IBM Content Navigator, Version 2.0.3         

Accessibility features of IBM Content Navigator

IBM® Content Navigator includes features that make it more accessible for people with disabilities.

Important: The accessibility features are supported on Microsoft Windows operating systems and Mozilla Firefox web browsers only.

Keyboard input and navigation

The following features are available for keyboard input and navigation:

Keyboard input
You can use the keyboard instead of a mouse to operate the web client. To use any button on the user interface, move to the button and press the Enter key. To enter data, move to the input field, enter data, and press Enter or press the Tab key to exit the field.
Keyboard focus
The position of the keyboard focus is outlined or highlighted, indicating which area of the window is active and where your keystrokes will have an effect.
Keyboard navigation
You can use the Tab key, Shift+Tab, and Arrow keys to move around the major elements of a page, view, or specialized section. For certain elements, such as tree views or the calendar date picker, you can also use the Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down keys. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow on the browse page navigates through the banner, the toolbar, the tree view, and the list view.

You can use JAWS to skip sections of content by going to landmark regions on the page. In JAWS, press Insert+Ctrl+; to open a dialog box that displays the list of landmarks. Select a landmark to skip blocks of sections and to go to that region. For example, select main from the list of landmarks to go to the main content of the page. Alternatively, you can go to the main content of the page by pressing Insert+F7 in JAWS to open a dialog box that displays a list of the hidden links on a page. You can select Skip to main content to go to the main content or select Skip to navigation buttons to go to the left navigation buttons. Use the Tab key to navigate the links, press Enter to select a link, and then press Tab to move tab focus to the target area that is associated with the selected link.

For screen reader users on Mozilla Firefox web browsers, traverse through the landmark navigation area in the JavaScript API reference documentation by using the Tab key.

Click focus and tab focus
To navigate efficiently using the keyboard, it is important to understand the distinction between click focus and tab focus. If you only use the mouse to navigate, tab focus is unimportant; however, tab focus is essential to using keyboard shortcuts.
  • Tab focus is indicated by the dotted square around an item. You can change tab focus by using the tab and arrow keys, or by clicking on an item with the mouse.
    • When you navigate using the Tab key, you move the tab focus sequentially from one item to the next, and the click focus does not change. At the end of a section of the page, the Tab key moves to the first item in the next section.
    • When you use the arrow keys, you move the tab focus and the click focus from one item to the next, within the same screen section.
  • Click focus is indicated by the colored highlighting surrounding an item. You can change click focus by clicking on an item with the mouse, by using the arrow keys, or by moving the tab focus to an item and pressing Enter.
When IBM Content Navigator opens a new window, such as a specific action, or displays a dialog box that displays warnings or errors, focus is set back to the top of the page after closing the dialog box or window. Use Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow and Up Arrow or use the Tab key to get back to your original focus location.
Silent installation
For an accessible version of the installation, you must use the silent installation feature.

Keyboard shortcut keys

You can use the keyboard to access all of the functions of the IBM Content Navigator web client.

In general, keyboard access conforms to standard Microsoft Windows guidelines.

Keyboard access differs from standard Microsoft Windows guidelines in the following ways:
Access keys, tabbing, and tables
Access keys are provided only for buttons and menu items. Press the Tab key to reach all fields.

Press the Tab key to move the cursor into a table. Press the Tab key again to move the cursor to the next cell in a table. To move out of the table to the next field, hold down the Ctrl key and press Tab. When the cursor is in a table, pressing Enter is not equivalent to clicking OK to close the window; you must move out of the table first.

If you want to edit a cell in a table that contains a combo box, press F2, use the Down or Up arrow key to move to an item, and press Enter to select it.

Tabs and paging
Switch between tabs by using the Left and Right Arrow keys.

Switch to the first tab by using the Home key. You can navigate to the last tab by using the End key.

Go to the next page by pressing the Ctrl key with Page Down, or pressing Ctrl+Tab.

Go to the previous page by pressing the Ctrl key with Page Up, or pressing Ctrl+Shift+Tab.

Combination boxes
Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to move to an item. Then, press Enter to select it.

On the Windows operating system, open a menu for an item that has focus by pressing Shift+F10.

In Mozilla Firefox on the Macintosh, open a menu by pressing Ctrl+Spacebar.

In Safari 4 or Chrome on the Macintosh, open a menu by pressing VO+Shift+M.

Navigate menu items by using the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys. Then, press Enter or the spacebar key to activate a menu item or to open a submenu.

Close a menu or submenu by pressing Esc or the Left Arrow key.

Tree views
Typing characters or pressing Backspace while in the tree does not select an item.

If you have Java™ 2 Software Development Kit 1.4 on your system, you can press a letter key and the next item in the tree that begins with that character is selected.

