories, in addition to IBM Content Manager repositories.

Filtering of drop-down lists in searches and property editors now match any part of the value in the list
If you are working with one of the following types of drop-down controls, you can use filtering to find any values that contain the term you enter:
  • List of search properties
  • List of search operators (not applicable to IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office)
  • Choice lists

For example, if you want to select a property in your property drop-down list that contains the term address, type address in the property field. The list will display only those properties that contain the term address, such as Street Address, Mailing Address, or Billing Address.

Searching by using the Is Empty or Is Not Empty operators with a multi-valued property
You can now search on a field using the Is Empty or the Is Not Empty operator if the property contains multiple values.

For example, if you want to know how many documents have been color coded, you can run a search on the Color Codes multi-valued property by using the Is Not Empty operator.

Searching by using the Is Empty or Is Not Empty operators with a multi-valued property is only supported if you are connected to an IBM FileNet Content Manager repository.

Important: In some instances, IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager returns inconsistent results when you search by using the Is Empty or Is Not Empty operators with multi-valued properties.
Support for IBM Content Manager annotations in IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual Viewer
The IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer will now allow existing CM annotations to be displayed with the document. New annotations may also be created and saved with your CM document.
  • The following IBM Daeja ViewONE annotation types are not supported: CUSTOM, HIGHLIGHTPOLYGON, OPENPOLYGON, POLYGON, REDACT, and REDACTPOLYGON.
  • The following IBM Daeja ViewONE annotations fields are ignored: CREATEDATE, MODIFIEDDATE, CREATEID, and MODIFIEDID.
  • When using this engine to convert between IBM Daeja ViewONE format and IBM Content Manager format, the rendering might differ for sticky notes and the color and transparency for oval, rectangle, highlight, note, and text annotations.
Using IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office to update permissions of a document or folder in an IBM Content Manager repository
Previously, you could change the permissions of a document or folder in an IBM Content Manager repository only by using the IBM Content Navigator web client. Now, you can also change the permissions by using IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office. You can change the permissions for a document or folder when you do the following tasks:
  • Add a document that uses a Content Manager entry template
  • Check in a document that uses a Content Manager entry template
  • Change the properties of a document or folder from the Details pane
  • Change the properties of a document by using the View/Modify Permissions button on the ribbon bar
The web client displays a status window when you download multiple files or convert files to PDF
Previously, if you downloaded one or more files as PDF files or downloaded multiple files, the web client gave no indication that it was processing your request. If processing took a significant amount of time, it was not clear whether the web client was actually converting the files to PDF or creating a ZIP file. Now, the web client displays a status dialog when you download a file as PDF or download multiple files. If the request takes too long, you have the option to cancel it.
What’s new for administrators?
IBM CMIS for Content Manager supports and detects multi-valued attributes on your IBM Content Manager repository
You can now enable IBM CMIS for Content Manager to support and detect multi-valued attributes on your IBM Content Manager repository. The multiValuePropertyEnabled configuration property enables or disables the support of multi-valued attributes in IBM CMIS for Content Manager. After the property is enabled, you must create a data model to enable IBM CMIS for Content Manager to efficiently detect multi-valued attributes on your IBM Content Manager repository.

For more information on enabling the multiValuePropertyEnabled configuration property and creating the required data model, see “Configuring IBM CMIS for Content Manager to work with multi-valued properties on your IBM Content Manager repository” at

Mapping of short integer attributes as Boolean
You can now enable IBM CMIS for Content Manager to map and view short integer attributes as Boolean on your IBM Content Manager repository. The shortAsBooleanEnabled configuration property enables or disables the mapping of short integer attributes in IBM Content Manager. After the property is enabled, you must set the minimum value to 0 and the maximum value to 1 to map attributes with these constraints as Boolean.
IBM FileNet Collaboration Services leverages IBM Content Navigator administration tool settings
IBM FileNet Collaboration Services can now leverage IBM Content Navigator administration tool settings without any manual configuration or editing of the file.
Creating a bookmark URL to an IBM Content Manager OnDemand search
You can create a bookmark to a search in an IBM Content Manager OnDemand repository by constructing a URL with several parameters. The search URL consists of a base URL to which you append additional parameters that are required for viewing a search. You can use different parameters according to the type of search you want to view.

For more information, see “Creating a bookmark URL to view searches in IBM Content Navigator” at

New label for an IBM FileNet Content Manager annotation security option in the administration tool
When you configure the annotation security for an IBM FileNet Content Manager repository in the IBM Content Navigator administration tool, you might notice that the Inherit from the Document option is now called Duplicate the security from the containing document. The label was changed to clarify the behavior. The behavior of the option remains the same.

For more information about how the annotation security options behave, see “Configuring the security of IBM FileNet Content Manager annotations in IBM Content Navigator” at

Specifying a security domain when you deploy an application
You can use security domains to configure the security settings for a set of applications that are deployed on WebSphere Application Server.

If you have security domains configured in your WebSphere Application Server environment, you can select the security domain that you want to use in the Configuration and Deployment Tool. If the security domain is not mapped to the server or cluster where you deploy your application, the Configuration and Deployment Tool updates the definition of the security domain to include the mapping.

If you do not have any security domains configured, the global security settings for the application server are used.

For more information about security domains, see the following topic in the WebSphere Application Server documentation:

Using application edition management to achieve zero downtime during an upgrade
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 8.5 or later only.

Application edition management helps you manage multiple versions of applications by enabling you to transition (roll out) from one version of an application to the next without interrupting service to your users. Starting with IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 4, you can use application edition management to upgrade your web applications in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment environment while the current edition is still running.

If you do not specify an application edition when you deploy your application, the existing deployment on the server is overwritten.

For more information about application edition management, see:

Specifying a predefined desktop for the IBM Navigator Sync client
You can specify the desktop that you want users to connect to before you deploy the IBM Navigator Sync client to your users. If you configure a predefined desktop, users only need to enter their credentials to start using IBM Navigator Sync.

For more information, see “Configuring IBM Navigator Sync clients to use a predefined desktop” at

Database upgrade of sync tables
When upgrading to Fixpack 4 or higher, a database upgrade operation on sync tables are performed when the sync server is started, you need to follow the typical upgrade procedure of backing up the database prior to the upgrade and start the application server to initiate the upgrade.
Updating the sync module on your IBM FileNet Content Manager repositories
If you use sync services, you must update the sync module on each IBM FileNet Content Manager repository where sync is enabled.

For more information see Updating the sync module on your repositories.

New configuration options for IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office
When you configure IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, you can configure two additional options:
  • AutoConnectMode
  • UseCMNameAttributeOnAddDoc
For more information about these configuration options, see “Configuring and deploying IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office” at
Viewing and editing IBM Content Manager annotations in IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer
The IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer now displays existing IBM Content Manager document annotations. In addition, you can use the Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer to create and save annotations to IBM Content Manager documents. However, you might notice some differences between IBM Daeja ViewONE and IBM Content Manager. For example:
  • Sticky notes might be rendered differently
  • The color and transparency of oval, rectangle, highlight, note, and text annotations might be different
Restriction: Some IBM Daeja ViewONE annotation types and fields are not supported or are ignored.
  • Unsupported annotation types
    • CUSTOM
    • REDACT
  • Unsupported fields
Redacting content in Microsoft Office documents
If you have and are entitled to use the ViewONE Office Module and the ViewONE Permanent Redaction Server Module, you can now redact the content of Microsoft Office documents in the IBM Daeja ViewONE Professional viewer.

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files redact to TIFF if there are no substituted fonts on either the client or the server.

New XML viewer plug-in for IBM Content Manager OnDemand, Version 9.5
The XML viewer plug-in enables you to see XML files that are stored in IBM Content Manager OnDemand, Version 9.5.

To use the XML viewer plug-in, you must configure the plug-in in the IBM Content Navigator administration tool and then add the XML viewer plug-in to a viewer map. For more information on configuring the XML viewer plug-in, see

What’s new for developers?
Modifying the list of available operators to display in the search form
The sample plug-in for IBM Content Navigator now includes sample files for writing response filters to hide search operators. When a user opens a saved search or defines a new search, IBM Content Navigator provides a list of available operators for selection in the search criteria. If you want to hide any of these operators from the user, you can write response filters for your plug-in. These response filters can return a modified list of available operators in the response JSON for the OpenContentClass service and the OpenSearchTemplate service. The following sample files can be used as examples:

For general information about sample files, see “Samples for IBM Content Navigator” in IBM Knowledge Center:

Modifying the default print margins
The sample plug-in for IBM Content Navigator now includes a sample file for updating the default print margins. When a user opens the print applet, the default print margins are retrieved. If you implement a custom response filter, you can modify the values of the default print margins, and the print applet caches the new default values. After you deploy your plug-in, a user must restart the browser to obtain the new default values. The following sample file can be used as an example:

For general information about sample files, see “Samples for IBM Content Navigator” in IBM Knowledge Center:

Using a custom property editor to define search criteria
The search interface of the sample property editor was updated to support the functionality that is provided by the custom property editor. The sample plug-in was updated to include files that show you how to create a custom property editor. The following sample files can be used as examples:
  • SamplePropertyEditor.js
  • SamplePropertyEditor.html
For general information about sample files, see “Samples for IBM Content Navigator” in IBM Knowledge Center:
IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager now supports the Apache (chemistry:filename) extension
IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager now supports the Apache Chemistry extension (chemistry:filename) for setting the discreet file name of a content stream when a document is created. Discussed here in This extension is supported only for WebSphere deployments.
Features and solutions introduced in Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 3
Integrating IBM Docs with IBM Content Navigator
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users only) The IBM Docs Integration plug-in enables users to:
  • Open documents that are stored in an IBM FileNet Content Manager repository in IBM Docs for collaborative editing.
  • Create IBM Docs documents from IBM Content Navigator, and then edit the documents in IBM Docs.
For more information about integrating IBM Content Navigator and IBM Docs, see the following technotes on the IBM Support site:
Integrating IBM Docs with IBM Connections Content Manager
(IBM Connections Content Manager users only) You can integrate IBM Docs with your IBM Connections Content Manager libraries by using IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager and IBM FileNet Collaboration Services. When IBM Docs is integrated with IBM Connections Content Manager, users can:
  • Open documents that are stored in an IBM Connections Content Manager library in IBM Docs for collaborative editing.
  • From IBM Connections Content Manager, create IBM Docs documents, and then edit the documents in IBM Docs.
  • From IBM Docs, create and edit documents,and then add the documents to an IBM Connections Content Manager library.

For more information about integrating IBM Docs with IBM Connections Content Manager, see "Integration of IBM Docs with Connections Content Manager by using IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager and IBM FileNet Collaboration Services" at

Using a database index to improve search performance
(IBM Content Manager users only.) If performance degrades over time when the items that you search have many versions in an IBM Content Manager repository, you can create a database index to improve performance. For more information about improving search performance, see "Improving performance in IBM Content Navigator when the items that you search have many versions in an IBM Content Manager repository" at
Cross-repository search has fewer restrictions
Previously, IBM Content Navigator did not allow you to map an IBM Content Manager alphanumeric string property, alphabetic string property, or numeric string property to a special type of string property, such as GUID (globally unique identifier) or ID (for CMIS repositories). An error was returned because you cannot map incompatible data types. Now, you can create the mapping in IBM Content Navigator because the data types are compatible. For more information about compatible data types for cross-repository searches, see "IBM Content Navigator cross-repository search has fewer restrictions when you map compatible data types" at
External data services (EDS) and saved searches
When the application uses EDS and users open a saved search, the search criteria properties and the child component attributes are sent to EDS. However, any search criteria properties that are empty are not sent to EDS. Also, if a property is specified in the search criteria more than once, only the first instance of that property value is sent to EDS. For more information about EDS and search criteria, see "Search criteria behavior for EDS implementations of dependent choice lists" at
Session replication in a High Availability Cluster
If Memory-to-Memory (M2M) session replication is enabled in IBM WebSphere Application Server, then in the web server plug-in configuration, you must change the setting for GetDWLMTable to true. For more information about recommended values for web server plug-in configuration, see
IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager technology preview for the OASIS CMIS 1.1 specification
IBM Content Navigator Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 3 includes Technology Preview Code (TPC) for IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager implementing the OASIS CMIS 1.1 specification. The TPC in Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 3 includes support for OASIS CMIS 1.1 type mutability. Type mutability enables authorized CMIS clients to define metadata, such as types, properties, choice lists, and contstraints, that can be instantiated and used by all CMIS applications.

For more information about type mutability and support for CMIS 1.1, see "Type Mutability support in the CMIS 1.1 Tech Preview" on the IBM CMIS for ECM forum on IBM developerWorks at

Features and solutions introduced in Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 2
The Save option is enabled for IBM Content Manager users in IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office
In previous releases, the Save option in IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office was disabled when you were connected to an IBM Content Manager repository. Staring with Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 2, the Save option is enabled for checked out IBM Content Manager documents that have either of the following version policy attributes:
  • Always Create
  • Prompt to Create
Important: If a user selects Save from IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, the current version of the file is updated on the IBM Content Manager repository. If you want to prevent this from happening, you can hide the Save option for the appropriate desktops in your environment.

The Hide the Save option in the ribbon bar setting is in the Office Configuration section on the General tab of the desktop configuration. This setting was introduced in Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 1.

Features and solutions introduced in Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 1
Improvements to the IBM Navigator Sync
IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 1 includes two improvements for the IBM Navigator Sync client (previously called the IBM Content Navigator Sync client):
  • Simplified setup during installation
    When users install the IBM Navigator Sync client, the sync folder is automatically set to the following location:
    • C:\Users\<username>\Documents\IBM Sync
    If users want to change the default sync folder, they can click Advanced settings during installation.
  • Ability to manage preferences across IBM Navigator Sync clients

    From the IBM Content Navigator administration tool, you can control the number of subfolder levels that are synced and the sync schedule for all of the clients in your environment. For more information, see Managing preferences for IBM Navigator Sync clients.

Counters for system monitoring
IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 1 includes counters for monitoring IBM Content Navigator components. If you have IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management installed in your environment, the IBM Content Navigator counters are displayed in the dashboard.
For more information about the counters that are provided for the IBM Content Navigator components, see the following technotes on the IBM Support site:
Improvements for IBM FileNet Content Manager workflows
In previous releases of IBM Content Navigator, user's short names were displayed in the Process Work Item and Track Work Item pages. In IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 1, the short names are replaced by the user's display names in the following locations:
  • On the Summary tab of the Process Work Item page
  • On the History tab of the Track Work Item page
  • In the Started by field of the Process Work Item page and the Track Work Item page
New administration option for IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office
By default, the Save option is displayed in IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office. However, the Save option is always disabled when you are connected to an IBM Content Manager repository, because the repository does not support saving changes to the document without checking the document in.

In IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 1, you can choose to hide the Save option for one or more desktops in your environment. For example, you can hide the Save option if all of the repositories that are associated with a desktop are IBM Content Manager repositories, or if you want to ensure that users always check in their changes.

The Hide the Save option in the ribbon bar setting is in the Office Configuration setting on the General tab of the desktop configuration.

Plug-in to address issues with teamspace security
After you upgrade to IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 and the repository configuration is saved, all teamspace creators can access teamspaces that they are not a member of, including the documents in the teamspaces. This problem affects only teamspaces that were created on IBM FileNet Content Manager or IBM Content Foundation repositories prior to upgrading to IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3. For more information about the problem, see

IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 1, includes a plug-in that you can register and run to resolve this security issue. For more information, see Configuring the teamspace security update via the plug-in.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8

The fixes that were provided in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 7 listed below are included in this fix pack.

This fix pack contains fixes for the following APARs:

Table 1. Fix list for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 8
APAR Description
  (IBM Content Navigator, IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft SharePoint, IBM Content Navigator Sync, and IBM CMIS users) InstallAnywhere CVE-2016-4560 security issue

With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO23257 (IBM Content Navigator users) When multiple users are working on the same workflow inbasket, the Get Next work item action may show a performance degradation because it has to determine which item is next in the list of unprocessed documents.

With this fix, the performance is improved.

IO23622 (IBM Content Navigator users) Some PDF files containing images render with the images being duplicated or shifted.

With this fix, the images appear correctly.

IO23828 (IBM Content Navigator users) The color contrast ratio of some controls needs to be improved.

With this fix, the color contrast is improved.

IO23882 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Content Manager users are not able to enter a date with a time value as a search criteria for a datetime property.

