IBM is excited to share that we will soon release a technical preview of our new Incident Management Software as a Service (SaaS) offering.
This new SaaS experience is designed to help organizations to understand the status of their application and infrastructure resources and provide the ability to address some of the core challenges faced by central IT Operations (ITOps) teams during incident triage.
The increasing rate of modernization in IT across industries has driven the delivery of an increased number of applications and services, resulting in multiple monitoring and management tools. The deployment and utilization of multiple tools can introduce significant challenges for ITOps teams, particularly in the realm of incident management.
A recent EMA research report sponsored by IBM found that 75% of respondents claim it takes many hours to identify and fix a service outage. Those surveyed in the same report said that some of the top ITOps improvements needed over the next 6-18 eighteen months were the reduction of the number major incidents and outages and the reduction of operations costs.
About IBM’s new Incident Management SaaS offering
Our upcoming Incident Management SaaS offering will be well positioned to help with these key requirements and is engineered to reduce the mean time to resolve (MTTR) service incidents and outages by bringing the right information to the right people at the right time. This offering will provide a differentiated, topology-led approach to contextualizing events and incidents, which we have identified as a key element in helping ITOps teams more efficiently detect, identify and resolve incidents.
With this upcoming SaaS offering, IBM will focus on the needs of central ITOps teams by helping them manage their entire enterprise IT estate across many tools and drive increased application and infrastructure availability. Specifically, this offering was developed to help central ITOps teams rapidly triage incoming incidents with the context needed to drive resolution, and will focus on the following:
- Operations management: Provide central ITOps teams with an up-to-date, end-to-end view of their entire managed IT estate, enabling them to understand, measure and manage their estate health, resource utilization and operational status.
- Automatic triage: Allow teams to automatically assign ownership and route incidents to owning teams and enable them to collaborate to drive fast incident resolution and restoration of operational status.
- Total cost of ownership (TCO): Reduce operations cost by eliminating the need to deploy, manage and maintain on-premises incident management software to drive TCO down.
Sign up for the waitlist
IBM’s Incident Management SaaS experience will be launched as a technical preview in early 2023, and we invite ITOps professionals — including ITOps Administrators, Lead Operations Engineers and other central ITOps leaders — to try the initial offering experience upon availability.
Sign up for the waitlist to be considered for this opportunity.
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