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CICS Transaction Gateway

Secure access to CICS from Java, Java EE, .NET Framework and C and C++ applications

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IBM® CICS® Transaction Gateway (CICS TG) is a high-performing, secure and scalable connector that enables various client applications to access CICS servers. It provides a seamless way to integrate new and existing CICS applications across different platforms and architectures.

IBM CICS Transaction Gateway allows various platforms, including Java®, Microsoft™ .NET, C and COBOL applications, to integrate with CICS. It offers APIs and advanced management with JEE application servers.

IBM CICS TG includes these three offerings:

  • CICS TG for z/OS®: Connects multiple users to CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, using high availability and workload management on the z/OS platform. 
  • CICS TG for Multiplatforms: Provides multi-user access to CICS on z/OS and TXSeries with deployable containers based on Red Hat Universal Base Image for cloud platforms. 
  • CICS TG Desktop Edition: Offers low-cost, single-user access to IBM CICS.

Upgrade your environment and applications to work in the latest version of CICS Transaction Gateway

What's new

Updates on new features and enhancements for 10.1

Benefits Seamless integration

Facilitates seamless integration of CICS applications with various client environments and platforms, including Java, Microsoft .NET, C/C++, C#, Visual Basic and COBOL.

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High availability

Provides reliable, high-availability connectivity for CICS applications with IPIC support for CICS TS clusters, minimizing downtime and enhancing resilience.

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High performance

Provides an optimized architecture capable of handling millions of transactions with reduced latency and optimized resource usage for robust enterprise transaction processing and SLA compliance. 

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Platform modernization

Enables robust cloud-native application development with Spring Boot 3.0 and the Jakarta EE resource adapter, extending application longevity with Java 17, .Net framework in SDK and CICS TS servers. 

Cloud deployment

Deploy and manage CICS TG instances in the cloud by using a consistent deployment toolchain and improving DevOps efficiency and flexibility.

Integrated with IBM CICS Explorer® 

Simplify operations for new and experienced staff with immediate access to a wide range of other tools through integration with CICS Explorer. Provide an intuitive way of managing Gateway daemons with built-in Gateway and CICS test functions.

Explore CICS Explorer
Enhanced and simplified security

Enhance security with industry-leading protocols, including JSON Web Tokens (JWT), SSL/TLS (with support for TLS 1.3) and identity propagation. Utilize advanced features for validation, authorization and authentication, such as SSL filtering, client filtering and support for EBCDIC code pages, all managed through the standard Java.security file to protect data exchanged between applications and CICS.

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Improved observability and monitoring

Achieve best-in-class observability with CICS TG support for Instana® and IBM Z APM Connect (for .NET & .NET core clients), enabling better monitoring and visibility into the performance and behavior of the gateway and its interactions with CICS applications. Its real-time transaction tracking and insights integrate seamlessly across z/OS and distributed systems. It offers simplified logging with structured JSON logs and client-level statistics, improving visibility and resource usage and reducing mean time to resolution.

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Containerized instance

Experience readily deployable CICS TG container based on Red Hat® Universal Base Image that can be deployed across cloud platforms. This enables a simplified DevOps pipeline and ease of maintenance through rolling updates ensuring zero downtime.

Explore CICS Transaction Gateway container
64-bit support

Handle larger workloads and use more connection manager and worker threads without exhausting address space resources. Enhance performance by accommodating larger memory and improving efficiency in processing high-volume transactions.

Technical details

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Next steps

Secure your access to CICS from Java, Java EE, .NET Framework and C and C++ applications with IBM CICS Transaction Gateway. Schedule a no-cost 30-minute meeting with an IBM Z representative.

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