With this fix, users can enter a date with a time value to search for a specific date with time criteria.

IO24188 (IBM Content Navigator users) There is no facility to localize the desktop application name.

With this fix, the capability to localize the Application name is provided.

IO24253 (IBM Content Navigator users) The interface focus is not placed on the search tab after opening a search.

With this fix, the focus is set to the search tab.

IO24267 (IBM Content Navigator users) Sometimes the scroll bar slider is not at bottom of the scroll bar when paging to last page. This gives the appearance that more search results may exist.

With this fix, the scroll bar slider is at the bottom of the scroll bar when paging to the end of the results.

IO24281 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using Daeja ViewONE Virtual, users are experiencing delays when rendering some images because some static viewer resources are reloaded.

With this fix, the viewer will load static resources from cache.

IO24290 (IBM Content Navigator users) The Polish translation for the CIWEB1157 add document error message error “The item cannot be added to the repository” is incorrect.

With this fix, the error message is corrected.

IO24321 (IBM FileNet P8 users) In a P8 teamspace, it is not possible to drag and drop a file from a subfolder to the root folder even though the logged in user has permission to do so.

With this fix, the file can be dropped on the root folder.

IO24371 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When adding a 201st subfolder, a permission error is generated when retrieving the next page of sub-folders.

With this fix, the error does not occur.

IO24376 (IBM Content Navigator users) When an entry template with a property layout is applied, and EDS assigns a choice list that has a null or empty string ("") label for a choice in the list, the choice list is not applied to the property.

With this fix, the choice list is applied.

IO24395 (IBM Content Navigator users) If the search template contains a mix of text and property search criteria, the search criteria order is not preserved when opening the search template.

With this fix, the search order is maintained.

IO24397 (IBM Content Navigator users) The ecm.widget.AddContentItemPropertiesPane.setPropertyValue function fails to set the value of a property that has a choice list.

With this fix, the property value is set.

IO24399 (IBM Content Navigator users) When exporting search results, the "download" property will also show up as null.

With this fix, the "download" property is exported.

IO24410 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) When Websphere Application Security is enabled and SSO is not enabled in Content Manager, the CMIS login action results in an ICM7172 error. This is due to CMIS assuming when WebSphere Application Security is enabled when the login is using SSO.

With this fix, the login succeeds.

A new parameter is added in

applicationSecurityEnabledWithoutSSO= {true|false|null}

This parameter should be set to true when application security is enabled in WebSphere but SSO is not enabled in Content Manager. In this configuration, the user will be authenticated by WebSphere and then authenticated by Content Manager. This parameter identifies this special configuration so that CMIS will pass the password to Content Manager for authentication.

If applicationSecurityEnabledWithoutSSO is set to false or not set, null, then CMIS the configuration must meet one of the following conditions:

1) application security is not enabled and SSO is not enabled in Content Manager. In this case, authentication is not done by WebSphere and basic authentication should include user name and password. CMIS will extract the user name and password and pass them on to Content Manager for authentication.

2) SSO is configured in both CMIS and Content Manager. As a required step to enable SSO, application security is also enabled. In this case, the user is authenticated by WebSphere. When CMIS detects that the user is already authenticated by WebSphere (principle is available with a valid user), only the user name is passed to Content Manager for logon and the password will not be passed.

IO24417 (IBM Content Navigator users) In the Content Manager Workflow Context Menus section, administrators are unable to change the workflow attachment document and folder context menus.

With this fix, the administrator can change the context menus.

IO24419 (IBM Content Navigator users) After selection of the dependent choice lists, certain properties become mandatory during the runtime, but the Save button gets enabled before all the mandatory properties contain a value.

With this fix, the Save button is not enabled until all required properties contain values.

IO24430 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using a bookmark and the user is prompted to login, the focus not set to the User name field in login pane.

With this fix, the focus is set to the User name field.

IO24435 (IBM Content Navigator users) In some languages, the custom annotation tooltip tokens were translated resulting in the tag values to not appear.

With this fix, the tokens are not translated for the Creation Date and Creator appear as expected.

IO24441 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a document with no content has a value of 0 for the Content Size property (not typical), some of the document property values are not returned when the properties are edited.

With this fix, all of the property values are retrieved.

IO24445 (IBM Content Navigator users) The browser context menu is not displayed when editing the document properties in the viewer window.

With this fix, the browser context menu is displayed.

IO24449 (IBM Content Navigator users) PDF document print quality is not sufficient for customers to use the resulting documents.

With this fix, the printing of PDF documents is improved.

IO24453 (IBM CMIS for OnDemand users) When users attempt to retrieve certain documents with the OnDemand Enablement Kit version 9.5.x, the document is reported as not found. Some OnDemand document ids may contain certain URI reserved characters (such as /,+,=) and those characters must be escaped to safely pass the docid as a part of the URL data.

With this fix, the documents can be retrieved.

IO24468 (IBM Content Navigator users) The Knowledge Center contains commons-collections 3.2.1 which has a reported vulnerability.

With this fix, the Knowledge Center is upgraded to commons-collections 3.2.2.

IO24474 (IBM OnDemand users) If the OnDemand server is configured to use SSL user are not able to change the user's expired passwords.

With this fix, the user is able to change the expired password.

IO24476 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) When an object is created in a text searchable document item type and the item type has other parts (e.g. ICMBASE) rather than ICMBASETEXT, the object will not be enabled for text search. This is due to either CMIS standard or IBM CMIS for Content Manager does not provide the option for customer whether they prefer to enable text search for the new object or not, IBM CMIS for Content Manager will not enable text search in the case.

With this fix, IBM CMIS for Content Manager provides a new parameter for customers to decide whether they want to enable text search for this kind of new object.

preferCreateTextSearchableDoc = {true|false}

If preferCreateTextSearchableDoc is set to true, then if the item type is a text searchable item type and has a ICMBASETEXT part, the content file of the new object will be put in the ICMBASETEXT part and the object is enabled text search.

If preferCreateTextSearchableDoc is set to false or not set, null, then prefer to create object in ICMBASE part if the item type has ICMBASE part. This is the default behavior.

IO24482 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When adding attachments to Content Manager, the size of the name property is not considered causing the user to receive an error.

With this fix, the maximum length of the name property is adhered to so the add is successful.

IO24483 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using the OnDemand search page, the "and" is not translated for Italian.

With this fix, the 'and' on the search page is translated.

IO24484 (IBM Content Management OnDemand users) The Send as PDF for AFP documents is not using the AFP2PDF transform. The resulting document quality is not sufficient for the customer to send their clients. Also, some necessary resources may be missing from the transformed document, so those documents are unusable.

With this fix, the documents are generated correctly using the AFP2PDF transform and the documents contain all the necessary resources to render correctly.

IO24485 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a user experiences a session timeout to a connected repository, the logged in user id is used when prompting the user to login, instead of the repository user id.

With this fix, the repository user id is used to prompt the user to log in.

IO24487 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When the openfolder command is used, each document contained in the folder is returned as the folder type.

With this fix, the documents are returned as document types.

IO24489 (IBM Content Navigator users) When adding multiple documents with file tracker, sometimes the application hangs.

With this fix, the application is able to add the files.

IO24491 (IBM Content Navigator users) When new properties are added to a class and an existing entry template that uses that class is edited, the new properties are not available for selection in the property layout editor.

With this fix, the newly added properties are available for selection.

IO24494 (IBM Content Navigator users) When viewing the properties of a document, the properties dialog is retrieving the thumbnails for each version of a document.

With this fix, the thumbnails are not retrieved for the properties dialog.

IO24499 (IBM Content Manager users) When searching without a sort property, sometimes duplicate items appear while paging through search results. The underlying problem occurs when the Content Manager query does not return the results in the same order each time a page is loaded.

With this fix, the search results will not contain duplicate items.

IO24501 (IBM Content Navigator users) If only one entry template exists, then the entry template should be preselected during the "Add xxx with entry template" action.

With this fix, the single entry template is preselected.

IO24502 (IBM Content Navigator users) The user session and tools banner menus should be hidden when all of the actions have been removed.

With this fix, the menus are hidden is no actions are configured.

IO24503 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When using the combination of an older version of IBM Content Navigator and more recent versions of IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, the EDS dependent values are not returned.

With this fix, the EDS call to retrieve the dependent values succeeds and displays the result.

IO24504 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When custom privileges are assigned to users and groups in the entry template class definition, and the privileges do not match one of the IBM Content Navigator roles, the users and groups are displayed as members of the Administrators role in the repository's Configuration Parameters tab even when they are not granted administrator privileges.

With this fix, the users and groups are only displayed as Administrators if they are granted administrator privileges.

IO24508 (IBM Content Navigator users) The Approval Workflow admin setting is disabled when upgrading to Fixpack 7.

With this fix, the api for this setting returns the correct value.

IO24512 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using Daeja Pro, the setting for annotationHideButtons is ignored when opening the next document.

With this fix, the setting is maintained across documents.

IO24515 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When opening an attachment for review, the release version of the attachment is always opened.

With this fix, the correct version of either the released or minor version is opened.

IO24516 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the initialExistingObject event occurs and values are returned without return anything with initialNewObject event, the choice list returned by initialExistingObject will not be used.

With this fix, the choice list returned by initialExistingObject will be used.

IO24527 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users have the Spanish locale set in the browser, some text appears in the Catalan language.

With this fix, the correct locale text is used for Spanish.

IO24528 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a user or group is missing permissions for the Reader and Author roles, the user is shown as having No access.

With this fix, instead of showing No Access, the user is shown as having partial permission, indicated by the diamond icon ◆.

IO24530 (IBM Content Navigator users) When downloading multiple documents with the same document title, the zip file will contain multiple files of the same name.

With this fix, the duplicate document names will be numbered.

IO24532 (IBM Content Navigator users) When editing entry template using a custom layout, the memory grows constantly.

With this fix, the memory may grow slightly but not constantly.

IO24537 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When adding multiple email attachments that have the same name, the same attachment content is used for each document.

With this fix, the attachments are correct.

IO24545 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) Duplicate spring framework jars are bundled into the application ear when using Weblogic and Redhat.

With this fix, the duplicate jars have been removed from the ear.

IO24547 (IBM Content Navigator users) When configuring an entry template using a custom layout, sometimes an infinite loop occurs when retrieving dependent properties for a numeric property field.

With this fix, the infinite loop when retrieving dependent numeric properties is resolved.

IO24549 (IBM Content Manager users) Notelog versions are not created when the version policy is set to "Prompt to create" or "Always".

With this fix, the notelog version is created.

IO24550 (IBM Content Manager users) In the Properties dialog, the available versions can be selected and the correct metadata for the selected version is shown. However, when you click on the Notelog tab, only the latest version of the notelog is shown.

With this fix, the correct notelog will be displayed.

IO24562 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When checking out any Microsoft Office document via Microsoft Outlook, then go back to Outlook and cancel the check out, an error occurs.

With this fix, the permission error does not occur after checking out the document.

IO24567 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users select multiple documents or folders to add or edit, the entry templates are not used. The entry template name is also displayed.

With this fix, users can select the entry template and the entry template settings are applied to each of the documents. The entry template name is not displayed.

IO24568 (IBM Content Navigator users) When searching for user or user group names starting with a special character "!", the user receives a message that no results were found even though there were results that would have matched.

With this fix, a user can search for users or groups that start with "!" and the list will display.

IO24602 (IBM Content Navigator users) The Favorites system items context menu is not configurable like other menus.

With this fix, administrators can configure the Favorites system items menu.

IO24603 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When configuring inherited security for a user or group, the separate folder and document views are confusing.

With this fix, the permissions configuration pane is simplified and easier to understand the settings. The diamond icon, ◆, indicates partial permission.

IO24604 (IBM Content Navigator users) When building searches, if the Document class is not available to the user, then the list of classes includes classes that are not accessible for the user.

With this fix, only the classes that have at least read permissions for the user are listed.

IO24605 (IBM Content Navigator users) When opening a document with the Ajax viewer, a FileNotFoundException for the file error24.png in written to the server log.

With this fix, the error does not occur.

IO24609 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When opening an Excel document that is managed by File Tracker, the user may receive a "File may have been changed" message when the document is saved.

With this fix, the message is not displayed in most cases. If Sync is also enabled, the message may occur.

IO24613 (IBM Content Navigator users) The document information pane separator for Search is not expanded without clicking on any item.

With this fix, the pane separator displays the document information panel without a prior result selection.

IO24617 (IBM Content Manager users) When adding a notelog for an item with the "Always Create" version policy, the item version count is incremented by 2.

With this fix, the item version count increments correctly.

IO24621 (IBM Content Navigator users) On the Search tab, the document information pane is missing the arrow before the Properties and System Properties labels.

With this fix, the arrows for the Search Criteria and Search Results document information panes are shown.

IO24627 (IBM Content Navigator users) The lookup service, profilePluginLookupService, of the IBM Sametime and Connections plug-in attempts to retrieve users even when the 'shortname' parameter is not specified.

With this fix, the lookup service no longer tries to retrieve users if the 'shortname' parameter is not specified.

IO24630 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users attempt to edit properties of a document that has an entry template with the "Hide save in" option enabled, users receive an error.

With this fix, the error no longer occurs.

IO24634 (IBM Content Navigator users) When configuring the IBM Knowledge Center Help page to the public Knowledge Center online help, the help screen reports a non-existing page.

With this fix, the online Knowledge Center help page does not contain the ICN home page.

IO24636 (IBM Navigator Sync client users) When set to the French locale, the manual sync fails because the French decimal separator is a comma.

With this fix, for French locales, the French decimal separator is used when determining the document content size.

IO24640 (IBM Content Manager users) When a user has the client edit privilege but not the ItemSetUserAttr privilege on an item type, any item notelog update attempts to check out the item which results in an error.

With this fix, updating the notelog will not modify the item attributes.

IO24641 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When opening a folder, and there are numerous application groups mapping, the Open Folder action is slow.

With this fix, the performance is improved.

IO24643 (IBM FileNet P8 users) With this fix, the users and groups are only displayed as Administrators if they are granted administrator privileges.

With this fix, the property changes are not committed until after the changes returned by EDS are applied.

IO24652 (IBM Content Navigator users) When EDS returns a timestamp value, the time value is not applied in the property's time field when using an entry template property layout.

With this fix, the correct time value is displayed.

IO24656 (IBM CMIS with FileNet Image Services Connector for IBM Content Navigator users) When viewing a document that has an annotation with IBM Daeja ViewONE Professional, an error occurs.

With this fix, a document that has an annotation can be viewed with IBM Daeja ViewONE Professional.

IO24663 (IBM Content Manager users) Setting an invalid value in a decimal field may display a hint containing an incorrect decimal separator.

With this fix, the hint is displayed in the format matching the browser locale.

IO24664 (IBM Content Manager users) When downloading a Content Manager document which is stored without an extension, the file extension is not appended.

With this fix, the file extension is added to the file name based on the document mimetype.

IO24667 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using a folder entry template, the Add user button on the Security panel will work initially. However, if the target folder is modified, then the button no longer works.

With this fix, the Add user button works as expected.

IO24668 (IBM Content Navigator users) When opening multiple inbaskets, if the user refreshes the browser, the selected inbasket status bar may have the wrong count in it.

With this fix, the currently selected inbasket status bar has the correct count and not the count from the last inbasket to update.

IO24669 (IBM Content Navigator users) When you enter a value in an EDS enabled property on the search form and click on the Search button without changing focus to another field, the search does not run.

With this fix, the search runs when you click on the Search button.

IO24673 (IBM Content Navigator users) When an entry template with a property layout is used, the selected value for a multi-valued property with a choice list cannot be changed.

With this fix, the value can be changed.

IO24675 (IBM Content Navigator users) When saving changes for multiple documents, only the properties that were changed by the user are sent to the server. This is inconsistent with the way properties are saved in the case of editing of a single document.

With this fix, all properties are sent to the server.

IO24683 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When trying to export search results for items in a different object store than that of the saved search's repository, an error occurs.

With this fix, the items can be exported.

IO24686 (IBM Content Navigator users) When any teamspace name contains a comma, German users are unable to open any teamspace using the bookmark.

With this fix, the user is able to open the teamspace bookmark.

IO24688 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Excel crashes when closing an Excel workbook twice when both the IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office and Cognos plugins are enabled.

With this fix, the application does not crash when closing.

IO24713 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When users either:
  • Browse a folder and select a document link to a security policy which lead to the document property being displayed in the Property Information pane.
  • Open a Saved Search configured to search within a class linked to a Security Policy.
and the security policy contains several thousand security templates, the function appears to hang or timeout.

