How Cognitive Computing Can Help You Shop Smarter

If you have kids, you probably know about the simulation game, Minecraft. It‘s a multiplatform game that enables players to build fantasy worlds out of textured cubes in a 3D space. This game has been a favorite of kids and teens since its debut in November 2011. Yet unless you’re a Minecraft maven you might […]

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Cognitive Commerce: A New Way to Serve Consumers

Consumers want instant gratification. Just look at the popularity of online boarding and check-in passes. We’re living in a customer-centered world. To succeed, a company needs to commit to one thing: delivering exceptional experiences for customers — those times where the perfect deal falls into the customer’s lap at the exact right moment. Cognitive computing […]

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Mayor of Johannesburg: Our Future is Green and ‘Ecomobile’

In December, representatives from 196 countries will attend the 21st meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) in Paris. With the goal to agree on a new legally-binding framework to limit greenhouse gas emissions, it is set to be the most important summit on climate […]

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How Cognitive Computing Will Revolutionize Banks and Financial Markets

Cognitive computing has arrived and its potential to revolutionize the financial services industry is enormous. Cognitive systems – with the power to unleash a new era of innovation and growth – are already helping institutions provide better customer service, uncover new insights and improve the quality of timely decisions. Based on interviews with banking executives […]

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Come Back for Live Blogging from the Cognitive Colloquium

Return to the THINK blog Wednesday morning at 9:30 for day-long live blogging from the Cognitive Colloquium at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. You’ll hear from Shirley Ann Jackson, president of Rensselaer, John Kelly, senior vice president at IBM, and a large roster of top scientists with expertise in cognitive and immersive systems.

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How Big Data Analytics is Helping Allegiant Travel Grow and Prosper

Allegiant Travel has carved out a niche as an ultra-low-cost airline connecting medium-sized cities to popular vacation destinations. Now we’re undergoing a business transformation. We’re rapidly becoming an online travel agency, as well—helping our passengers find hotels, rent cars and arrange leisure activities. Information technology is a critical piece of our core business and our […]

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Historical, Progressive: New York, a Bastion of Innovation

Long before Silicon Valley took root on the West Coast, New York City was the epicenter of life-changing technical innovations, not the least of which included electricity, the telegraph, automatic punch card systems, satellites, and high speed computers. An exhibition at the New-York Historical Society (NYHS) will bring that history to life with the launch of “Silicon […]

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Cognitive Technologies are Critical to Improving Healthcare

In the United States today, three-quarters of the people who suffer from rare diseases are children, according to the NIH. Making matters worse, it’s often difficult to detect and diagnose rare diseases for kids, since youngsters can’t describe symptoms the way adults can. This is why IBM is working with Boston Children’s Hospital on a project […]

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Applying Big Data Analytics to Answer More Questions About ALS

Each year, more than 5,600 Americans are diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s Disease. This diagnosis usually prompts more questions from patients and family members about longevity and quality of life than what physicians can immediately answer. Unfortunately, the same is true for ALS research, which historically has been hindered by […]

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Retooling Businesses for the API Economy

If you doubt that a 200-year-old institution can reinvent itself using modern, disruptive technology, think again. Last year, a major American bank launched a series of hackathons to give software developers around the globe a shot at cash prizes for creating mobile apps accessing its core banking services via Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs. The […]

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Three Ways Companies Can Succeed In “The Age Of Disruption”

Uber. Airbnb. Etsy. Innovations with new business models and new technologies — or companies that exploit old technologies in new ways — are emerging on an almost daily basis. And the most disruptive enterprises don’t gradually displace the incumbents. They reshape entire industries, swiftly obliterating whatever stands in their way. So how are C-suite executives […]

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Three Ways Cognitive Computing Will Help the Insurance Industry

The insurance industry is facing a broad range of disruptive forces: changing demographics, volatile economies, sophisticated fraud attacks and rapid digitization of the industry. At the same time, empowered consumers are demanding more from their insurance providers. Yet the traditionally conservative insurance industry has been slow in recognizing customers as individuals and providing personalized products […]

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