Vital tips for the new CIO

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In my previous blog post “The Three “I’s” of the new CIO role“, we touched upon three keywords of focus for the new CIO to transform their own roles beyond traditional business, technology and leadership, namely: Ingenuity, initiative, and inspiration. In this blog, three concrete tips for the successful CIO of the future will be provided. These are based on the ability to harness the power of technology and knowledge to drive exponential individual professional and business outcomes.

Tip #1 – Build an infrastructure for the future

Are you capitalizing on cloud? Drive digital transformation and innovation by integrating and optimizing multi-cloud and traditional IT.

→ Download the infographic

 Tip #2 – Design a data strategy that fosters innovation

Are data silos slowing innovation? Integrate, secure, and govern all types of data, from all relevant sources, to enable powerful insights.

→ Download the whitepaper

Tip #3 – Drive value through IT service innovation

Spending too much time keeping the lights on? With IT as a Service enhanced with AI, you can run IT at scale and spend more time innovating.

→ Read the article

Still interested? Click here, to read the entire article, and find out how: Disruption, Innovation and Insights are related to  being a successful CIO.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Technology Service Providers Sales Leader, Nordic

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