With this fix, the function performance is improved.

IO24720 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Users experience a long delay when displaying the values for a large set of hierarchical choices for a multi-valued property in an entry template property layout.

With this fix, the performance is improved.

IO24724 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a multi-valued property with a hierarchical choice list is edited using an entry template with a property layout, a value near the bottom of the hierarchical list cannot be selected. Instead, the list scrolls up and multiple values are highlighted in the list.

With this fix, the values near the end of the list can be selected.

IO24727 (IBM Content Manager users) When a user is required to change their Content Manager password while logging into the Navigator desktop, if their user name is matched to a Navigator administrator name the change password attempt fails.

With this fix, the change password attempt succeeds.

IO24733 (IBM Content Navigator users) An error occurs after deleting a favorite which causes the Favorites list to not update.

With this fix, the error does not occur and the Favorites list is updated.

IO24739 (IBM Content Navigator users) When no dependent properties are defined in EDS for a class, EDS initialNewObject changes are reapplied when editing an item's properties, overriding EDS initialExistingObject changes.

With this fix, the EDS initialNewObject changes are not reapplied. 

IO24741 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Some EDS error messages do not show the same detail as IBM Content Navigator.

With this fix, the error messages will show the same detail.

IO24743 (IBM Content Manager users) When an entry template property layout is used to edit a Date property with "Display in UTC" enabled, and the client timezone is after GMT, the date value is changed to the day before the original value.

With this fix, the date is not affected.

PJ44071 (IBM Collaboration Services for Filenet users) User with an apostrophe in their name cannot log in.

With this fix, names containing an apostrophe are allowed.

PJ44202 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) The SequenceNumber Document property should be checked only when Social Collaboration Search Indexing extension exists.

With this fix, the issue is resolved.

PJ44237 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) Administrators are not able to deploy the CMIS client if the authentication is set to "Authenticated" in some configurations. Modifying the script configure/scripts/deployWSApplication.tcl to map to "All Authenticated" is the current workaround.

With this fix, the application can be deployed.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 7

The fixes that were provided in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6 listed below are included in this fix pack.

This fix pack contains fixes for the following APARs:

Table 2. Fix list for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 7
APAR Description
  (IBM Content Navigator Sync users) Undisclosed security issue

With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO23856 (IBM Content Navigator users) The configuration tool uses the database instance name instead of the actual database name for the Test Connection for a z/OS JDBC type.

With this fix, the hover help for database instance name is updated.

IO23858 (IBM Content Navigator users) The display of some PDF files appear as static.

With this fix, the PDF files display correctly.

IO23882 (IBM Content Navigator users) Currently the user is not allowed to enter a time value in a search criteria that is a datetime property.

With this fix, the user can enter a date and time value in the search criteria for a datetime property.

IO23958 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a required property has a choice list, the choice list should not contain an empty option. This appeared when using an entry template with a property layout.

With this fix, a new setting to remove the empty choices with 'Filtering Select' type editor is provided in the settings panel of Entry Template Layout Designer.

IO23997 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) EDS settings for required property attributes are being overridden when editing document properties when the document was added using an entry template that is set for add but not edit properties.

With this fix, the EDS settings for required properties are honored when editing properties, instead of the entry template settings.

IO24029 (IBM Content Navigator users) Text on the pages of some PDF files are rendered as vertical lines.

With this fix, the text renders correctly.

IO24039 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) For users of Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016, the Microsoft Outlook inbox search values are cleared when adding a document.

With this fix, the search values are not cleared when adding a document.

IO24042 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When deleting version data, there is inconsistent behavior between the applications. When deleting the current version in the Version tab of Properties dialog, IBM Content Navigator performs a delete of the selected version while IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office deletes the document and all of the versions.

With this fix, IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office will delete only the selected version.

IO24046 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When editing a stored search, the user can change the list of displayable properties to add some properties from the root class.

With this fix, only properties for the current class can be added to the search results display.

IO24047 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using EDS on a saved search and changing a property value, the fields that are dependent on that property remain in read-only mode.

With this fix, the dependent field becomes editable and a new choicelist is rendered.

IO24048 (IBM Content Manager users) When viewing a certain JPG file with the Content Manager viewer, a double image is displayed.

With this fix, the image appears correctly.

IO24064 (IBM Content Navigator users) A check for the supported repository types is executed on every desktop login. The check attempts to load the API for each repository type, with some overhead.

With this fix, this check is now performed once after the JVM startup instead of at every desktop login.

IO24069 (IBM Content Navigator users) Large format document annotations move from the original position.

With this fix, the coordinate location calculation is corrected for this type of annotation.

IO24070 (IBM Content Navigator users) Email notification link to a processed work item starts looping between error pages until the user closes the browser tab.

With this fix, the loop condition is resolved.

IO24071 (IBM Content Navigator users) Custom theme colors are not being applied to buttons displayed in viewer window.

With this fix, the custom colors are applied.

IO24073 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When using entry templates with the layout editor and with uniqueness enabled for property values, the selected values are lost in multi-value control if the panel is closed and then reopened.

With this fix, the values remain selected.

IO24083 (IBM Content Navigator users) When no system properties are selected in repository configuration page to display, the properties information pane and thumbnail will not appear.

With this fix, the display problem of the information pane and the thumbnail are resolved.

IO24084 (IBM Content Navigator users) The desktop configuration cached in the server session consumes too much memory, reducing server performance when there are many users.

With this fix, the cached desktop configuration is compressed to use less memory.

IO24087 (IBM Content Navigator users) Analysis showed that some stream objects were not closed immediately after use, consuming memory and other resources until garbage collection.

With this fix, streams are closed immediately after use.

IO24099 (IBM Content Navigator users) When resizing any column, the content list column gets resorted.

With this fix, the sort does not occur when resizing a column.

IO24101 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the checkin dialog is launched in another application in the same profile as IBM Content Navigator, and the document is added by an entry template with a layout, the check in fails due to a Javascript error.

With this fix, the document checkin does not fail.

IO24107 (IBM Content Navigator and IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The Launch Workflow action always launches the default pattern approval workflow. There is no configuration to disable the default pattern approval workflow

With this fix, the default pattern approval workflow can be disabled.

IO24108 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) New choice list filter behavior introduced in 2.0.3 Fix pack 4 is affecting users' productivity. Prior to Fix pack 4, the choice lists were filtered using a "starts with" look-up. Now the choice list are filtered using a "contains" look-up.

With this fix, a configuration option was added to allow the previous behavior.

By using a response filter, custom code can add the variable "useStartsWithChoiceListFilter" to the desktop configuration. This causes the search to revert to the "start with" filtering.

This desktop setting is honored by IBM Content Navigator and IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office in the following areas:
  • Property editor: choice lists (including entry template choice lists)
  • Search builder: property lists, operator lists, and choice lists
  • Search runtime: operator lists and choice lists
IO24131 (IBM Content Navigator users) When editing the layout of a WorkplaceXT entry template copied or converted for the first time, the layout editor starts with the class properties, honoring the order and settings of the properties coming from the repository. The order and settings defined in the entry template are ignored.

With this fix, the entry template settings from WorkplaceXT are retained.

IO24133 (IBM Content Navigator users) More mimetype extension pairs were requested for the into mimetype list.

With this fix, the mimetype list is updated.

IO24148 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The finalNewObject and finalExistingObject calls do not contain the full set of properties of the content class. Empty properties are not included so validating the missing properties does not occur.

With this fix, all properties are contained in the EDS calls so every property is validated.

IO24152 (IBM Content Navigator users) When downloading files, if the mimetype does not exist in the IBM Content Navigator mimetype list, then the downloaded file is saved with a ".bin" extension.

With this fix, several additional mimetypes are added.

IO24154 (IBM Content Manager users) When using Internet Explorer on Windows 7, logging into the repository as a user having limited privileges, then performing a search using the "Added By" or "Modified By" attribute, the browser will crash.

With this fix, the browser does not crash.

IO24162 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users can not log in if their password either starts or ends with a space.

With this fix, the password can contain a space.

IO24165 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When opening an IBM Content Manager saved search that was created in IBM Content Navigator, the search field gets filled with what appears to be erroneous text.

With this fix, the search field works properly.

IO24171 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When using Outlook 2013, if the user performs an Add Attachment action on an email containing an attached document while in the Preview pane, the add action fails and no error is reported to the user.

With this fix, the document attached to the email is added to the repository.

IO24176 (IBM Content Navigator and Datacap users) Logging into a Datacap repository fails because the user's configuration for the Datacap plug-in can not be retrieved.

With this fix, the user's Datacap plug-in configuration is retrieved and the login succeeds.

IO24177 (IBM Content Navigator users) When searching with string values, leading and trailing spaces are removed from strings before submitting the search.

With this fix, leading and trailing spaces are allowed.

IO24182 (IBM FileNet Collaboration Services users) The user can not edit a file in Connections when the user has edit permissions on the file but does not have read permissions on the parent folder.

With this fix, the user can edit files when the user has permissions for the file but does no have read permissions for the folder.

IO24183 (IBM Content Manager users) When users are attempting to view a multi-part document, some pages are not displaying correctly in the Applet viewer.

With this fix, the correct content for each page is displayed.

IO24189 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the document title property is set to read-only, the document title field is not filled in with the file name of the selected document.

With this fix, the filename is filled in when the document title property is set to read-only.

IO24194 (IBM Content Navigator users) When adding a new document using entry templates, the property fields do not match what is shown in Layout Editor if the specific folder has only one entry template associated with it. With this fix, the property layout is corrected to match the configuration by the layout editor.

With this fix, the property layout is corrected to match the configuration by the layoyt editor.

IO24195 (IBM Content Navigator users) When creating a new profile during a command line install or update, the administrator encounters a NullPointerException.

With this fix, the error is resolved.

IO24197 (IBM Content Navigator users) Customers can not disable the redaction button on the Daeja Virtual Viewer by setting the annotationHideButtons value. The following parameters are not honored by the override:

With this fix, the annotation parameters are honored.

IO24200 (IBM FileNet XTPlugin integration users) The eForm confirmation message does not close when pressing the OK button if the message appears in the eForm window.

With this fix, the window closes as expected.

IO24209 (IBM Content Manager users) When a document containing a sticky note annotation is opened in Daeja ViewONE Virtual, right-clicking on the annotation does not bring up the annotation's edit toolbar.

With this fix, the annotation edit toolbar will appear for all previously created annotations in Daeja ViewONE Virtual.

IO24211 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a system property is added the configuration, the property does not appear until the application server is restarted.

With this fix, the cached configuration is updated during runtime so the property appears.

IO24212 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When using a custom multi value property editor to edit a multi value property containing more than one value, only the first value is saved. The remaining values are lost.

With this fix, all the values are retained.

IO24216 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users cannot deselect items in the content list by Control-clicking or Shift-clicking if drag-and-drop is enabled on the content list

With this fix, the user can deselect items in the content list.

IO24217 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When viewing an IBM Content Manager OnDemand document using the IBM Content Navigator viewer, all properties are set to required and not read-only.

With this fix, the properties attributes are set correctly.

IO24218 (IBM Content Manager users) Users experience an excessive delay when closing content viewer tabs in the CM8 Applet Viewer under some conditions.

With this fix, the tabs close immediately, if the document does not have any annotation changes, and/or was never checked out from inside the viewer.

IO24220 (IBM Content Navigator users) Documents with a mime type of "application/x-filenet-filetype-msg" do not have an extension of ".msg" when the documents are downloaded using the "Download as original" action.

With this fix, the downloaded file has the .msg extension.

IO24221 (IBM Content Manager users) When a document containing sticky note annotations is opened in the Daeja ViewOne Virtual viewer, the tooltip of the annotation shows creation information, and does not show sticky note content.

With this fix, there are new configuration settings for custom annotation tooltip which apply to either Daeja Professional or Virtual. To set, select "Open Administration View", then select "Daeja ViewONE". To use the Daeja default annotation tooltip, unselect "Use predefined custom tooltip" and leave text box under it as blank.

IO24225 (IBM Content Navigator users) When viewing a document's property from within the viewer, the property width is not the same as what was specified in the entry template.

With this fix, the width set in entry template layout is not overridden.

IO24235 (IBM Content Navigator users) When IBM Content Navigator generated PDFs contains special characters, the Adobe PDF reader prompts to install an extra font package.

With this fix, the special character font set is now embedded in the PDF so the user does not get prompted.

IO24238 (IBM Content Navigator users) When printing PDF documents from the context menu, the quality is unacceptable.

With this fix, an enhance factor was added to improve the quality of PDF document printing. The enhance factor causes the print applet to use more system memory.

IO24239 (IBM Content Navigator users) When adding a document using drag and drop to a folder with an associated entry template with a layout, the document title is not populated.

With this fix, the document title is populated.

IO24243 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the user's session expires, the redirection to the SSO logout page handled by the sample SSOLogoutPlugin stopped working.

With this fix, the sample SSOLogoutPlugin redirects the user to the SSO logout page then the site login page.

IO24244 (IBM Content Manager users) Historically, all ECM clients have treated the first document part as the base content part. In some cases, document model items may have a custom part that appears first in the parts list but is not intended to be the base content part. When the base parts of document are not same, normally the return mimetype is application/binary. This is not consistent with the actual mimetype of the part being returned.

With this fix, the mimetype of the first ICMBASE* part type or, if no ICMBASE* part type, then the first custom part with semantic type ICMBASE, will be treated as the base content part. The mimetype of this base part is returned.

IO24247 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Entry template property attributes for required, hidden, and read-only are overriding EDS attribute settings when editing properties.

With this fix, EDS has precedence over setting the property's attributes.

IO24250 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users tab to the "Skip to navigation buttons" or "Skip to main content" links and press Enter, the focus is lost.

With this fix, the focus is placed on the feature navigation bar when using the "Skip to navigation buttons" link, or the content pane next to the feature navigation bar when using the "Skip to main content" link.

IO24251 (IBM Content Navigator users) On Internet Explorer 11, Jaws 16 announces "Administration toggle button" even though the tool tip says "Open Administration View".

With this fix, the correct tool tip is announced.

IO24252 (IBM Content Navigator users) Using Jaws 16, when users tab to the content list's item state and MIME type icon column, Jaws announces "blank" for both column headers.

With this fix, Jaws announces "Item State Icons" for the first column and "MIME Type Icon" for the second column.

IO24262 (IBM Content Manager users) The Content Manager user or group description is not used for the display name in the user and group selector pane.

With this fix, the description is displayed when it is set.

IO24263 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When properties are restricted by modification access and EDS is enabled, the properties are not shown as read only.

With this fix, restricted properties are shown read only.

IO24264 (IBM Content Navigator users) The DLLs contained in Applet Viewer jars are not signed.

With this fix, the DLLs contained in Applet Viewer jars are signed.

IO24265 (IBM Content Manager users) In some situations, an IBM Content Navigator service that is filtered by an IBM Content Navigator Plugin Request filter does not pick up new request parameter values that have been modified by the filter.

With this fix, IBM Content Navigator services pick up the modified request parameter values.

IO24266 (IBM Content Navigator users) The text within the pdf forms overlap on top of each other making the document contents unreadable.

With this fix, the documents can be displayed.

IO24268 (IBM Content Navigator users) When dragging and dropping multiple files on Internet Explorer version 11 and any one of the files has a 0 length, the add document process hangs.

With this fix, the add document action will complete.

IO24269 (IBM Content Navigator users) The value of a "Settable only before check-in" property can not be altered during check-in.

With this fix, the property can be modified.

IO24272 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using EDS to make a hidden property displayable, the details pane is not renedered properly. The details pane scroll bar is not completely shown and not all of the properties are rendered.

With this fix, the details pane displays the scroll bar and all the properties.

IO24277 (IBM Content Manager users) When creating a new teamspace in Content Manager, the default set of display properties are shown instead of the chosen list of display properties.

With this fix, the correct list of properties are displayed.

IO24291 (IBM Content Collector for SAP users) After running an index transfer, open the audit screen and select a profile. When selecting a month criteria, the user receives an error. Task manager logs SQLDataException in the audit history.

With this fix, the error is resolved.

IO24321 (IBM FileNet P8 users) In a P8 teamspace, when the user attempts to drag and drop a file from a subfolder to the root folder, the action is not allowed even though the user has permission to do so.

With this fix, the user can move the files.

IO24362 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users are unable to open the Step Processor window when clicking link in the Step Assignment email notification.

