
Beleef je ergste dag in IBM’s mobiele cyber range

Stel je voor. Je huis staat in brand. Met veel misbaar komt de brandweerauto de straat binnen rijden en vijf mannen stappen uit. Ze dragen niet de kleren die je zou verwachten. Ook lijken ze niet echt haast te maken. En eenmaal bij de voordeur zeggen ze het volgende: “Goedenavond, ik ben Peter en ik […]

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Cyber resilient – hoe word je het?

Security and Resiliency campus, Think Amsterdam 9 oktober Beveiligingsaanpak van je organisatie Het is tijd dat het realisme de boventoon voert. In plaats van te worden beheerst door angst, moeten we gewoon erkennen dat bedreigingen een essentieel onderdeel zijn van het bestaan ​​van organisaties van vandaag. Het is zaak om klaar te zijn voor die […]

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Ook vòòr een cyberaanval verschuift de focus naar incident response

De onaflatende stroom verhalen over cybercriminaliteit en datalekken – denk maar aan WannaCry, of de wekelijkse verhalen van miljoenen persoonlijke gegevens die gelekt worden – is geen toeval. Datalekken zijn onvermijdelijk geworden. Een goed doordachte incident response strategie is dan ook essentieel geworden, vooral aangezien heel wat bedrijven overweldigd raken en moeite hebben om met […]

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We train everything – why not cyber security?

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Although I think everybody agrees with this famous quote by Benjamin Franklin, when it comes to cyber security, my own experience still differs. While the importance of lifelong learning, of company-wide fire drills and disaster recovery schemes is evident to all, I have the impression that […]

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A New Era of Data Protection

A new IBM Z14 Mainframe has been announced. You can say, what has this to do with Cyber security. Well it has a lot to do with Cyber Security. When you listen, and look around you in the news we see that there are a lot of data breaches. To put this in a bit […]

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IoT Security and Systems Engineering

This piece first appeared in ´Preview – The magazine of the International Council on Systems Engineering UK Chapter`, click here.  In this context Systems Engineers are those actively engaged on large Capital Projects, Critical Infrastructure, Aerospace and Defense, Oil and Gas for example. When I first started to hear about the Internet of Things, one […]

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Ransomware attacks levels up, again!

Remember WannaCry? When a group of unknown threat actors carried out one of the largest ransomware attacks of its kind, hundreds of thousands of computers in 150 countries got infected. Wannacry hit the news barely a month ago! Fast forward 1 month…Yesterday, newsmedia around the world reported on a similar attack with ransomware called Petya. […]

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Security and Business Redefined – Watson Amsterdam Summit Security recap

On June 14 more than 350 delegates joined the Watson Amsterdam Summit to learn how cognitive technology is transforming sectors, companies and professions. So, what about security? A CISO should help facilitate innovation; watching and waiting are not an option. Cyber threats, however, are increasing, and let’s not forget about regulations – anyone ready yet […]

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Redefining Business and Security. Come see us at the Watson Amsterdam Summit on June 14

Cognitive technology is transforming sectors, companies and professions – and it’s happening right now! On June 14, at the Watson Amsterdam Summit, we’ll be taking a very close look at what this means for security. As a CISO you need to help facilitate innovation, right? You cannot watch and wait, while your competitors press ahead […]

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