DC/OS Monitoring
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DC/OS Monitoring and Performance Management

DC/OS (link resides outside of ibm.com) (or Distributed Cloud Operating System) is an open source, distributed operating system based on the Apache Mesos distributed system kernel. DC/OS manages multiple machines in the cloud or on-premises from a single interface. Instana’s comprehensive DC/OS monitoring goes beyond simple container metrics with automatic discovery, deployment, configuration, health determination, and performance monitoring at multiple levels:

  • Automated discovery and mapping of each and every container
  • Automatic detection of technologies operating within each container
  • Auto-deployment and configuration of monitoring sensors for the full stack: containers, platforms and code
  • Real-time dependency mapping and monitoring of all applications running across the entire system with built-in change detection
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What Does DC/OS Do?

DC/OS deploys containers, distributed services, and legacy applications into machines, providing networking, service discovery, and resource management to keep the services running and communicating with each other. Monitoring the DC/OS environment and the applications running on those containers requires the ability to understand how different application components run within the DC/OS environment.

Managing DC/OS based applications requires performance visibility at the host, container, component, and code level. Instana automates the discovery and monitoring of DC/OS applications. After a quick installation of the Instana agent on a host in the DC/OS cluster, the agent automatically discovers all containers and software components running in the environment, deploys the appropriate application monitoring sensors, and begins tracing every application request end-to-end.

DC/OS Performance Monitoring and Configuration

The Instana agent will automatically identify the containers running in the DC/OS clusters and will deploy and configure the appropriate container sensors. Instana leverages its curated knowledge base that already knows what performance metrics are relevant for collection and what parameters must be configured to achieve that. Instana’s automatic configuration is set to track things like Container ID, Image, Created at, Updated at, etc. depending on the container technology being used.

Container monitoring metrics vary based on the specific container being used, however, typical container metrics include:

  • CPU usage
  • CPU throttling
  • Memory usage
  • Memory active
  • Memory inactive


DC/OS Monitoring – Health

In addition to automatically collecting performance metrics, Instana’s DC/OS monitoring automatically collects KPIs on the DC/OS clusters to determine their health. Health signatures from the curated knowledge base are used to raise Issues or Incidents depending on user impact.

DC/OS Agent Installation: Getting Started

Learn more about how to get started monitoring DC/OS with Instana. You can either login to your account or start a trial.

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