With this fix, the step processor window is shown to the user.

IO24375 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Bookmarks for specific document versions are opening the released version of the document.

With this fix, the bookmark will open the specific document version.

IO24437 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When users reset their password for an OnDemand authenticating repository, the user receives an error.

With this fix, the user can reset the password and not receive an error.

PJ43864 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) When a URL contains an Umlaut, the folder with special characters causes 'object not found' using the getObjectbypath api.

With this fix, the folder is accessible and documents in the folder can be retrieved.

PJ43887 (IBM CMIS for Filenet users) When the logged-in user does not have access permissions to all of the object stores, an E_ACCESS_DENIED exception is thrown. When this occurs, the user is not able to connect to any object stores.

With this fix, the action will ignore the non-permissible object store and not display the repository in the list.

PJ43945 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) Depending on whether the query contains selected columns from the main table or if a column is added from a joined table, the returned results are different.

With this fix, the query results are the same.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6

The fixes that were provided in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 5 listed below are included in this fix pack.

This fix pack contains fixes for the following APARs:

Table 3. Fix list for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 6
APAR Description
IO22356 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When customers create a custom IBM Content Manager property with the name "version", that conflicts with the property name that IBM Content Navigator uses for the version of an item, which was also "version". When this conflict exists the display is inconsistent or some functions may fail.

With this fix, there is no conflict because the name of the IBM Content Navigator item version property has been changed to "icn_sys_version". The same changes were also applied to IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office.

IO22361 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When mapping Microsoft Office properties to IBM Content Navigator repository properties, if the custom Office property contains multiple value fields that are separated by a delimiter other than a comma, the values are not parsed as needed.

With this fix, the customer can change the delimiter in the administration console instead of editing the configuration.ini file.

IO22727 (IBM Content Navigator users) When opening documents with the Open button, the version of the document that is opened may be different than when using the Open action in the context menu.

With this enhancement, an Open Selected Version button was added to the toolbar on the top of the versions content list. This makes it clear that this button opens the selected version/row in the versions content list.

IO23250 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users attempt the Download as PDF action with a text file, the text file is not converted to PDF.

With this fix, the user can download the text file as PDF.

IO23552 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a user inverts a PDF document, the text becomes illegible.

With this fix, the text remains readable.

IO23604 (IBM Content Navigator users) Unique values are not enforced by the user interface when adding a document using entry template.

With this fix, the value entered by the user is unique for the set of property values.

IO23617 (IBM Content Navigator users) Administrators cannot override the search bookmark context menu.

With this fix, administrators can override the search bookmark context menu.

IO23666 (IBM Content Navigator users) When viewing some PDF documents, the content after the icon on the bottom of the page is missing.

With this fix, all the content is displayed.

IO23667 (IBM Content Navigator users) Some content on the bottom of the page of PDF documents is not rendered correctly. Some content appears as black boxes.

With this fix, the content is rendered correctly.

IO23693 (IBM Content Navigator users) Email type documents are not recognized as an email and displays a module exception error.

With this fix, email documents are recognized.

IO23710 (IBM Content Navigator users) Some PDF document text is displayed in reverse on some pages.

With this fix, the text appears correctly.

IO23711 (IBM Content Navigator users) On some pages of PDF documents, pink bands are rendered where the bands should not occur.

With this fix, the pages render without the pink bands.

IO23787 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The default boolean value is not set properly if the field is required.

With this fix, the default boolean value is used.

IO23788 (IBM Content Navigator users) The Browse button is not translated when checking in a document with File Tracking enabled.

With this fix, the Browse button is translated.

IO23790 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When editing entry template associations with the repository root folder, the inheritance options are not displayed correctly if no value is assigned for the root folder's name. This issue may be seen when IBM FileNet P8 uses Oracle.

With this fix, the inheritance options are displayed correctly.

IO23793 (IBM FileNet P8 workflow users) Changing the F_Comment length is not reflected in the workflow processors.

With this fix, the modified length is shown for the updated workflow definition.

IO23795 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the developer creates a plugin feature configuration pane for the custom plugin which includes a custom layout, the custom plugin feature is not shown.

With this fix, the custom feature with the layout feature is displayed.

IO23800 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Kerberos authentication fails when the authorization request redirects to Siteminder.

With this fix, Kerberos authentication succeeds when there is a Siteminder redirect.

IO23802 (IBM FileNet P8 workflow users) When users attempt to refresh the workflow inbasket, the inbasket is not updated after a server sort was done. The inbasket fails to refresh the lock icon or does not show the new items.

With this fix, refreshing the inbasket shows the correct lock status and all new work items.

IO23811 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When user is choosing an option in a combo box, the mouse pointer disappears.

With this fix, the mouse cursor will not disappear when the user types in a property with a choice list.

IO23819 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When values are selected from a hierarchical choice list for a multi-valued field in an IBM Content Navigator entry template property layout, only the first ten values are displayed in the list of available values.

With this fix, all of the hierarchical values are displayed.

IO23821 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Date property mapping is not setting the time stamp to midnight.

With this fix, the date value is resolved.

IO23826 (IBM Content Navigator users) When attempting to print a document, the printer choice dropdown is sometimes not populated. However, it works on the next attempt.

With this fix, the list of printers populates on the first attempt.

IO23827 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users are not able to link directly to an inbasket.

With this fix, users can get a link to a specific inbasket.

IO23828 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users find the icons on the Content Viewer tool bar difficult to see. Also, in some other areas the color contrast needs improvement.

With this fix, the contrast of the icon and text is improved.

IO23829 (IBM Content Navigator users) The link on the error dialog does not have a name or title combination that allows the user to identify the link.

With this fix, the link information is improved.

IO23840 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Search can be ran with no search criteria values specified. This results in an error.

With this fix, at least one search criteria is required.

IO23842 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Required properties on a saved search do not show as required after an EDS call is made. When this occurs, the search can be executed without completing the required fields.

With this fix, required properties on a saved search remain required when an EDS call is made.

IO23843 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When tabbing to a property with a choice list, the choice list automatically opens.

With this fix, the choice list will not automatically open when tabbing to a property with a choice list.

IO23844 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When highlighting a choice list item and pressing tab, the choice list item is not selected.

With this fix, pressing tab on a choice list item will select the item.

IO23845 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Tooltips on choice list items do not display when the item values are very long.

With this fix, long choice list items will display a tooltip.

IO23856 (IBM Content Navigator users) The configuration tool uses the z/OS database instance name instead of the actual database name when running the Test Connection. The ECMClientDS Datasource is created despite the test connection error.

With this fix, the correct database name is used.

IO23864 (IBM Content Manager users) With Websphere, an error is logged "SRVE0190E: File not found: /applets/com/ibm/mm/viewer/images/DropDown.gif ".

With this fix, the error is resolved.

IO23871 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) User receives an error if the original file name contains both '/' and '\'.

With this fix, the use of both '/' and '\' is allowed in the file name.

IO23877 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the values for a multi-valued property with a hierarchical choice list are edited, adding duplicate values should not be allowed.

With this fix, duplicate values are not allowed or are ignored.

IO23892 (IBM Content Navigator users) Applet viewer fails to load documents because Internet Explorer does not allow the applet to access to the browser status bar.

With this fix, the status bar updates are not allowed in recent versions of Internet Explorer so the update is now disabled.

IO23895 (IBM Content Navigator users) The feature bar button tooltips only appears with the onmouseover and not when the menu item receives focus via the keyboard.

With this fix, the feature tooltip will display the tooltip when the feature gains focus.

IO23909 (IBM Content Navigator users) On WebLogic 11g servers, an older version of a class was loaded from WebLogic instead of the intended version from IBM Content Navigator. This caused errors in several areas, including the handling of search results when there is more than one page of results.

With this fix, the correct class is loaded.

IO23921 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users are not able to link directly to an inbasket when the repository is not the desktop authenticated repository.

With this fix, users can connect using a link to a specific inbasket.

IO23922 (IBM Content Navigator users) The browser Java Runtime Environment (JRE) exits with an error after the Send Email action is executed, if Outlook is the default email application and Outlook was launched by the Send Email action.

With this fix, the JRE does not exit with an error.

IO23928 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users list the contents of a teamspace, documents and folders, the view does not show Filmstrip mode as an option.

With this fix, the list of documents and folders in a teamspace can be seen in Filmstrip mode.

IO23929 (IBM Content Navigator users) Bookmark links that route to the browser viewer are not bypassing the desktop load and going directly to the respective getContent service.

With this fix, only when authenticated should the link bypass the desktop load.

IO23939 (IBM Content Navigator users) When adding documents using an entry template, if there are entry templates with same name, the wrong entry may be loaded.

With this fix, the correct entry template is used.

IO23940 (IBM Content Navigator users) When one of the FileNet P8 folder security settings is not set, then the version status and release number are empty.

With this fix, the fields will appear even if the values are not set.

IO23942 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) When the number of maximum connections configured in WebSphere datasource connection pool used by CMIS is small, user operations are hung. In WebSphere SystemOut.log file, hung threads are reported.

With this fix, CMIS actions will not become hung and no hung threads are reported in WebSphere SystemOut.log file.

IO23946 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) User receives an error when clicking on Save in the ribbon bar menu.

With this fix, the user does not receive an error.

IO23947 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When using a custom authentication plugin, the user's password expires, and the session times out, the user is not prompted to change the credentials. After several attempts, the user's account could be locked out.

With this fix, the user is prompted to change the password.

IO23949 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) User receives "internal server error". Error message in the log is: "Transaction manager implicit transaction level is not balanced."

With this fix, the error is resolved.

IO23950 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users use the entry template and then edit the layout, some of the controls do not have the correct background color.

With this fix, the custom background color for the control is maintained.

IO23953 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the filename contains a '#', the Content-Disposition header is not correct.

With this fix, if the filename contains a '#', then the filename is UTF-8 encoded.

IO23954 (IBM Content Navigator users) When adding multiple documents using an IBM Content Navigator entry template with a property layout, and EDS changes the document title to be required, the add is not allowed to proceed because the document title is required, empty, and not editable.

With this fix, the add is allowed to proceed. The file name is used for each document's title, and the hint text that explains this behavior is displayed.

IO23955 (IBM FileNet P8 users) The inbasket does not display the correct user name for the "Bound user" or "Assigned To" field.

With this fix, a different api is used to retrieve the correct Bound and Assigned to user name.

IO23957 (IBM Content Navigator users) When Outlook users attempt to create a folder association via drag and drop of the message file into a folder, the user may receive an error if the entry template security policy is defined as an empty string.

With this fix, the association is successful.

IO23959 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using an entry template with a customized property layout and an invalid field is validated by a property that it depends on via EDS, the Add button remains disabled.

With this fix, the Add button is enabled when the invalid field is validated.

IO23963 (IBM Content Navigator users) The viewer annotationHideButtons parameter has no effect when set. The user can see the icons on the annotation tool bar.

With this fix, the annotationHideButtons parameter will hide the annotation toolbar buttons specified.

IO23973 (IBM Content Navigator users) When an EDS service modifies the attributes of a property, if no assignment is made to the value then the value is set to null. This behavior clears the values for the EntryTemplateId and EntryTemplateObjectStoreName properties when an EDS service is used with an entry template. The added items do not have an association with the entry template.

With this fix, the value of a property modified by an EDS service is preserved unless the EDS service changes the value. Items added using an entry template and EDS will be associated with the entry template after they are added.

IO23975 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) For IBM Content Manager users who are denied access to the "Folder" item type, the user receives a 1016 error when trying to copy and paste a doc to a folder. This also occurs if the destination folder item type is not "Folder".

With this fix, the user does not receive an error.

IO23978 (IBM Content Manager users) When a search contains a special character (e.g. a single quote) in the attribute value, then those items do not appear in the search results.

With this fix, all the items appears in the results.

IO23986 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Where an entry template with any multivalue property and the default value is empty, when adding the document, the multivalue property value is lost.

With this fix, the multivalued property value is not reset to the default empty value.

IO23988 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When connected to a Content Manager repository, the document title is not set to the file name for a new document.

With this fix, the default document title for new documents is the filename.

IO23992 (IBM Content Navigator users) Customers are unable to use the task manager email notification.

With this fix, the task manager can send email notifications.

IO23995 (IBM Content Manager users) Historically, all ECM clients have treated the first document part as the base content part. In some cases, document model items may have a custom part that appears first in the parts list but is not intended to be the base content part.

With this fix, the first ICMBASE* part type, or if no ICMBASE* part type then the first custom part with semantic type ICMBASE, will be treated as the base content part. 

IO24009 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using entry templates, if a required property exists, a validation error is displayed during the initial loading of the entry template layout pane.

With this fix, the error does not occur.

IO24010 (IBM Content Navigator users) When an entry template is copied, and the selected class is a child class that is not one of the immediate children of the root class (Document or Folder), the root class is selected in the entry template copy. The change to the class also changes other settings in the entry template copy.

With this fix, the child class and settings selected in the source entry template are preserved in the entry template copy.

IO24015 (IBM Content Navigator users) Actions added by plug-ins to sub menus are added multiple times, once for each time the sub menu is retrieved.

With this fix, the sub menu items are listed only once.

IO24017 (IBM FileNet P8 users) The selected file name is not used as the default value for the document title when adding a document using an IBM Content Navigator entry template with a property layout.

With this fix, the selected file name is used as the default value for the document title.

IO24018 (IBM Content Navigator users) The Preview function does not display Microsoft Excel documents containing macros properly.

With this fix, displaying Microsoft Excel documents with macros is improved.

IO24021 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a user logs out of an IBM Content Navigator desktop under one desktop browser window, while another IBM Content Navigator desktop window opened to the same IBM Content Navigator server is actively working in a repository, both browser windows may become unresponsive while waiting for the conflicting requests to complete.

Opening multiple browser windows to the same IBM Content Navigator server is documented as not supported. Multiple browser windows opened to the same IBM Content Navigator server share the same cookies and server session object. Users should only open one browser window at a time to an IBM Content Navigator server.

With this fix, the actions in both windows will complete. The user may see "session expired" prompts, warnings, or errors in the window that was actively working in a repository.

IO24023 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using the Preview action, or HTML Conversion Viewer, in some cases (where Outside In performs the conversion), the generated HTML would not use UTF-8 character encoding. As a result, content containing extended characters would not display correctly.

With this fix, Outside In is configured by default, to always use UTF-8 encoding when generating HTML output. The UTF-8 setting can be overridden in by specifying the "ENGINE_charset" setting.

IO24026 (IBM Content Navigator users) Inconsistent behavior between "file in" or "drag and drop" when filing the same document multiple times in the same folder.

With this fix, the behavior is consistent between "file in" or "drag and drop".

IO24028 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When navigating IBM Content Manager folders in the browse pane or search result tab, some extra or invalid columns are displayed.

With this fix, only the configured columns are displayed.

IO24037 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using Internet Explorer 11 with the Daeja applet viewer, the bottom tool bar is hidden when restoring from a maximized window.

With this fix, the bottom toolbar does not disappear.

IO24043 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The performance is slow when opening a Microsoft Excel document containing lots of links.

With this fix, the performance is improved.

IO24044 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a user types the enter key to save all changes to properties, and the value in the field that has the input focus has been modified, the EDS dependent changes for the modified value are not applied before the changes to all properties are saved.

With this fix, the EDS dependent changes for the modified value are applied before the changes to all properties are saved.

IO24063 (IBM Content Manager users) When available, the English (ENU) locale is always used when retrieving the display names of item types and attributes.

With this fix, the correct locale is used when retrieving the display names of item types and attributes.

IO24063 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a property value has been erased or cleared from an EDS property field with dependent properties, the previous value is still passed in the JSON on subsequent EDS lookups.

With this fix, the value is cleared.

IO24065 (IBM Content OnDemand users) Documents with a mimetype of application/line are only recognized if the OnDemand document type is LINE.

With this fix, the additional document types of SCS and DJDE are also recognized having a mimetype of application/line.

IO24173 (IBM Content Navigator users) Box co-administrators are not allowed to configure the share.
Note: Changing the value of the Share administrator on a Box repository will result in shares added with the prior administrator to be lost. The share icon will still display next to previously shared icons, but when you select the Share or Delete Share action, the icon will be removed. To prevent shares added with the prior administrator from being lost, perform the following:
  • Log into Box as the prior administrator and find the Shares folder. It should be at the top level of folders.
  • Add the new share administrator as a collaborator to this folder with Editor rights.

