City ‘Congestion Pricing’ Helps Commuters Out of a Jam

More people than ever are living and working in cities – and that’s becoming a problem. All those people need to get around, and our transit systems, after years of underinvestment, can’t handle the load. Frustrated by poor service, more people are opting to drive instead, or take an Uber or Lyft. The result? Traffic, and […]

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Building Data Science Strength from Within

Filling gaps in portfolios, improving upon products and making them not just whole, but advanced, is part of most organizations’ business regimen. It’s the kind of work, the kind of commitment to constant reflection and improvement that separates the successful from the not-so-successful. This philosophy transcends to people, as well. If a gap exists in […]

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IBM’s First Certified Data Scientists: “It’s Amazing”

When IBM Chief Economist and Data Science Profession Leader Martin Fleming announced an effort to create a first-of-its-kind Data Scientist certification, Brian Johnston thought it was “a really cool idea.” But Johnston, Lead Data Scientist in the IBM Chief Analytics Office, wasn’t sure about finding the time to undergo the assessments and skills validations required […]

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Why Visionary Banks Have Embraced the Platform Model

Financial services are usually a means to an end. No one wakes up in the morning thinking, “Oh, I want to go get a mortgage today.” They wake up saying they need a home. Visionary banks understand this, which is why they are investing heavily in new platforms that allow them to embed themselves more […]

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IBM’s z15: Built for the Cloud You Want, with the Privacy and Security You Need

As more enterprises embrace a hybrid multicloud strategy, IBM is addressing their most important requirements during this transformation with the new z15, which now features encryption everywhere, cloud-native development, and instant recovery. IBM consulted with more than 100 companies as part of the design and development for IBM’s z15, a secured and highly-resilient enterprise platform. […]

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How Drones Help Visualize the Wireless Grid to Serve Stronger 5G

Wireless signals have become essential for our daily life — whether WiFi, 3G, 4G, LTE, or the soon-to-be-ubiquitous 5G. But the physics of those 5G signals may prove to be challenging according to Ryan Anderson, Platform Strategist, CTO Group for Edge Development at IBM. Our offices and homes and urban spaces were made for the […]

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