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Powering up databases for MongoDB

IBM customers can deploy both MongoDB Community Edition and MongoDB Enterprise Edition as fully managed databases in the IBM Cloud®.

The IBM Cloud Databases for MongoDB Enterprise plan goes above and beyond the Standard plan by offering a bevy of features for security, performance and auditability.

Feature details Fully managed

MongoDB as a service means IBM takes care of many database management tasks like backups, high availability, logging, monitoring, hardware provisioning, as well as software and security patching.

High availability

MongoDB deployments are built for high availability, using three separate availability zones in a region for a 99.99% SLA. All backups go automatically to IBM Cloud Object Storage and can be restored to other IBM Cloud regions.


IBM Cloud provides data-in-motion encryption through TLS and at-rest encryption for data on disk and backups. Each database offers an integration with IBM® Key Protect or IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Crypto Services.


Both the Standard and Enterprise editions of IBM Cloud Databases for MongoDB are HIPAA-ready and compliant with PCI-DSS, SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 27001, ISO 27017 and ISO 27018.


The offering autoscales storage and RAM seamlessly and independently, without being constrained by the limits of server sizes. There is no downtime for scaling events, allowing clients to start small and grow over time.

Automation aware

Get to global scale with integrated, infrastructure-as-code tools, such as IBM Cloud Schematics with Terraform and Red Hat® Ansible® support at no additional charge.


Expanded features

Tap into the full power of MongoDB for enterprise applications, especially for regulated environments that need powerful data encryption capabilities and auditability.


Granular audit logging

Track multiple user and application deployment activities by recording schema updates, authentication and CRUD operations. MongoDB Enterprise includes an auditing capability for mongod and mongos instances.

Client-side field level encryption

Encrypt specific data fields within the database. With Mongo Enterprise, the database can automatically encrypt fields client-side with no server-side configuration or directives.

MongoDB Ops Manager

Provide a management platform for DBAs with rich performance visibility through a powerful set of query profiling, diagnostics and monitoring tools.

Edition comparison

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Serverless scaling

Automatic backup orchestration

Bring your own encryption key

Integrated Ops Manager for monitoring and data exploration

Granular data and even auditing

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