With this fix, Box co-admins can be configured as the share administrative user.

IO24176 (IBM Content Navigator and Datacap users) Logging into a Datacap repository fails because the user's configuration for the Datacap plug-in can not be retrieved.

With this fix, the user's Datacap plug-in configuration is retrieved and the login succeeds.

IO24178 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using Microsoft SQL Server and Content Engine, connections to any desktop containing a Box repository will hang.

With this fix, the connection will not hang.

IO24195 (IBM Content Navigator users) When creating a new profile during a commandline install or update, the administrator encounters a NullPointerException.

With this fix, the error is resolved.

PJ43413 (IBM FileNet Collaboration Services users) Users are receiving a NonceException intermittently when uploading files through the IBM Connections ajax proxy.

With this fix, the customer can manually override to revert to the previous FNCS 2.0 CSRF nonce method.

Before deploying the application, the administrator can modify the, then build, deploy, and restart the webapp.

The new configuration settings are:

cryptographicNoncePw=<insert random string of 30+ characters here>

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 5

The fixes that were provided in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 4 listed below are included in this fix pack.

This fix pack contains fixes for the following APARs:

Table 4. Fix list for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 5
APAR Description
IO22092 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users have set the browser locale to Hebrew and attempts to open a document bookmark link, the viewer window is empty.

With this fix, document bookmark links work with RTL languages.

IO22405 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the LDAP user name contains escaped "=" or ",", the user distinguished name is truncated causing the user to not be allowed to login.

With this fix, the user name is not truncated.

IO22425 (IBM Content Navigator users) When displaying certain PDF files containing Slovak characters, some characters rendered incorrectly.

With this fix, the Slovak characters will render correctly.

IO22642 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When a user updates an existing search definition, a new search definition is created.

With this fix, the original search definition is updated and a new search definition is not created.

IO22691 (IBM Content Navigator users) When an administrator attempts to configure CMIS in the configuration and deployment tool running on a zLinux, the update "Configure CMIS Authentication" task fails.

With this fix, the tool now accepts the policy file name and path value for a cluster environment.

IO22722 (IBM Content Manager users) Text on the last page of some PDF files is not displayed by the Content Manager viewer.

With this fix, the text on the last page of the PDF is shown.

IO22778 (IBM Content Navigator users) The ViewONE Virtual viewer embedded in IBM Content Navigator lacked support for relative paths to the viewer services.

With this fix, this code changes eliminate the need to configure the internalHost or externalHost for reverse proxies previously documented for 2.0.3 Fix Pack 3.

IO23235 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) For required properties that have a choice list, the choice list is not displayed.

With this fix, the choice list is displayed.

IO23260 (IBM Content Navigator users) The queue filter pane shows double vertical scrollbars when the In-basket filter has more than 18 properties.

With this fix, the pane will show only one set of scrollbars.

IO23272 (IBM Content Manager users) When working with searches, properties that do not have a value in the criteria are not sent to EDS. This may cause erratic behaviour in some EDS implementations.

With this fix, properties with or without values are passed to EDS.

IO23342 (IBM Content Navigator users) The document version drop down shown on the edit properties dialog can be edited.

With this fix, users are not allowed to enter values in the drop down.

IO23351 (IBM Content Navigator users) If the administrator removes the Help menu option from the "Banner User Session Context Menu", the Help link on the banner is still shown.

With this fix, the Help link will be hidden if the Help menu option is removed.

IO23361 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Some custom folder properties cannot be shown in the browse pane unless the user selects the folder.

With this fix, the folder item is loaded and all the properties are displayed.

IO23461 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When opening a Content Manager folder from the search result, the columns do not match the configuration since the Name column is missing.

With this fix, the columns match the configuration.

IO23464 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When the locale settings for float numbers uses a comma for a decimal number and the thousands separator is a space or period, the user receives an error or an incorrect value is not passed to the datastore.

With this fix, the locale settings are observed.

IO23467 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When viewing the properties of a multi-class search then reopen the same search properties, users receive an error like "1086;The NN class cannot be opened".

With this fix, the error does not occur.

IO23477 (IBM Content Navigator users) Items selected using the Shift key from bottom to top appear in the wrong order when exported.

With this fix, items are exported in the order they appear in the content list.

IO23480 (IBM Content Navigator users) An error is displayed when a file download is attempted after the session expires. The user is not prompted to log in after the error is displayed.

With this fix, no error is displayed and the user is prompted to log in if that's required. The user may not need to log in under an SSO environment.

IO23481 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users are working with search text fields having a dependent EDS properties, the dependent EDS fields are not updated when the user tabs to the next field.

With this fix, the fields are updated.

IO23486 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When viewing or editing item properties for documents with multiple content parts, the content size of the first document part is returned as the total size.

With this fix, the total size of the document is returned.

IO23487 (IBM Content Navigator users) When opening a document from a link, if the user selects any other viewer navigation buttons before selecting the Notelog button, the notelog will not appear.

With this fix, the Notelog button will display the notelog.

IO23489 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) Administrators cannot configure the IBM CMIS JDBC connection to an Oracle database via the configuration and deployment tool.

With this fix, the JDBC connection can be configured to the Oracle database.

IO23492 (IBM Content Navigator users) With some PDF documents, the user receives an ArrayIndexOutofBounds error. When you navigate to other pages, the content will be rendered as a black page.

With this fix, the error is resolved.

IO23497 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When users try to open a document that has an empty annotation, an error is written to the application log.

With this fix, the error is not written to the log.

IO23498 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Searches with multi-valued properties and using the Include Any operator are inefficient.

With this fix, the search performance is optimized by using the INTERSECTS operator in the query.

IO23510 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When date properties are set as required in an entry template and the document class is enabled for EDS, the date fields are not showing as required.

With this fix, the date fields show as required.

IO23511 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When adding emails in Outlook, if the Content Manager user does not have root folder access then the user receives an error.

With this fix, the error does not occur.

IO23518 (IBM FileNet P8 users) The Export action fails when the user does not have permission to read the class definition for one or more of the selected items.

With this fix, when the class definition is not available the items are treated as instances of the base class.

IO23522 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) For Content Manager users on a repository with EDS configured and the class has a xs:date property, the property is modified to the previous day when the EDS update occurs for any property.

With this fix, the xs:date properties do not get modified.

IO23533 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a custom plugin changes the banner settings for the application name, the default name is still used for the title.

With this fix, the custom setting for the application name is used.

IO23539 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When performing searches with decimal properties, the locale specific decimal separator is not honored and causes the validation to fail.

With this fix, the locale specific decimal separator is used for property validation.

IO23549 (IBM Content Manager users) In the Add dialog, the currently selected class should be cleared if it is no longer valid.

With this fix, the selected class is cleared when it is no longer valid.

IO23550 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a user opens a document and another user creates a new version of the same document, if the first user downloads the document, it is the version that the first user displayed and not the most current document.

With this fix, unless a specific version of document is selected to download, the most current version of the document is downloaded.

IO23553 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Some EDS error messages do not show the same detail as IBM Content Navigator.

With this fix, the error messages will show the same detail.

IO23574 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When a combobox with less than 50 entries loads, the user is unable to change a value after hitting tab and the user can not delete entries.

With this fix, the combobox behavior works correctly.

IO23575 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) For multi-value fields, the filtering text is case sensitive when searching the list.

With this fix, the search is now case insensitive.

IO23576 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When editing properties of a document and the document is using an entry template with an EDS enabled class, the entry template information is not sent to the EDS service in the EDS context.

With this fix, the entry template information is maintained when using an EDS class.

IO23579 (IBM Content Navigator users) On the Ping page, some plugins are listed multiple times.

With this fix, each plugin is listed only once.

IO23580 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users are not able to load documents that have unencoded text annotations.

With this fix, the documents can be loaded.

IO23594 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a user selects a document in a teamspace and chooses the Move from Teamspace action, then selects the root folder, but user does not have permissions to save to the root folder, and selects Move, the user receives an error message. When the user clears the error and returns to the teamspace listing, the document permissions have changed and now does not allow the modify permission, which causes the Move from Teamspace action to be disabled for that document.

With this fix, the permissions are not changed for a failed document move.

IO23600 (IBM Content Navigator users) With Internet Explorer, when closing the Properties pane for a read-only document in the viewer window, a pop-up occurs indicating there are unsaved changes.

With this fix, the unsaved changes warning pop-up does not occur.

IO23603 (IBM Content Navigator users) EDS custom validation errors returned for multi-valued fields are not immediately displayed. The user must either move the cursor through the multi-valued fields or retry the action before the error state is visible.

With this fix, multi-valued fields immediately display custom validation errors.

IO23604 (IBM Content Navigator users) The unique value requirement is not enforced when adding a document using an entry template.

With this fix, where unique values are required, the property validation will enforce it.

IO23608 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Users can not load documents with urls that contain only the vsId parameter.

With this fix, the documents can be loaded with urls containing only the vsId parameter. The version parameter defaults to released if it is not provided.

IO23609 (IBM Content Navigator users) Plug-in features may not use all of the available width within the desktop layout.

With this fix, plug-in features are displayed correctly.

IO23610 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a user logged into one repository runs a saved search against another repository in the same P8 domain, the search fails if both repositories do not have the same class.

With this fix, the search will run against the other repository.

IO23616 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a user creates a sub-folder under a folder using an entry template, and the user has permission to create a new folder but not to file documents under the folder, the action fails with an error stating that permission to file documents is required.

With this fix, a user with the create a new folder permission is able to create sub-folders using an entry template.

IO23617 (IBM Content Navigator users) Administrators cannot override the search bookmark context menu.

With this fix, administrators can override the search bookmark context menu.

IO23618 (IBM Content OnDemand users) Some OnDemand document IDs contain special characters which were not being handled correctly, causing the Line Data Applet viewer to display skewed columns.

With this fix, the document IDs are handled correctly, and the Line Data Applet displays columns with proper alignment.

IO23619 (IBM Content Navigator users) Daeja Viewer 4.1.3 Virtual fails with ICN 2.0.3 fix pack 4 when using Internet Explorer v9 with an null pointer exception in

With this fix, the exception is resolved.

IO23624 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Users are observing that the "Addins" menu is renamed which also causes the localization to fail.

With this fix, the "Addins" menu is not renamed and localization works as expected.

IO23628 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) On some systems, when users open the document properties, the property values do not appear.

With this fix, the property values will appear.

IO23632 (IBM Content Navigator users) When opening an eForm document from a search bookmark, the document opens in same window as the search results. When closing the eForm document, the tab also closes and the user loses the previous search results.

With this fix, the eForm document will open in a new window similar to how opening other documents in the viewer are handled.

IO23635 (IBM Content Manager users) The Security pane in the Properties dialog is editable when the user is not allowed to modify security.

With this fix, the dialog is not editable when the user is not allowed to modify security.

IO23646 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users check out or check in documents, the performance is slow.

With this fix, the performance is improved.

IO23652 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When attempting to view documents federated from CMOD with the IBM CFS OnDemand (cfsPlugin.jar) viewer, the viewer UI fails to load and a blank area is seen.

With this fix, the documents can be viewed.

IO23658 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a default value is set for a nested choice list using the layout editor, the drop-down for the choice list does not work after saving the changes in the layout editor when reopening the entry template, and once the default value is set, the user cannot change the value due to an error in the layout editor.

With this fix, the layout editor handling of nested choice lists is resolved.

IO23659 (IBM Content Navigator users) Prior to 2.0.3, the display values were exported. In 2.0.3, the actual values are exported.

With this fix, the user will have the option to export the actual values, with the default of exporting the display values.

IO23676 (IBM Content Navigator users) If there are more items than can fit on the screen in the work tree, the vertical scrollbar is missing.

With this fix, the scrollbar will appear if there are more items thatn can be displayed.

IO23679 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users can read and edit favorites and recent searches shortcuts of other users.

With this fix, only shortcuts of the logged in user can be read or edited.

IO23697 (IBM Content Navigator users) When an EDS service returns null for the value of a property's choice list, the choice list is not removed from the property field.

With this fix, the choice list is removed.

IO23700 (IBM Content Manager users) When performing a search with ALL classes, the search results is missing the coulumn that is using the {NAME} macro.

With this fix, the correct columns are listed and the values are displayed in the correct column.

IO23701 (IBM Content Navigator users) Hidden property values are replaced with the class definition default value when properties are edited more than once in the document information pane.

With this fix, the hidden values are changed.

IO23702 (IBM Content Navigator users) Config tool generateconfig command fails with appedition flag set to default even when the deployment type is set to standard. The expected behaviour is to use the flag appedition with actual values for the deployment type is to WebSphere managed node or cluster.

With this fix, when using the appedition flag, the actual values for deploytype for managed node or cluster will be used.

IO23704 (IBM Content Manager users) When a user searches across all classes for Documents, and a system property such as Created By is used for the search criteria, instances of document model part items may be returned in search results.

With this fix, a new option in the Search tab of the Content Manager repository configuration can be used to limit all classes Document searches to return only documents (excluding parts), saved searches, and entry templates.

IO23725 (IBM Content Navigator users) File tracker is not cleaning up temporary directories after files are checked in.

With this fix, the directories are deleted after files are checked in with the 'Delete local file' option enabled by updating the JRE to a minimum of 1.7.0_76 or 1.8.0_40.

IO23754 (IBM Content Navigator users) In an SSO environment, the desktop reloads when a plug-in action is executed after the server session has expired from inactivity.

With this fix, if the SSO login is still valid, the session is automatically recovered and the desktop does not reload. If the SSO login has expired, the desktop is reloaded to redirect the user to the SSO login page.

IO23774 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When switching class types, the list of properties appear twice.

With this fix, the properties will appear only once.

IO23779 (IBM Content Navigator users) If EDS changes properties to be read only for an initialExistingObject request, when the item properties are edited the read-only setting cannot be turned off by the first EDS inProgressChanges request.

With this fix, the read-only changes returned by EDS are applied.

IO23782 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The Save and Cancel buttons are to small to display the full text of the button in French on the Save Search dialog.

With this fix, the button is sufficiently wide enough to display the full text.

IO23783 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When adding Outlook messages to a Content Manager repository that does not have a default email class and EDS is configured, the email properties are not mapped when the class is changed.

With this fix, the email settings are mapped to the item.

IO23785 (IBM Content Navigator users) When 2.0.3 FP004 users are passing parameters, the parameter values are corrupted if the input is in not an English language.

With this fix, the character encoding is set correctly so the parameters are not corrupted.

IO23787 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) For any boolean property set in FEM with a default value, the default value is not used when adding documents.

With this fix, the default boolean value is used.

IO23791 (IBM Navigator Sync users) When a user's SSO session times out, the user can not reconnect because the desktop id is missing.

With this fix, the desktop id is provided and the session can be restored.

IO23801 (IBM Content Navigator users) When multiple documents are open and the user is navigating the documents in the viewer, the next arrow closes the current document and then moves to the next one.

With this fix, the current document is not closed.

IO23813 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When logging into a Content Manager OnDemand repository and the ODWEK_INSTALL_DIR property is configured, an error occurs.

With this fix, the property is set correctly and the error does not occur.

PJ43314 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a user attempts to open a work item from a stale work queue and if that item has been previously completed by another user, the user receives an client opens the next step in the task if it is in the same queue waiting to be processed.

With this fix, by adding an additional filter parameter, the case client opens the next step in the task if it is in the same queue waiting to be processed.

PJ43384 (IBM FileNet P8 users) A confirmation dialog showing a message indicating the presence of unsaved changes is displayed to the user when they are closing a Work Details page even though the user has actually not made any changes on the page. This occurs only when one or more of the fields has been marked as required.

With this fix, a message is displayed to the user if required fields are not populated so the user can discard any changes. Otherwise, a message is not displayed if there are no changes.

PJ43400 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) When updating security (e.g., adding a user w/ read permission) on a document that has a security template, inherited permissions from the security template get duplicated as direct permissions.

With this fix, the inherited permissions from the security template are not duplicated.

PJ43413 (IBM FileNet Collaboration Services users) Users are receiving a NonceException when uploading files through the IBM Connections ajax proxy.

With this fix, the customer can manually override to revert to the previous FNCS 2.0 CSRF nonce method.

Before deploying the application, the administrator can modify the, then build, deploy, and restart the webapp.

The new configuration settings are:

cryptographicNoncePw=<insert random string of 30+ characters here>
PJ43459 (IBM FileNet P8 users) The color of the text for a read-only property in a text area box in the property layout is displayed in black.