You can navigate tree views by using the following keys:
Table 1. Tree view navigation
Action Key
Navigate into tree Tab
Navigate to the next sibling Up Arrow
Open a subtree Right Arrow
Close a subtree Left Arrow
Navigate to an open subtree Right Arrow
Navigate to parent node Left Arrow
Activate a tree item Enter
Navigate to first tree node Home
Navigate to last visible tree node End
List boxes, check boxes, and radio buttons
In a list box, press the Down Arrow and Up Arrow keys to browse an item and press the Enter key to select an item. To select multiple sequential items, hold down the Shift key while pressing the Down or Up Arrow key.

If you have Java 2 Software Development Kit 1.4 on your system, you can press a letter key to select items within a list box, combination box, or table.

In list boxes, you can select individual radio buttons by pressing the Tab key and then the spacebar key or by using the access keys. Arrow keys do not select radio buttons within a group.

Calendar date picker

Navigate through the date cells by using the Left, Right, Up, and Down arrow keys.

Switch to the same day in the next month by using the Page Down key.

Switch to the same day in the previous month by using the Page Up key.

Switch to the same day in the next year by pressing Ctrl+Page Down.

Switch to the same day in the previous year by pressing Ctrl+Page Up.

Navigate to the first day in the month by using the Home key.

Navigate to the last day in the month by using the End key.

Press Enter to select a date.

Start of changeEntry template managerEnd of change
Start of changeTo build a new entry template by copying an existing entry template, in entry template manager, open a context menu for an existing entry template that has focus by pressing Shift+F10. Then use the arrow keys to navigate to the Copy menu item and press Enter.End of change
Start of changeEnd of change
Browse and search views
To open the Actions menu for actions related to the currently selected item, press Ctrl+M.
To move forward and backward through the major elements of the page, or through a specialized section such as a folder selector pane, press Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow (forward). Press Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow (backward).
Tip: Press the Tab key to move the tab focus to the first item in the section.
Search template
To add a folder to the selected folders list, with the tab and click focus on a folder in the folder tree view, press Enter.
To remove a folder from the selected folders list, with the tab and click focus on a folder in the selected folders list, press Delete.
To select or clear the Include subfolders check box, with the tab and click focus on a folder in the selected folders list, press the spacebar.
IBM FileNet P8 users only.IBM Daeja ViewONE Professional Edition viewer
IBM FileNet P8 users only.To move focus out of the Image properties, Change enhance mode, and Hide annotations buttons, which are displayed below an image in the viewer, press Shift+Tab.
IBM FileNet P8 users only.To navigate through toolbar buttons, use the arrow keys and press the spacebar to select a button.
Add document
To activate the Browse button, move the tab focus to the Browse button and press the spacebar.
Class selection and Folder selection
To select a class or folder, with the tab and click focus on an item in the selection tree view, press Enter.
Edit mode for Labels in the IBM Content Navigator administration tool
To exit the editing mode for a cell in the Current label column in the grid for default and custom labels, press the Esc key. Save your changes.
Hover help
Use the Tab key to move to a field or item that has hover help. Then, press Ctrl+F1 to invoke the hover help.
IBM Content Navigator supports standard keyboard shortcuts. See your browser documentation for more information about the keyboard shortcuts available to you.

Navigating pop-up windows

At various times, IBM Content Navigator displays information or error messages in a pop-up window. This section explains how to navigate each type of window using the keyboard, and other accessibility information.
Table 2. This table describes the keys necessary to navigate pop-up windows without a mouse.
Pop-up window type Keyboard options
Information To close, press Esc.
Search To cancel the search, press Esc.
Alert To close, tab to the available buttons in the window.

(For Search only) When the alert box indicates that one or more errors occurred, the screen reader reads all errors, even though they aren't displayed in the alert window. When you close the window, the focus automatically resets to the first error.

Error To view the full error message, tab to Error output and press Enter. Then tab to the error message. To close, press Esc.
Note: In Virtual PC Cursor mode, the focus resets to the top of the current page after the pop-up windows is closed.
Input Type the requested information. To close, tab to OK or Cancel, and press Enter.

Features for accessible display

The web client has the following features that enhance the user interface and improve accessibility for users with low vision. These enhancements include support for high-contrast settings and customizable font properties.
High-contrast mode
On the Windows operating system, the client supports the high-contrast mode option that is provided by the operating system. This feature supports a higher contrast between background and foreground colors.
Font settings
On the Windows operating system, the client inherits the system settings that you specify for the color, size, and font for the text in menus and dialog windows. The client allows you to select the font for the document list.
Non-dependence on color
You do not need to distinguish between colors to use any function of this product.

Compatibility with assistive technologies

The web client is compatible with the JAWS screen reader application. The web client has the properties that are required for JAWS to make on-screen information available to visually impaired users.
Requirement: You must start the JAWS screen reader by using the java command instead of the javaw command; if you start the screen reader with the javaw command, the screen reader does not work properly.

Product documentation

Documentation for this product is available in accessible formats.

Documentation is available in an accessible Eclipse information center in HTML format. With the HTML format, you can view documentation according to the display preferences set in your browser. It also allows the use of screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Documentation is also available in PDF format.