

Finops Consulting Services

IBM Consulting  Save to Transform
Providing structures, methods and tools to simplify IT and cloud spend to maximize efficiency and control cloud costs
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Illustration of FinOps automation for Turbonomic, clouds connected to graphs
Gain cost transparency, eliminate waste, optimize cloud

Eliminating waste and optimizing spend enables reinvestment. This is what IBM means by “Save to Transform”. Let IBM Consulting help you self-fund your modernization journey through proper fiduciary governance of your cloud spend, grounded in the principles of the FinOps and TBM frameworks.

IBM Consulting delivers FinOps services in alignment with the FinOps.org Framework and TBM Council. We adhere to FinOps principles including collaboration, business value decision making, cloud spend ownership, data accessibility, centralized governance, and distributed accountability of cloud consumption. We inform, optimize, and operate with a FinOps and TBM culture that drives positive business outcomes.

We assist our clients the IBM Consulting way:

  • By finding reinvestment opportunities with those saved funds
  • By leveraging our deep industry knowledge and expertise
  • By utilizing a combined approach, aligned to both the FinOps Foundation and TBM Council

Cloud Cost Management and Optimization Solutions

Watch "Optimizing Efficiency in Cloud-native AI Environments"

Provides clients an assessment of their FinOps and/or TBM maturity and capabilities, identifying high-level cost optimization opportunities, developing a forward-looking strategy, and providing training where required.


Provides clients a detailed understanding of cloud capacity costs and optimization opportunities, including expert advice on architecture modernization to increase cloud value and reduce costs.


Deliver a managed FinOps and/or TBM service for a clients needing a robust and scalable operational model for managing, measuring, and optimizing cloud spend against KPIs.

Tooling and automation

Provides clients a real-time, consolidated view of cloud cost data, enabling greater cost visibility, better control, and increased cloud capacity savings.

Case studies

IBM acquisitions Apptio and Nordcloud have over 100 published case studies each, including:

See all Apptio case studies

See all Nordcloud case studies

Meet the experts James Stevenson

Partner and Global Leader in IBM's Cloud Advisory practice, James has many years of hands-on experience helping clients achieve business outcome-driven digital, cloud, and application portfolio transformations.

Resources The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization

This eBook walks through the four ways to optimize your IT costs.

Building a FinOps solution for all with the IBM FinOps suite

The IBM FinOps suite addresses the most pressing challenges in cloud financial management.

IBM FinOps Solutions

Maximize the value of your tech spend in any cloud environment.

Related solutions Apptio

A family of technology financial management, cloud financial management and enterprise agile planning software products that allow you to tie your tech investments to clear business value.

Explore IBM Apptio

A software platform that helps organizations optimize the performance and cost of their IT infrastructure, including public, private and hybrid cloud environments.

Explore IBM Turbonomic

The market-leading FinOps solution that gives practitioners the capabilities they need, wherever they are in their cloud journey, to make cloud a competitive advantage.

Explore IBM Cloudability
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