With this fix, the read-only color is changed to gray.

PJ43493 (IBM FileNet P8 users) The text area editor defined in the Property Layout Editor for a String property does not word warp in Internet Explorer v11.

With this fix, the text area now wraps the text.

PJ43507 (IBM FileNet Collaboration Services users) The library-scoped seedlist produced by FileNet Collaboration Services to handle IBM Connections community visibility change events requires the caller to cycle through empty pages in order to index all affected content. 

With this fix, the library-scoped seedlist returns only pages containing library contents. Clients do not have to iterate over large numbers of empty pages.

PJ43517 (IBM FileNet Collaboration Services users) The presence of a private draft owned by someone else can prevent the complete folder contents from appearing in the Connections library browser.

With this fix, all folder contents appear even if the folder contains a private draft owned by someone else (the private draft itself is excluded)

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 4

The fixes that were provided in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 3 listed below are included in this fix pack.

This fix pack contains fixes for the following APARs:

Table 5. Fix list for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 4
APAR Description
IO21828 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users download some Microsoft Word documents as PDF, the tabular data in the PDF is not generated correctly.

With this fix, most tabular data in the Word document displays correctly.

IO22049 (IBM FileNet P8 workflow users) Workflow users can open FileNet P8 work items when they do not have the (P)ublic queue process rights.

With this fix, the user must have the (P)ublic queue process rights to open work items that are in a public queue.

IO22319 (IBM Content Manager users) When a folder is opened and contains more than one page of results, and additional results pages are retrieved, the results are not sorted correctly across all results pages.

With this fix, the sorting of folder contents across results pages is correct.

IO22361 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When mapping Microsoft Office properties to IBM FileNet Content Manager repository properties, if the custom Office property contains multiple value fields that are separated by a delimiter other than a comma, the values are not parsed as needed.

With this fix, the customer can change the delimiter for an IBM FileNet Content Manager repository.

IO22528 (IBM Content Navigator users) The banner color set for a theme does not work with Internet Explorer v9.

With this fix, the custom banner color is used. This defect also resolves the issue where the default themes cannot change the banner color. After this fix, all custom themes need to be opened and saved again.

IO22574 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users are adding an attachment after adding an email, both using the same entry template, the email document title is persisted for the attachment.

With this fix, the document name of the previously added email message is not used. 

IO22664 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Customers are not able to open Eform form data document using a bookmark page although the XTPlugin plugin is configured.

With this fix, the bookmark can open the Eform based document.

IO22752 (IBM FileNet P8 workflow users) The work items filter the user added disappears in the inbasket view after localizing the inbasket name.

With this fix, the inbasket filter is displayed.

IO22766 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Error messages containing "field errors" are not translated.

With this fix, the "field errors" text is translated in the error.

IO22770 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The error message that displays when a document cannot be deleted after cancelling a checkout is not correct.

With this fix, the error message has been corrected.

IO22772 (IBM Content Navigator users) Hierarchical choice lists are showing as flat non-hierarchical lists.

With this fix, if the ChoiceValues property is set in addition to the ChoiceStringValue value, then the choice list will display as a hierarchical choice list.

IO22775 (IBM Content Navigator users) The spinner control used in the General tab of Desktop configuration can grab focus while scrolling the page and change its value.

With this fix, the spinner button loses focus when the page is scrolled so the value does not change.

IO22783 (IBM Content Navigator users) File tracking folders are not deleted after checking in and there is an error logged on the Java console.

With this fix, the error is no longer logged on the Java console. File tracking folders are deleted after upgrading to JRE 1.7.0_76 and 1.8.0_40 or higher.

IO22796 (IBM Content Navigator users) Customers can set a regular expression for validating the value for a property in the entry template property layout editor. However, the expression is not being used for the validation.

With this fix, the regular expression is used for validating the property input.

IO22827 (IBM Content Manager users) When a user is modifying a large, multi-lined notelog, the entries are erased or truncated.

With this fix, the multi-line notelog entry issues are resolved.

IO22872 (IBM Content Manager users) If a user attempts to open a link to a teamspace twice, it fails the second time if desktop security is enabled via IBM Content Manager groups.

With this fix, the link will open on each attempt.

IO22888 (IBM Content Manager Workflow users) In the workflow step processor, the user must specify the "Owner" property before allowing the routing of the document to a different work list.

With this fix, not all users have the privilege to set the "Owner" property, so this is now optional for routing documents.

IO22905 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a user clicks on a document bookmark link that maps to the browser as the viewer, the content is not transferred directly to the browser. Instead, a blank window opens to handle the document.

With this fix, the viewer mapping is checked on the server side to see if the data should be streamed directly to the browser. This eliminates a blank page opening to handle the document.

IO22912 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using Internet Explorer v10, the custom Help page is populated in a new window but does not show the vertical scroll bar when needed.

With this fix, the vertical scrollbar in the help window is enabled.

IO22913 (IBM Content Navigator users) In the Entry Template builder, the customer set a regular expression to validate the property value but the validation is ignored.

With this fix, the regular expression is used for validating the property input.

IO22918 (IBM Content Navigator users) The Entry Template layout editor control for hierarchical multi-value properties does not have a horizontal scroll bar.

With this fix, the control has a scroll bar when needed.

IO22938 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When modifying Document or Folder inherited permissions, permissions that apply only to the other type (Folder or Document) are modified when the Reader, Author, or Owner security category is selected.

With this fix, only the permissions that apply to the active type (Document or Folder) are modified. This includes permissions that apply to both documents and folders.

IO22944 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a user opens a search that contains the '&' symbol or any other XML reserved character in either the name of the searching folder or text criteria, an error occurs.

With this fix, users can open searches with criteria that contain XML reserved characters.

IO22945 (IBM FileNet P8 workflow users) When a user receives an email notification with an embedded link, clicking on the link causes the window to hang with "Loading desktop..." shown.

With this fix, clicking the link open step correctly.

IO22950 (IBM Content Navigator users) The first EDS request will contains the EntryTemplateId and EntryTemplateObjectStoreName. However, for subsequent inProgressChanges events, the values are empty.

With this fix, for subsequent events, the values are available.

IO22951 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When adding a document with the document title is hidden or removed and there is no default value defined in the entry template, the new document title will be empty.

With this fix, the document title will default to the filename.

IO22956 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a new property is added to a document class, the document title disappears in the document information pane.

With this fix, the document title does not disappear.

IO22964 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When using the Quick Office Toolbar in Microsoft Office and then adding the IBM ECM tab, some actions are appearing multiple times. The apparent duplicate entries are caused by any toolbar options that are registered for multiple applications.

With this fix, during configuration, the actions have better labeling to identify which application the action is associated with.

IO22966 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When using the large fonts mode, the list font size is very small.

With this fix, the list will use the font configured for the other controls.

IO22973 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users switch to a different folder, the document info pane is not reset when it is in edit mode.

With this fix, when switching to another folder, the document info pane is updated to the newly selected folder information.

IO22979 (IBM Content Manager users) When a user does not have access to the root folder, an error is logged when the user logs in.

With this fix, the error is not logged.

IO22980 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a IBM Content Manager user attempts to remove the user's group they are in from the document security, the error message is not clear that they will lose access to the document.

With this fix, users are notified that they have lost access to the item.

IO22983 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When checking in a document using a teamspace default entry template, the entry template reference is lost.

With this fix, the entry template reference is not lost.

IO22985 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When modifying the properties of a IBM Content Manager document, the document is still checked out for a short time after the properties have been modified which causes EDS to not update the properties properly.

With this fix, the document is not checked out when EDS attempts to modify the properties.

IO22988 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the session expires, the user can reload the desktop without logging back in if the user is already logged into the application server.

With this fix, the user is required to log back in after the session expires.

IO22992 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The filter type value was not set in the saved searches.

With this fix, the filter type is set to "searches".

IO22993 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When searching with a property that is defined as a Long Column String property, the choice list associated with the property is not displayed.

With this fix, if the property is defined as a Long Column String property, the choice list is displayed.

IO22994 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) The default schema name is always used in the file.

With this fix, the customer defined schema name is used.

IO22996 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) An error occurs when a system string list property because the returned value was null.

With this fix, system properties with null values do not cause an error.

IO22998 (IBM Content Navigator users) When updating an entry template property that has a choice list provided by EDS, a screen resize of the property editor displays scrollbars instead of resizing the control group.

With this fix, the controls are resized properly.

IO23000 (IBM Navigator Sync users) If the DNS name or the machine name contains the context path name, the sync service setting fails in the admin.

With this fix, the sync service setting does not fail.

IO23003 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When users are viewing AFP documents, the Next and Previous navigation fails to load next or previous document in the viewer.

With this fix, the Next and Previous navigation works.

IO23014 (IBM Content Navigator users) The admin desktop sometimes shows a blank page.

With this fix, the admin desktop appears correctly.

IO23017 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Users that cause a 1016 error on login receive a generic message.

With this fix, the same message returned from IBM Content Navigator is no shown to IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users.

IO23021 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) User noticed a difference in how search parameters are handled between IBM Content Navigator and IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office when the field contains multiple values.

With this fix, multiple value fields are handled consistently between the applications.

IO23022 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The security parentage "Inherit the security settings from the parent folder" set in the entry template is not set on new documents.

With this fix, the security parentage is set for new documents.

IO23025 (IBM Content Navigator users) Theme colors are not applied on some areas of the search view, workflow view, or on the entry template editor.

With this fix, the theme colors are applied to all the areas.

IO23026 (IBM Navigator Sync users) When documents are synced to the local sync folder, the document mimetype is incorrectly identified.

With this fix, the correct icon and document type description are correct after the sync.

IO23027 (IBM Content Analytics users) When using the IBM Content Analytics plugin with languages that have long stings, the plugin will display unexpected scroll bars.

With this fix, the display will resize so the scrollbars are not shown.

IO23033 (IBM FileNet P8 workflow users) The step processor Get Next feature fails when there are more than 3 responses.

With this fix, this feature works correctly when more than 3 responses exist.

IO23037 (IBM Content Navigator users) Content summary highlighting is not working for repositories in the same domain as the authenticating repository.

With this fix, content summary highlighting works for same domain repositories.

IO23043 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) CMIS for Content Manager does not support client privileges.
With this enhancement, client privileges can be returned as CMIS allowable actions. This allows clients to implement logic in other CMIS applications using returned client privileges.
Note: To allow CMIS to return client privileges, the returnClientPrivileges setting in must be set to true.
IO23044 (IBM Content Navigator users) The document viewer hover text for "View as vertically split window" and "View as horizontally split window" are shown incorrectly.

With this fix, the hover help text is corrected.

IO23048 (IBM FileNet P8 workflow users) While adding a new document in the step processor attachment tab, the entry template list may not be from the correct repository.

With this fix, the entry template is from the correct repository.

IO23051 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Users are unable to use the keyboard to select EDS choice list items.

With this fix, the keyboard can be used to access the options.

IO23054 (IBM Content Navigator users) A java.lang.NoSuchMethodError error message generated when deploying to Weblogic.

With this fix, the error has been resolved.

IO23058 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the initialValue is set in EDS initialNewObject event, following inProgressChange events may contain an empty or null value.

With this fix, the inProgressChange events contain the initial value.

IO23061 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users are switching between results and Saved Searches tabs or when bringing up properties of a Saved Search after doing the search, a 'Value cannot be null' error is displayed.

With this fix, the error is not displayed.

IO23062 (IBM Content Navigator users) Undisclosed security issue

With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO23066 (IBM Content Navigator users) IBM Content Collector plugin displays a blank page.

With this fix, the plugin will display the pages.

IO23068 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) The script references the db2jcc.jar.

With this fix, the script will reference the db2jcc4.jar.

IO23069 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) Customers are not able to map a custom OnDemand mime type to a different icon.

With this fix, the feature for mapping a custom OnDemand mimetype to an icon is resolved.

IO23074 (IBM Content Navigator users) When applications have class files with the same name, the applications may load the wrong configuration object.

With this fix, the configuration uses the package and class name for the configuration object key.

IO23075 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When user receive a session timeout and the current desktop is not the default desktop, the user cannot recover from the timeout and receives an error.

With this fix, when the session times out, all the desktops have the same session timeout behavior. 

IO23076 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) For documents that contain url-encoded file names, some file names become too long to use to resave the file.

With this fix, the file name is decoded to the original filename and filename length.

IO23084 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When adding documents, the security proxy property is not set and the document fail to inherit the security from the security proxy.

With this fix, the document security proxy property is set and the document inherits the security proxy.

IO23086 (IBM Content Navigator users) After setting the locale in the application locale dialog, the date and time do not display using the selected locale in the viewer or in the bookmarked pages.

With this fix, the application locale setting is used for all date and time properties.

IO23089 (IBM Navigator Sync users) Users receive an error when they attempt to sync .htm and .html documents from the sync repository to their local device.

With this fix, users can sync .htm and .html files.

IO23224 (IBM Content Navigator users) When adding a document using an entry template, the dependent choice list are truncated.

With this fix, the choice list are resized once they are populated.

IO23225 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) Customer data containing a boolean stored as a short integer in their configuration receive an error.

With this fix, the use of a short integer to store a boolean is supported.

Note: To allow CMIS to view a short integer attribute as a boolean, the minimum value must be set to 0 and the maximum value set to 1. In addition, the shortAsBooleanEnabled setting in must be set to true for these short integer attributes to be treated as boolean by CMIS.
IO23226 (IBM Content Navigator users) Send Email As Link action fails if the "loadAttributeItems" request attribute is set to true by a plugin.

With this fix, the action succeeds.

IO23230 (IBM Content Navigator users) The German translation for the teamspace role "Reviewer" is incorrect.

With this fix, the translation is now correct.

IO23241 (IBM Content Navigator users) On the Work view, clicking Preferences displays an error "getReader() called after getInputStream() called".

With this fix, the error no longer occurs.

IO23242 (IBM Content Navigator users) The hint text for date fields in the entry template layout editor can be confused with an actual date value since both are show in similar colors.

With this fix, a setting is now provided in the layout editor to hide the hint so that it is not confused with an actual date value.

IO23243 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users cannot upload files larger than about 64MB using File Tracker.

With this fix, the upload problem is resolved.

IO23251 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Users experience the toolbar freezing under certain conditions when using Microsoft Word 2010 32bit.

With this fix, the toolbar does not freeze up.

IO23259 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When Content Manager users are performing a multi-document add using Microsoft Outlook, the add action overwrites the user entered property value for the attachment filename.

With this fix, for the name property to be used instead of the file name when adding multiple attachments, the parameter UseCMNamePropertyOnAddDoc must be set to true in the Configuration.ini.

IO23263 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users that have permission to View Properties and Create Subfolders cannot create subfolders through an entry template.

With this fix, users with the Create Subfolders permissions can create subfolders through an entry template.

IO23267 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Properties with Modification Access restriction are not displayed as read only.

With this fix, if the property has Modification Access enabled, the property is displayed as read only.

IO23269 (IBM Content Navigator users) When Internet Explorer v9 is used, the document title is not automatically populated during an add document action that uses an entry template.

With this fix, the document title is populated.

IO23271 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) When Content Manager CMIS users run a query with a multi-valued property, and error message is returned, "CIL1526: The search or query cannot return any results because the query is too large or complex."

With this fix, the user is able to query using multi-valued properties.

A workaround for this issue is to increase the STMTHEAP database parameter.

IO23293 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When editing the properties of a document from the details tab, properties that are configured in EDS as being required in the initialExistingObject request, are not displayed as required.

With this fix, where the properties are configured as required are correctly set for the different request modes.

IO23295 (IBM Content Manager users) Uses are unable to add or view notelogs on the Properties dialog with EDS or in the viewer.

With this fix, the user can manage and view the notelogs.

IO23299 (IBM Case Manager users) For users with Internet Explorer v10, the context menu disappears when the viewer opens.

With this fix, the focus remains on the context menu.

IO23315 (IBM Content Navigator users) When existing XT entry templates are configured for adding documents, the predefined value for the hidden properties do not get set in the new document.

With this fix, the hidden properties will have the predefined value set.

IO23347 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When users query for AFP documents and set the view to the magazine view, the AFP icon is not correct.

With this fix, the correct icon is used.

IO23359 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) If the user has not selected a folder, when saving searches to the repository, the search is attempted to save to the root folder. If the user does not have access to the root folder, an error will occur.

With this fix, the saved search is saved to the selected folder.

IO23360 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When only the vsid and version are used in the bookmark link, the viewer will show a blank page.

With this fix, the vsid and version are sufficient to load a document. The docID is not needed.

IO23368 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Users are prompted to save FileNet viewer annotations when the annotationAutoSave=true.

With this fix, the annotations will autosave without the user being prompted.

IO23450 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Multiple consecutive calls are made to display an item which result in the item being reloaded multiple times by the FileNet document viewer.

With this fix, the item is loaded only once.

IO23499 (IBM Content Navigator users) The internal class DateUtils$SharedDateFormats.class is missing from navigatorApi.jar.

With this fix, the class is included in the jar file.

IO23503 (IBM Content Navigator users) When adding a document using an entry template with a property layout, after entering values for all of the required fields, the Add button remains disabled.

With this fix, once the required fields have values, the Add button is enabled.

LO85149 (IBM FileNet Collaboration Services users) When customers route downloads through a HTTP server, files downloaded through the IBM Connections Desktop Plugin cause the plugin to crash.

With this fix, an optional parameter is set which stops the plugin from crashing.

PJ43045 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager OnDemand users) Users are unable to perform queries using CMIS against OnDemand properties except for the cmis:name property.

With this fix, the only queryable property is cmis:name. The other cmis properties are disabled.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 3

The fixes that were provided in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 2 listed below are included in this fix pack.

This fix pack contains fixes for the following APARs:

Table 6. Fix list for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 3
APAR Description
  (IBM Content Navigator users) Undisclosed security issue

With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO22314 (IBM Content Manager users) When a property is configured for a Content Manager repository as the search result display title, the property does not display correctly.

With this fix, the configured property is used for the title.

IO22354 (IBM Content Manager users) When "Document model item types only" is selected for "Item types to display" in Content Manager repositories, the user experiences problems when modifying properties on non-document model items such as saved searches. Either the Save button is disabled or an error is returned.

With this fix, "Document model item types only" setting only limits the available classes when creating a new document or folder.

IO22392 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When users perform a search or open a folder and the search results or folder contents contain creators and/or modifiers that no longer exist in LDAP, then the search takes much longer than expected.

With this fix, the search results and folder contents are returned in a reasonable amount of time.

IO22505 (IBM Content Navigator users) For documents federated from IBM Image Services to FileNet Content Engine, if an "&" is in one of the sticky notes or text annotations, the annotations cannot display.

With this fix, annotations containing an ampersand can be displayed.

IO22508 (IBM Content Navigator users) Undisclosed security issue

With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO22509 (IBM Content Navigator users) In the document viewer, the hover text for "View as vertically split window" and "View as horizontally split window" are shown incorrectly.

With this fix, the hover text is corrected.

IO22510 (IBM Content Manager users) When users are working with notelogs, the text in the notelog is wrapped but the words beyond where the lines should wrap is truncated.

With this fix, the words wrap to the next lines as expected.

IO22526 (IBM Content Navigator users) Some users are unable to see the workflow instructions on Launch processor.

With this fix, all users can see the workflow instructions.

IO22528 (IBM Content Navigator users) The banner color set for a theme does not work with Internet Explorer v9.

With this fix, the custom banner color is used. This defect also resolves the issue where the default themes cannot change the banner color. After this fix, all custom themes need to be opened and saved again.

IO22530 (IBM Content Navigator workflow users) When users are working with a property mapping in a workflow subscription, the workflow item does not display the values for multi-value properties.

With this fix, the multi-value properties will display.

IO22531 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using the document viewer, the Javascript object this.item.repository passed to a viewer instance does not pass the isInstanceOf(ecm.model.Repository) test.

With this fix, the item repository is retrieved if not already available. This change results in the public ecm.widget.viewers.DocViewer.item property to be deprecated.

IO22533 (IBM Content Navigator users) When adding a document using the customer's plug-in, if the user does not enter a value for a required attribute, the user receives the wrong error message, which is misleading. The error message did not include the specific property information for the user to resolve.

With this fix, the correct error message is returned that contains the specific property information.

IO22536 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users switch between documents within a folder, some properties from the previously saved document appear for the current selected document.

With this fix, the document properties are displayed correctly.

IO22540 (IBM Content Navigator users) Plug-in resources cannot be edited once deployed because the files are locked.

With this fix, the file lock is removed and the files can be modified.

IO22542 (IBM Content Manager users) Users cannot search for a document with an alphanumeric attribute containing a comma, while other Content Manager client applications can.

With this fix, the user can search for documents with an alphanumeric attribute containing a comma.

IO22544 (IBM Content Manager users) When a choice list has options that are longer than the display length of the field in the search form, the value appears truncated which makes it difficult for users to know what option they have selected.

With this fix, the fields are now sized to fit the search form.

IO22552 (IBM Content Navigator users) The request sent to the EDS service has the content-type of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" but it should be "application/json".

With this fix, the content-type is set to "application/json".

IO22556 (IBM Content Manager users) When navigating into a Content Manager worklist view using Internet Explorer 9 or 10, the browser does not display the All Inboxes dropdown arrow correctly.

With this fix, the dropdown arrow is displayed correctly.

IO22576 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users are switching between Microsoft Office applications, the session is lost when any one of the applications are closed.

With this fix, the session is maintained between the applications.

IO22577 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When using Internet Explorer v8 or v9 with SSL and attempting to open a document in the AFP Viewer, the user receives multiple mixed content prompts.

With this fix, the user does not receive the mixed mode prompts.

IO22578 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users add items to Favorites in IBM Content Navigator, those changes are not displayed in IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office for a few minutes.

With this fix, the application no longer caches user related objects. This will provide the user with the updates as soon as they occur.

IO22584 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users are checking in a new document version through the EDS service with a custom entry template layout, the document title property might be lost.

With this fix, the document title from the original document is saved in the new version.

IO22591 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users are not able to add the "Manage teamspace list toolbar" to any desktop menus.

With this fix, the user can add the "Manage teamspace list toolbar" to the desktop.

IO22593 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When users select a date for a property in an OD search, users cannot change the focus to other fields.

With this fix, users can change focus after selecting a date.

IO22594 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users are presented choice lists, the drop downs should not allow the user to type in the field unless that is a valid option for the field.

With this fix, users are not allowed to type in selection only dropdowns. 

IO22596 (IBM Content Navigator users) The browser hangs if the user saves a search that is being displayed in the results of another search.

With this fix, the browser no longer hangs.

IO22597 (IBM Content Navigator users) When running the Configuration Manager in a French locale, the task 'Create your Database and Data Source' fails because the configuration string contains an apostrophe.

With this fix, the configuration string for the JDBC driver does not cause the task to fail.

IO22599 (IBM Content Manager users) When saving the properties of an existing item, the existing seconds of timestamps are discarded even when values are not modified.

With this fix, the seconds do not get modified. The milliseconds are reset to 0.

IO22609 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a user who is not a document owner creates an annotation on a document, the user cannot delete the annotation but they are able to modify it.

With this fix, the user is able to delete annotations they created, even though such user is not the owner of the document.

IO22614 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When a Content Manager user saves a search with the "Folders, Current version" option, the search incorrectly uses the "Search for documents" option instead.

With this fix, if the search for setting is set to "Search for folders" then the query returns folders as expected.

IO22628 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the EDS service is called for an existing item with the request mode "inProgressChanges", the objectId parameter is always null.

With this fix, the objectId is populated.

IO22632 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When debug logging is enabled, the user password is logged. The log is written on the user's local computer so it is not exposed to other users.

With this fix, the password is not logged.

IO22642 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When a user updates an existing search definition, a new search definition is created.

With this fix, the original search definition is updated and a new search definition is not created.

IO22648 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users are attempting to Add Document with Entry Template with an EDS service that provides custom validation code, the validation code is not used.

With this fix, the custom validation is performed by the user interface.

IO22661 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users attempt to Add Document with Entry Template to a Content Manager repository and the IBM Content Navigator server is version, the user can not retrieve a list of entry templates.

With this fix, the user is provided a list of entry templates.

IO22662 (IBM Content Navigator users) When processing documents with multiple mixed content elements, the user received an error. What occurs is the pdf/html conversion viewer failed to process the multi-part mixed content containing mixed mimetypes. The same documents are successfully opened with the FileNet viewer and also the pdf/html conversion has no problem with single element docs.

With this fix, the user does not receive an error. With this change, only the first document part is processed.

IO22663 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When a user performs multiple operations on a document, the document appears in the Recent Documents list more than once.

With this fix, the document appears only once.

IO22677 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a worklist item has a datetime property that is not set, the property value is displayed as 1/1/1970. when desktop is set to hide time.

With this fix, a datetime property that is not set will not display a calendar date of 1/1/1970.

IO22691 (IBM CMIS users) When running the "Configure the IBM CMIS Client Authentication Method", the task failed.

With this fix, the policy file path variable is escaped in the script.

IO22694 (IBM Content Navigator users) When FileTracker is enabled, users adding documents may incorrectly receive a CIWEB2102 error that the FileTracker location cannot be accessed.

With this fix, the user does not receive the CIWEB2102 error.

IO22695 (IBM Content Navigator users) The KnowledgeCenter installed with IBM Content Navigator uses the same session id, JSESSIONID. This causes some browsers to lose the IBM Content Navigator session.

With this fix, the KnowledgeCenter session id has been renamed to resolve the problem.

IO22696 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When opening a file from SharePoint, users are unable to close the document.

With this fix, the SharePoint document can be closed.

IO22697 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When an admin is running the configuration action "Create a Data Source for Your Database", the action will fail if the connection users password contains an apostrophe.

With this fix, the password can contain an apostrophe.

IO22703 (IBM Content Navigator users) With Daeja ViewONE Virtual, if a user opens a document, closes the document but leaves the viewer open, and allows the session to time out, the user cannot reopen the same document.

With this fix, the viewer is able to reopen the document after the session is re-initiated.

IO22706 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a property is configured with a marking set, the required choice list properties contains a blank value.

With this fix, for properties with a marking set, a blank value is not added.

IO22710 (IBM Content Manager users) Properties which are configured to be hidden by the repository are being displayed in the search results display.

With this fix, hidden properties are not shown.

IO22716 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When the desktop is configured to show only the date portion of date/time fields, the date value without the time part shows as invalid. This also occurs when the client and Office do not have matching locales.

With this fix, the date properties are validating correctly.

IO22717 (ICN FileNet P8 users) The global toolbar actions "Add Document Using Entry Template" and "New Folder Using Entry Template" are disabled if IBM Content Navigator entry template management is disabled in the repository configuration. This prevents using Workplace XT entry templates to create items.

With this fix, the options are always enabled for FileNet P8, even if entry templates are disabled, because the user could access Workplace XT templates.

IO22723 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When the first column name in the search results is empty, the download filename shows [1] in the filename extension.

With this fix, a default filename is used if the first column is empty.

IO22734 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using Internet Explorer, the entry template date and time property hint text color is black and looks like property values that are already set.

With this fix, the entry template date property hint text color is changed to gray to reduce the confusion.

IO22736 (IBM FileNet P8 users) An imported entry template that references an unavailable object store cannot be opened for editing. Entry template editors are unable to correct the problem.

With this fix, entry templates with invalid settings can be opened for editing.

IO22737 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The document title property is not set when the class has EDS dependent properties.

With this fix, even if EDS is configured to set the document title property, the document title property defaults to the file name. EDS can override the value when saved. This is the same behavior as IBM Content Navigator.

IO22744 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The Content Manager version dropdown box shows the list in the default language and in the client locale.

With this fix, the Content Manager version dropdown box shows the list in only one locale at a time.

IO22746 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the application .jgz files are loaded to the client, the cache setting is for 24 hours and is not configurable. This requires the user to reload the files each day.

With this fix, the cache setting is configurable by enabling the following settings in the web.xml:


The application max-age default value is 86400, which is 24 hours. A value of 2592000 is for 30 days.

IO22747 (IBM Content Navigator and IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When the search results contains the mime type property, the sort fails.

With this fix, the sorting of Content Manager mimetypes is disabled because of performance reasons.

IO22748 (IBM FileNet P8 users) A user must have the "Modify permissions" rights on the document to move a document from one folder to another.

With this fix, the user does not require "Modify permissions" rights.

IO22758 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Users receive an unexpected permission exception when enabling Microsoft Office documents that were opened in Protected view mode for editing while connected to IBM Content Navigator.

With this fix, a check was added to verify that the active document is enabled for editing. If the document was opened in Protected View mode, then it can be enabled for editing without any permission exceptions.

IO22760 (IBM FileNet P8 users) New teamspaces are missing the inherited teamspace role-based security for non-owners on FileNet P8 with Content Engine 5.1.

With this fix, the teamspace security is set to inherit from the folder.

The customer needs to rerun the Teamspace Update Plugin or delete the update flag folders in Content Engine and use the IBM Content Navigator admin to resave the repository. The update changes the teamspace security to inherit from parent.

IO22763 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Users are able to create entry templates with Workplace XT in one object store that store docs in another object store. With IBM Content Navigator an error occurs when trying to create the same entry templates. The user receives the same error when trying to convert their Workplace XT cross object store entry templates.

With this fix, an IBM Content Navigator entry template that adds items to a different P8 repository can be saved.

IO22778 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the application is deployed behind a reverse proxy, Daeja ViewONE Virtual may fail to access its mid-tier services. This is due to AJAX requests trying to access the “behind the proxy” hostname, which is not accessible from the client.

With this fix, customers have the ability to configure one or more pairs of internal/external host replacement strings.

To resolve, go to IBM Content Navigator configuration ViewONE settings. On the Virtual tab, add the following in the custom settings (sequence # is optional):

internalHost<sequence #>=<<url as seen by ICN mid-tier (i.e. on WebSphere)>>
externalHost<sequence #>=<<url as seen by the browser>>

The new settings allow, optionally, for multiple hosts to be set up using a numerical sequence. Such as ex: internalHost1/externalHost1, internalHost2/externalHost2, etc.

IO22787 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) If CMIS is configured with WS-Security authentication, when an error occurs during web services request handling, the connection from CMIS to Content Manager EE is not being released from the current thread. This causes subsequent requests to fail.

With this fix, the connection is released from the current thread.

IO22814 (IBM Content Navigator users) If an EDS service applies different changes to properties when an item is added than it does when an item is edited, and an item is added using an IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3 entry template with a property layout, the EDS service applies edit item changes because the client EDS request clientContext.action is "editProperties" instead of "addItem".

With this fix, the client EDS request is for "addItem" and the EDS service applies the correct property changes for an item add.

IO22816 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When users attempt to print a document with multiple content elements and each content element has the same name, only one content element will print.

With this fix, all the content elements will print even though they have the same name.

IO22845 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When the auto run option is set in a saved Content Manager search, the auto run feature does not run.

With this fix, when the auto run feature is enabled, the saved search will run.

IO22850 (IBM Content Navigator users) Undisclosed security issue

With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO22852 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The Class Name property in the search results list is empty after a checkout or cancel checkout.

With this fix, the Class Name property is not cleared.

IO22875 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When an item is moved from one folder to another within a teamspace, the teamspace security is removed from the document..

With this fix, the teamspace security remains with the document when the document is moved.

IO22877 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When security is set on a document and the user saved the file locally after a checkout, the security resets to the class defaults when checking in the document. When the user access the document again, the get an error "You do not have the appropriate permissions to check in this document."

With this fix, the security on the document is not reset to the class defined security and the user does not receive an error.

IO22878 (IBM Content Navigator users) When checking out and downloading a document using File Tracker, the user is always prompted to select a program to open the document when the 'Open file automatically' option is selected.

With this fix, if the mimetype is known by Windows, the file is opened automatically after saving to the local disk. Otherwise, the user is prompted to select a program to open the file.

IO22889 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users check out a document, a Specified Cast is not valid error appears when checking in the document.

With this fix, the error does not appear to users.

IO22899 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When executing a search from a teamspace, if the user modifies the search criteria, the search uses the original search criteria.

With this fix, the modified search criteria will be used for the teamspace search.

IO22907 (IBM Collaboration Services users) When users select the view Documents pending my approvals, an error occurs and the reviewer cannot see documents that are pending approval.

With this fix, the error does not occur and the reviewer can see those documents.

IO22908 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When editing permissions for a user or group, if "No access" is selected then "Reader" or "Author" is selected, some Deny permissions toggled on by the "No access" choice remain toggled on.

With this fix, any Deny permissions that were toggled on by the "No access" choice are toggled off when a different choice is selected from the list.

IO22919 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When the user attempts to open a federated document with annotations, if an annotation creator is no longer in LDAP, then the document can not be opened.

With this fix, the document can still be opened, even if the user can not be determined, without seeing error dialog first.

IO22920 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When users run Workplace XT searches, the results do not show values for hidden properties.

With this fix, search results that include a column for a hidden property will display the values for that property.

IO22938 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When modifying Document or Folder inherited permissions, the inherited permissions for the other type are modified when the Reader, Author, or Owner security category is selected.

With this fix, only the inherited permissions for the selected type are modified. 

IT05726 (IBM Content Analysis users) When WebSphere 7.x users make some server requests, the plug-in does not return a response.

With this fix, a response is returned.

LO81422 (IBM FileNet Collaboration Services users) When updating a document in Connections that has a new required property added after the document was created, users are unable to "Save as Draft". This occurs because the reserved version needed to be filled with the required properties before the checkout. The required properties will also be applied to the draft after the checkout.

With this fix, the user can save the document as a draft.

LO83399 (IBM FileNet Collaboration Services users) Users are not able to move or copy a document from a QuickrLibrary root folder to a subfolder. This occurs when the move or copy operation's source folder is the QuickrLibrary root folder. The document cannot be found because Quickr needs to use a virtual root folder.

With this fix, the copy or a move from the QuickrLibrary root folder is successful.

PJ42945 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) When building the query, the unsupported keyword DISTINCT was ignored when placed in a query string.

With this fix, if DISTINCT is used, the user gets the correct error message.

PJ42981 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) When trying to download files using the Chrome browser, an error occurs and prevents the user from downloading the file.

With this fix, the error does not occur and the user can download the file.

PJ43040 (IBM FileNet Collaboration Services users) An error occurs in a Connections Community Library when the user clicks on the Versions tab of a document and the document (one or more versions) has no content.

With this fix, the user does not receive an error for documents with no content.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 2

The fixes that were provided in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 1 listed below are included in this fix pack.

This fix pack contains fixes for the following APARs:

Table 7. Fix list for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 2
APAR Description
IO19643 (IBM Content Navigator users) When viewing a document containing rotated text in the applet viewer after the user searches for text that is rotated, the highlight does not properly line up with the text.

With this fix, the highlight lines up with the rotated text.

IO21196 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users search for text in PDF documents, the first result is highlighted correctly then going to the next result, the search highlights the wrong text.

With this fix, the search highlights the correct text.

IO21331 (IBM Content Navigator users) When Outlook 'Inbox' objects are dragged and dropped onto the IBM Content Navigator desktop, a message should be displayed indicating when objects cannot be accepted.

With this fix, a message is displayed when dropped objects cannot be accepted.

IO21349 (IBM Content Navigator users) After installing the application, the default directory permissions are U-G-W 7-7-7.

With this fix, the default permissions are set to U-G-W 7-5-5.

IO21810 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When a user tabs from an EDS-enabled field, the focus goes to the top instead of the next property.

With this fix, after the user tabs from an EDS-enabled field, focus is set to the next available field.

IO22014 (IBM Content Manager users) When a worklist is set up to display the Class name and the user sorts the list of worklist items, the Class name is displayed instead of the Class display name.

With this fix, the Class display name is used consistently in the worklists.

IO22159 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a document is checked out using IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, and another user deletes the document, the IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office plug-in hangs because the document no longer exists in repository.

With this fix, the application will gracefully continue after displaying an error to the user.

IO22165 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When a legacy search template (ex. created with Workplace XT) using a hidden property is opened in IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, the hidden property is not displaying.

With this fix, hidden properties used in search criteria are correctly shown.

IO22323 (IBM Content Manager users) After selecting a class in the add dialog, when a choice list is assigned to a child component attribute by the initialNewObject EDS request it is removed by a following inProgressChanges EDS request if EDS does not modify the choice list.

With this fix, the choice list assigned to the child component attribute is only changed when the inProgressChanges EDS request modifies the choice list.

IO22334 (IBM Content Manager users) When a user edits the properties of multiple documents that contain child components with required properties, the user must enter a value into the required child component property before the Save button is enabled.

With this fix, the user is not required to enter a value into a required child component property when modifying the values of other properties when editing multiple documents.

IO22349 (IBM Content Navigator and IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users are working in a supported SSO environment that uses a site login page, if the authentication expires Navigator actions fail with an error message.

With this fix, the IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office session is refreshed, and the user can continue the action.

IO22355 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When a user performs a search that contains a Date/Time (TZ) field without a time value, the results are different between the OnDemand client and IBM Content Navigator.

With this fix, the results that are returned by both applications are the same.

IO22362 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Search operators of FileNet Workplace XT search templates are read-only in IBM Content Navigator but Workplace XT allows the user to select 'Like', 'Starts With' and 'Ends With' if the operator is set to 'Like' if the property type is string.

With this fix, IBM Content Navigator enables the user to select the 'Like', 'Starts With' and 'Ends With' operators when the FileNet Workplace XT search template condition uses the 'Like' operator for the string property type.

IO22363 (IBM Content Navigator) When adding or removing a user from an existing teamspace, an error is thrown when a user group is removed from LDAP and the group was a member of the teamspace.

With this fix, the user is able to edit teamspaces that had a group that is removed from LDAP.

IO22375 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When check-in on close is set and a document is checked out, if the connection is lost, Microsoft Office cannot be closed.

With this fix, Microsoft Office can be closed when the connection is lost.

IO22381 (IBM Content Manager users) The entry template layout does not display a field that EDS has changed from hidden to displayed.

With this fix, the EDS display change is applied.

IO22388 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users are unable to add new documents with P8 entry templates when the "#CREATOR-OWNER" account has been removed from the Default Instance Security and the document class Owner attribute is also not set to the "#CREATOR-OWNER" account.

With this fix, when adding a document via an entry template created by Workplace XT, the entry template will not have the "Inherit the security settings from the parent folder" setting is set to true by default.

IO22391 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users of Internet Explorer 9 are working with an entry template layout, an extra tooltip appears in front of hover help.

With this fix, the tooltip does not appear.

IO22404 (IBM Content Manager users) When Content Manager users are attempting to perform a search against all classes, the attribute definitions within attribute groups are not available.

With this fix, the attribute group properties appear.

IO22405 (IBM Content Navigator users) For users with a user distinguished name that contains escaped characters such as '=' and ',' the distinguished name is truncated.

With this fix, the escaped characters are preserved so that the distinguished name is not truncated.

IO22420 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) User receive an error when checking out a document that does not have a released version.

With this fix, the user does not receive an error.

IO22428 (IBM Content Navigator) When converting some complex documents and the conversion fails, the conversion process might consume a large amount of native memory.

With this fix, the document conversion succeeds and the memory consumption is reduced.

IO22431 (IBM Content Management Interoperability Services users) The customer cannot use UI mode of IBM Content Navigator Configuration Manager because of their corporation policy. The customer needs to change the CMIS web services authentication method from HTTP Basic to WS-Security via the command line.

With this fix, the customer is able to change the web services authentication method via the command line.

IO22433 (IBM Content Navigator users) When users attempt to add a document using an entry template with EDS, the add action fails if a layout is not defined in the entry template.

With this fix, the choice list assigned to the child component attribute is only changed when the inProgressChanges EDS request modifies the choice list.

IO22434 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When users try to add an email containing a 'TAB' in the subject line, the add actionfails.

With this fix, the user can add an email if the subject contains a 'TAB'.

IO22436 (IBM Content Manager users) When building a search, the property criteria are no longer available after switching from selecting multiple classes to the "All" class.

With this fix, the property criteria are available when switching between the selections.

IO22437 (IBM Content Manager users) After an attribute group attribute is used in a search, it appears twice in the property list for an "All" classes search.

With this fix, attribute group attributes only appear once in the "All" classes search property list.

IO22439 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When entry template security is configured to override document class security, no security is assigned to the item.

With this fix, the security specified in the entry template is applied. 

IO22443 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Users can see a checkbox for a FileNet P8 setting when switching between Entry Templates with an associated Content Manager repository.

With this fix, the user cannot see the checkbox.

IO22467 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a saved or a new search is opened from a P8 repository without the Social Collaboration Base Extensions, an error appears in the trace log.

With this fix, an error no longer appears in the trace log.

IO22485 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When Content Manager users are saving a document, the document title is not correct if the Content Manager repository is configured to use a specific attribute for the title instead of the default title attribute.

With this fix, the correct document title attribute is used.

IO22496 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When the content search reaches the maximum limit, the error message does not indicate the cause.

With this fix, the error message notifies the user of the cause.

IO22508 (IBM Content Navigator users) Undisclosed security issue

With this fix, the issue is resolved.

IO22520 (IBM Content Navigator workflow users) When a workflow role name contains an ampersand (&), the user cannot add users or groups to the workflow.

With this fix, workflow IDs containing an ampersand can update the workflow.

IO22530 (IBM Content Navigator workflow users) When users are working with a property mapping in a workflow subscription, the workflow item does not display the values for multi-value properties.

With this fix, the multi-value properties display.

IO22540 (IBM Content Navigator users) Plug-in resources are locked and cannot be modified when a plug-in is deployed and enabled.

With this fix, plug-in resources can be modified when the plug-in is deployed and enabled.

IO22607 (IBM Content Navigator AIX users) When installing on AIX, the user receives an error that the kcci_aix.tar cannot be extracted. The file is corrupted so the tar utility cannot extract the contents.

With this fix, the contents of the kcci_aix.tar can be extracted.

IT05726 (IBM Content Analysis users) When WebSphere 7.x users make some server requests, the plug-in does not send a response.

With this fix, a response is returned.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 1

The fixes that were provided in IBM Content Navigator, Version Interim Fix 1 listed below are included in this fix pack.

This fix pack contains fixes for the following APARs:

Table 8. Fix list for IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3 Fix Pack 1
APAR Description
IO21887 (IBM Content Manager users) When a property has foreign keys, the dialog control is not displaying a choice list.

With this fix, the list is displayed.

IO21891 (IBM Content Manager users) When creating a new document containing child components, the previous child component values appear as defaults when a new child component is added.

With this fix, only defined default values are used in the new child component.

IO21906 (IBM Content Navigator users) When an error occurs during completing a workflow step action, the error processing causes the window to freeze.

With this fix, the window continues processing as expected.

IO21907 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a user logs into IBM Connections via Kerberos SSO and then accesses IBM Content Navigator via a working URL, the user is prompted for IBM Content Navigator authentication. This occurs when IBM Content Navigator and IBM Connections are on two different WebSphere nodes and the LTPA tokens are not configured to be shared between the nodes.

With this fix, the user is not prompted to authenticate.

IO21914 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) When users attempt to open a large AFP document that has multiple segments, the callback to the server fails to load the remaining pages.

With this fix, all the pages of the AFP document can be loaded.

IO21934 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a user attempts to see the documents in a workflow, if any of the documents are not available to the user due to security constraints, none of the documents in the collection will load. Instead, a message of 'failed to load data' appears.

With this fix, the user will see the list of documents that they have access to.

IO22008 (IBM Content Navigator users) When adding an annotation using the FileNet viewer, the annotation shows the user ID, not the user short name or display name. This makes it difficult to identify who added the annotations.

With this fix, by default, the tooltip will still show the user ID. If the user display name is desired, the tooltip must be configured in the admin to use the new tag "<creatorname>". This applies to Daeja ViewONE/ViewONE Professional/customAnnotationTooltip.

Example: Created By: <creatorname>, Created On: <createdate>

IO22014 (IBM Content Manager users) When a worklist is set up to display the Class name and the user sorts the list of worklist items, the Class name is displayed instead of the Class display name.

With this fix, the Class display name will be used consistently in the worklists.

IO22044 (IBM FileNet P8 users) If a user associates an entry template to a folder, then adds a document to that folder, the document should use the security parameters as set in the entry template. IBM Content Navigator is using the default Instance Security from the document class.

With this fix, the entry template security is applied correctly to the new document.

IO22091 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When using legacy search templates, the properties with read only and hidden attributes are not handled correctly.

With this fix, the handling of the read only and hidden properties is correct.

IO22092 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a user has the locale set to Hebrew, Arabic, or other right-to-left language and is opening a bookmarked document, the viewer displays an empty dialog.

With this fix, the user is able to view the bookmarked document with the locale set to a right-to-left language.

IO22095 (IBM Content Navigator users) When the user checks in a document in a browser that supports HTML5, more than one file can be selected. Only one file should be selected for a document check in.

With this fix, the user is allowed to select only one file.

IO22122 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) The status message for the Apply/Remove Hold action has the incorrect count for the number of holds.

With this fix, the hold count is correct.

IO22224 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When upgrading from IBM Content Navigator from Version 2.0.2.x to Version 2.0.3, the inheritance security was changed so all users would have the View permission for a folder and all of the children. This caused a regression which made all teamspaces created with Version 2.0.2.x visible to all other users.

With this fix, the View permission is set correctly so that only members of a teampace can view the teamspace.

A teamspace upgrade utility will be provided to update teamspaces created prior to 2.0.3. The InheritFromParent property will be changed according to the P8 version. New teamspaces created with 2.0.3 have this property set to false by default, this only applied to P8 5.2. On P8 5.1, the new teamspaces created with on P8 5.1, will be set to true by default.

IO22229 (IBM Content Manager users) When an admin is working with a Content Manager itemtype that contains grouped properties, the Entry Template builder is not opening into Layout Editor.

With this fix, the Layout Editor will open in the Entry Template builder when working with Content Manager grouped properties.

IO22255 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When the plug-in starts, it calls getDesktop multiple times.

With this fix, the call to getDesktop occurs once.

IO22260 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) After upgrading to IBM Content Navigator Version 2.0.3 Interim Fix 001, Content Manager users are not able to add documents if the item type is not configured with the default security.

With this fix, new Content Manager documents will receive the proper security set.

IO22282 (IBM Content Manager users) When a user is trying to save a new entry template, if there is not a hierarchical root folder or the user does not have privileges or access to the hierarchical root folder, then the save fails.

With this fix, the user is able to save new entry templates.

IO22285 (IBM Content Management Interoperability Services users) When upgrading from Version 2.0.2.x to 2.0.3, there are some previously installed library files that are not removed. The newer files are installed in the same directory. Depending on which libraries get loaded by the application determines if the documents can be loaded.

With this fix, the older libraries are removed so that the newer libraries are always loaded.

IO22314 (IBM Content Navigator users) The Add Document dialog does not display the class selector and properties if a search result item is selected before choosing the Add action.

With this fix, the Add Document dialog is displayed correctly.

IO22333 (IBM Navigator Sync client users) Users can sync their documents and list the contents of the folder. However, for users that can not view a document in the folder causes a partial sync for the user. This leaves the sync incomplete and unable to continue.

With this fix, the sync will complete for users that do not have view permissions for all the documents in the folder.

IO22341 (IBM Content Navigator users) Small JSON responses returned by IBM Content Navigator server plug-in services are not sent to the client.

With this fix, small JSON responses are sent to the client.

Fixes included in IBM Content Navigator, Version Interim Fix 1

This interim fix contains fixes for the following APARs:

Table 9. Fix list for IBM Content Navigator, Version Interim Fix 1
APAR Description
IO21860 (IBM Content Navigator users) The error message tooltip is not displayed if EDS returns a custom validation error and the invalid field is not in the display area. This issue occurs when adding an item, checking in an item, or when editing item properties.

With this fix, the error message tooltip for the invalid field is displayed.

IO22021 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When EDS is enabled and the choice list has the 'hasDependent' property set to '1', then the search will hang.

With this fix, the search performs as expected.

IO22022 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) After a user saves a document to a class that has EDS configured, and then attempts to modify the document, a generic error message may appear: "Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference". The expected behavior is that a custom error is displayed for the invalid field.

With this fix, a custom error message is shown.

IO22023 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When running a saved search, only the first search template displays the search criteria due to an EDS error when checking for desktop value.

With this fix, the saved search will run without an error.

IO22031 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The full text search is not working with the same function as the IBM Content Navigator web application.

With this fix, the two applications are on par for full text search.

IO22048 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When a user selects to Add Document from the context menu in Outlook, the user has to reselect the repository before the required attributes are shown.

With this fix, the repository remains selected.

IO22150 (IBM Content Navigator users) The IBM Content Navigator Version 2.0.3 ecm.model.Request object method invokeSynchronousPluginService() is not compatible with code written for previous versions.

With this fix, the method is compatible with code written for previous versions.

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